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Your search for "swedish" yielded 23453 hits

Swedengate – disrespect or being stingy?

By gisela [dot] lindberg [at] kansliht [dot] lu [dot] se (Gisela Lindberg) - published 15 December 2022 Bangers and mash. Not for every kid. Photo: Picasa/Mostphotos A heated discussion under the hashtag Swedengate erupted on social media last spring. Swedes were accused of being strange as they did not invite their children’s friends to eat with them when the family was having dinner. The phenome - 2025-03-08

Precision medicine is an emerging approach for complex diseases

By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 5 July 2021 Researchers at Lund University Diabetes Centre are studying whether different subgroups of diabetes need different treatment. Photo: Kennet Ruona Newborn babies are already being screened for mutations and genetic tests help families with hereditary breast cancer. Genomic-driven precision medicine (GDPM) is an - 2025-03-08

Rebuilding Somalia – LUCSUS leads workshop

Published 23 February 2017 This week, Kim Nicholas and Ann Åkerman of LUCSUS, led a workshop on how start-up businesses in Somalia can meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a roadmap agreed by nearly 200 countries for achieving a world of zero poverty, zero hunger, and zero greenhouse gas emissions.– We wanted to encourage discussion and participation. We brought up relevan - 2025-03-07

Creating conditions for more women into paid work

Published 7 December 2017 Åsa Lundqvist, Professor at the Department of Sociology has just published a book about how the activation of women into paid work was accomplished. It looks at the ideational grounds and the concrete measures that created the conditions for increasing the employment ratio of women, and thus also a farewell to male breadwinning. Learn more about the book Transformations o - 2025-03-07

Culture Night 21 September 2024

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 11 September 2024 You are welcome to celebrate Culture Night with us! Browse among all our activities for all ages that run from the morning to late evening. On the programme are music, try-out activities, theatre, art exhibitions and much more. Faculty of Medicine at Forum MedicumThis year we are holding an op - 2025-03-08

The University offers many leadership development options for managers

Published 30 November 2022 There are many options for managers and leaders to develop at Lund University. In order to pinpoint and more clearly define what Lund University is to offer in terms of leadership development, I tasked Maria Flores and Andreas Bryngelsson at the start of the year with carrying out the investigation, Leadership in the Future. The aim of the investigation was to draw up pr - 2025-03-08

Impact story: Increasing understanding and awareness of how individuals can make the most effective choices for the climate

Published 22 November 2019 Infographic illustrating effective individual lifestyle choices. Made by Catrin Jakobsson Few research publications reach outside the realm of academia and even fewer make an impact on sustainability debates and societal issues. Kimberly Nicholas’ research on lifestyle choices to reduce your carbon footprint is unique in its reach and impact on society. Her research star - 2025-03-08

The Prospect for Peace in the Middle East

Published 29 May 2024 Photo: Lotta Lundmark CMES Director Karin Aggestam participated in a podcast hosted by Folk och Försvar. AbstractThe war that broke out in Gaza following the Hamas attack on October 7 and Israel's response has once again highlighted the endurance of wars and heightened regional tensions in the Middle East.  At the same time, there are ongoing wars and conflicts in Syria and Y - 2025-03-07