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Your search for "swedish" yielded 23542 hits

Most Palestinians Feel a Deep Ambivalence About the War

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Linda Eitrem Holmgren) - published 11 October 2023 CMES researcher Nina Gren has been interviewed in Sydsvenskan about the Palestinian ambivalence towards war with Israel. The article "De flesta palestinier känner en djup ambivalens inför kriget" (English translation: "Most Palestinians feel a deep ambivalence about the war") was written - 2025-03-05

LU has now joined the EOSC! What?

Published 5 June 2022 Why are there always these incomprehensible abbreviations? LU stands for Lund University, which the most of us know by now. EOSC stands for the European Open Science Cloud and the EOSC Association has been created to develop and manage the EOSC. Lund University applied for membership in the association and was approved at the General Assembly on 24 May in Brussels. From Swede - 2025-03-06

Mathematical model useful in pandemic planning

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 21 December 2021 The new study could be useful for future pandemics. ILLUSTRATION: UNSPLASH Using a mathematical model, researchers have been able to link confirmed covid-19 cases with intensive care admissions and deaths. The model, which allows prediction and planning of health care burden, could be valuable during the current - 2025-03-05

DDLS Fellow Jacob Vogel Receives H.M. Queen Silvia’s Prize for a young Alzheimer’s researcher

Published 16 November 2023 Image from the award ceremony in the German Church. Liselotte Jansson, the Alzheimer Foundation's Secretary General, the prize winner Jacob Vogel and H.M. The queen. Photo: Yanan Li On November 15, the Alzheimer's Foundation invited to a gathering with an award ceremony in the German Church in Stockholm. H. M. Queen Silvia's prize for a young Alzheimer's researcher is in - 2025-03-05

Climate-KIC announces Anders Wijkman as new Chair of the Governing Board

Published 27 March 2017 Climate-KIC, Europe’s largest public-private partnership tackling climate change through innovation, today announces the appointment of Anders Wijkman as Chair of the Governing Board of Association Climate-KIC, with immediate effect.  Wijkman succeeds John Schellnhuber, who is stepping down having successfully served as Chair for six years, the maximum tenure of two terms. - 2025-03-05

Continued work against sexual harassment

Published 25 January 2023 At the start of 2018 – as a reaction to the MeToo movement – the University decided to implement the Tellus project in order to strengthen the prevention of sexual harassment. Professor Anette Agardh was selected as the project leader. Almost five years have passed and what has happened since then? The first report of the Tellus project stated, among other things, that we - 2025-03-06

In Gothenburg, they know Lund University has been successful in Horizon Europe

Published 20 June 2023 A month ago, I made a visit to the University of Gothenburg’s Research Board. While there, I was asked, “Why has Lund University performed so incredibly well in Horizon Europe?” I counted myself lucky to have received an update beforehand from Research Services that we have been very successful, otherwise I would have been caught off guard. It just goes to show that we must - 2025-03-06

Researchers granted SEK 18 million for collaboration project

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 14 December 2017 By Rosino ([1]) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons Petter Pilesjö, Andras Persson, Ali Mansourian, and Micael Runnström have, together with researchers at the Eduardo Mondlane University (EMU) in Mozambique, received a grant to develop educationa - 2025-03-05

New Professor in Legal History

Published 12 June 2023 The Vice-Chancellor has decided to appoint Martin Sunnqvist as a Professor in Legal History at the Faculty of Law. Martin Sunnqvist's research focuses on comparative legal history, with a specific emphasis on the history of constitutional law and procedural law. His doctoral thesis examined the history of judicial review of legislation in the Nordic countries. Currently, Mar - 2025-03-05

The more sugar the less vitamins study shows

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 12 February 2020 The more sugar we eat, the lower intake of vitamins and minerals we have, show new findings from Lund University Diabetes Centre. Esther González-Padilla Photo: Sara Liedholm High sugar intake has been associated with numerous diseases and conditions such as dental caries, obesity, diabetes, and cardiova - 2025-03-05

LU provides education against violent extremism

Published 24 April 2017 How we deal with people who return from terrorist groups – not just those who have travelled to ISIS but also those who have joined right-wing groups in, for instance, Ukraine – is crucial to our own safety, says Dan-Erik Andersson, one of the people behind a new national contract education course on violent extremism. From the left: Dan-Erik Andersson, Tina Robertsson and - 2025-03-05