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Your search for "swedish" yielded 23826 hits

Thesis defence at Stockholm University

Published 13 March 2017 On Tuesday 4 April at 13.00-15.00 doctoral student Khaleda Gani Dutt, from the Institute of International Education in the Department of Education at Stockholm University, will defend her thesis entitled: "The Role of Adult Literacy in Transforming the Lives of Women in Rural India: Overcoming Gender Inequalities". Venue: Lilla Hörsalen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Frescat - 2025-03-25

First wake-up seminar about smart sustainable cities

Published 28 June 2016 From the left: Lena Neij, Roland Zinkernagel, Sofie Sandin, Erik Johansson & Marie-Claude Dubois Urban Arena is a network for sustainable urban development research at Lund University and is gathering almost 200 researchers. On June 15th, an Urban Arena wake-up seminar focusing on the theme “Smart Sustainable Cities” was held.Last year the Strategic Innovation Agenda “Smart - 2025-03-26

Meet PhD candidate Sofie Sandin

Published 24 October 2016 PhD candidate Sofie Sandin Focusing on policy instruments for energy efficiency. Sofie Sandin started her PhD studies at the IIIEE in 2016 with her research agenda set on policy instruments for energy efficiency. Sofie has a background in environmental science and is a true environmental enthusiast who like to spend time outdoors, be it in the city, on the sea, in the nea - 2025-03-26

Alumi - Laila Svensgaard

Published 9 February 2018 Writing Sound. One Hundred DrawingsA soloexhibition by Laila SvensgaardOpening: Friday the 16th of February 4-8 pm.Exhibition period: 17th of February – 24th of February, 2018Opening hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 3-6 pm.Writing Sound, One Hundred Drawings is a performative drawing project by the artist Laila Svensgaard. Svensgaard drew one drawing a day for one hun - 2025-03-25

Alumni: HAMN

Published 8 September 2020 Arngrimur BorgthorssonMaria NorrmanMaja Gade ChristensenAnders S. SolbergSofia Wickman11 September-11 October 2020Curated by Maja Gade Christensen and Anne Skole OvergaardOpening Friday 11 Sept kl 17:00-21:00/5-9 pmArtist talk Sunday  20 Sept fra kl 14:00/2 pmPerformance by Millennium Star on the opening 11 Sept kl 17:00-21:00/5-9 pm and 11 Oct kl 13:00-17:00/1-5 pm Udst - 2025-03-25

Alumni: Hertha Hanson

Published 15 February 2019 TROJAN HORSES OPENING THURSDAY 21 FEBRUARY 2019, 5 – 8 PM RUNS THROUGH 24 MARCH 2019 Anna Bohman Gallery is pleased to present Hertha Hanson's fourth solo exhibition at the gallery. Hanson has formed a personal and very distinct visual language. As the Trojan Horse, the paintings contain more than one can see at first sight.Hanson's paintings include both intuition and t - 2025-03-25

One year with Real

By peter [dot] kjallkvist [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Peter Kjällkvist) - published 11 February 2025 REAL (Centre for Retail and Logistics) is a research center at Lund University and a long-term initiative aimed at establishing a strong, interdisciplinary, and dynamic environment. Its goal is to generate relevant knowledge and expertise of strategic importance for the future of sustainable retail - 2025-03-25

Tailored Therapy for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia

Published 12 November 2019 Rebecca Warfvinge. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter. Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a slowly progressing form of blood cancer that attacks the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. The condition requires lifelong treatment that can cause severe side effects. Rebecca Warfvinge maps stem cells in patients in the hope of identifying predictive markers for how the patient will re - 2025-03-25

Gold medal to Stefan Karlsson

Published 4 November 2020 Stefan Karlsson has been active as a researcher at Lund University for 25 years and during that time has received many major grants and awards. However, never a gold medal. - It feels like a very great honor because the medal is only awarded every nine years for medical research efforts, says Stefan KarlssonThe Royal Physiographic Society will be awarding the commemorativ - 2025-03-25

Touring Tourism Enterprising – new thesis offers another view of tourism development

Published 3 May 2022 "If we look at how enterprising is “done”, we can find new possibilities for tourism" says Stuart Reid. For several years, it has become increasingly clear that developments in tourism need to change direction and be done in a new, more sustainable way. To change the tourism industry, we need to understand it better in practice - how small tourism enterprises are run and devel - 2025-03-25

Questions about ethical review? Contact Åse!

By helena [dot] lind [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Helena Lind) - published 23 May 2024 If your research involves persons or the processing of personal data, you may need to apply for ethical authorisation. Åse Inner-Ker, the faculty's ethics advisor, can provide support in the process and advice on where to find information. Hi Åse! You are the Faculty Ethics Adviser - what does that mean?- Researc - 2025-03-25

Our one-day conference: Everything you need to know about Open Science

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 18 February 2025 Illustration: Katarina Jandér. The Faculty of Medicine's one-day conference (6/3) focuses on open science from a researcher's perspective; Opportunities, challenges, open publishing and data management. Librarian Aprile Clark explains why you should join. Open science is an umbrella term that deals - 2025-03-26

New strategy for the Strategic Research Areas 2020–2030

By tina [dot] trollas [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se (Tina Trollås) - published 25 September 2020 The vice-chancellor has approved a new university-wide strategy for Lund University’s Strategic Research Areas (17 September). The strategy includes a vision and strategic goals for Lund University’s Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) for the period 2020 to 2030. The allocation of roles and responsibilities i - 2025-03-26

New opportunities to apply for collaboration funding

Published 8 June 2022 Applications for funding for new thematic collaboration initiatives are now open. The purpose of the thematic collaboration initiatives is to support work on solutions in areas where Lund University has established research that can contribute to future breakthroughs. New for this year’s call, in addition to focusing on the intersection between research and collaboration, is - 2025-03-26

Business travel at the university on the rise

By jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 17 February 2022 Photo. Michael Erhardsson/MostPhotos Business travel at the University took off again in November last year compared with the same month the year before. More business trips could mean that the University’s climate footprint is increasing again and that the drop seen in 2020 was a one-off phenomenon. - 2025-03-26

Migratory songbirds climb to extreme altitudes during daytime

By jan [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 7 May 2021 Great reed warbler (Photo: Great reed warblers normally migrate by night during its month-long migration from northern Europe to Sub-Saharan Africa. However, researchers have now discovered that during the few occasions when it continues to fly during daytime, it flies at extremely high altitudes - 2025-03-25