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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14385 hits
Staff - 2025-01-14
Staff - 2025-01-14
Research - 2025-01-14
About - 2025-01-15
Publications - 2025-01-15
Second foreign languages in the Swedish school context - The views of school leaders
Politicians and stakeholders widely support the “mother tongue plus two” language policy (European Commission) according to which all European citizens should be able to communicate in at least two foreign languages (FLs). However, despite high political and societal ambitions, recent reports suggest that FLs other than English are suffering in Europe and Sweden is no exception to this trend. One
Ec 2019doctoralproject
Contemporary South-East Asian Societies
This course will give you insight into contemporary South-East Asia and its dynamic developments. The course addresses the region’s political systems and developments, socio-economic issues and struggles, the role of religion, and different aspects of contemporary culture. Apart from addressing broader regional issues it also analyses the situation in more detail in specific countries, such as for - 2025-01-13
Five PhD positions at the department
Five PhD positions at the department Five PhD positions at the department Publicerad den 1 februari 2020 We have vacant positions for doctoral students in theoretical philosophy, cognitive science and practical philosophy. By following the links below you can read more about each position. Last application date is 1 March 2020. Two faculty funded positions: - 2025-01-14
Call for Papers: Peripeteias, Disasters, Happy Endings: Turning Points in Nordic Literature
Call for Papers: Peripeteias, Disasters, Happy Endings: Turning Points in Nordic Literature Call for Papers: Peripeteias, Disasters, Happy Endings: Turning Points in Nordic Literature Published 30 September 2024 International Association for Scandinavian Studies (IASS) calls for papers for their upcoming conference which will take place in Munich 30 July- 2 August, 2025. Deadline for abstracts is
GVNO01 -literature list -vt24
1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M, Telefonväxeln 046-222 00 00 Litteraturlista VT 2024 Department of Gender Studies GVNO01 Gender Studies: Crisis - Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 6 credits Genusvetenskap: Kris - Kritiska och tvärvetenskapliga p - 2025-01-14
Lagprövningsrätt - Om dess förenlighet med demokrati och Rule of Law
Med lagprövningsrätt menas domstolars kompetens att pröva lagar av olika konstitutionell valör mot varandra. I den här uppsatsen presenteras den existerande lagprövningsrätten i USA, där den är traditionellt stark, och i Sverige, där den aldrig har fått något ordentligt fäste. Lagprövningsrättens teoretiska grund kan analyseras med hjälp av begreppen demokrati och Rule of Law. Frågan om huruvida d
Calle och utlämningsjuridiken - Den europeiska arresteringsordern ur ett svenskt perspektiv
Sveriges första lag som behandlar utlämning stammar från 1957. Lagen har modifierats flera gånger sedan dess, i stor utsträckning till följd av Sveriges överenskommelser med andra stater. Längst har utlämningssamarbetet kommit med de andra nordiska staterna dit svenska medborgare har kunnat utlämnas sedan flera år. I och med Sveriges inträde i EU och framförallt genom tillträdet till Schengenavtal
Förödmjukande att tvingas gå kurserna
Artikeln granskar och debatterar kommunikologi som erbjudits arbetsplatser samt diskuterar fenomenet med vetenskapslika kurser som genomförs på arbetsplatser idag.
Accessible teaching – A handbook for staff who interact with students in their everyday work Accessible teaching A handbook for staff who interact with students in their everyday work DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES | LUND UNIVERSITY Content Part 1 Lund University’s work for an inclusive learning environment ...... 3 Inclusive learning environment ...................................................... - 2025-01-14
Svensk intern vinstbeskattning av företagsägda andelar och SOU 2001:11 - i ett internationellt perspektiv
När ett svenskt aktiebolag äger aktier i ett annat aktiebolag leder beskattningen till s.k. kedjebeskattning genom att rörelsevinsten beskattas flera gånger inom bolagssektorn. Vinsten blir dubbelbeskattad inom bolagsektorn eftersom bolaget erlägger skatt för vinsten såväl på delägarnivå som på ägarnivå. Om hänsyn tas även till beskattning i bolagets ägarled har vinsten blivit trippelbeskattad. En
New open PhD position at LUCS. Apply by February 15, 2022.
New open PhD position at LUCS. Apply by February 15, 2022. New open PhD position at LUCS. Apply by February 15, 2022. Published 15 January 2022 A new vacant PhD position is open for application at LUCS (Lund University Cognitive Science). Last application date is February 15, 2022. We would like to highlight that the application must include the following items for the candidate to be eligible f - 2025-01-15
Academic career
If you are interested in pursuing an academic career, there is a number of things you need to know. It is good to be aware of these things early on, so you can plan accordingly. Below, you can read more about different types of positions, career progression and the recruitment process at the Faculty of Medicine. You can also find links to support resources both on the faculty and the university le