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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14364 hits

Mess62 prelim eng 200206

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • Details of approval The syllabus is a tentative version but not yet established. General Information The course is offered as a freestanding course. Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes Upon the completion of the course, the student shall: Knowledge and understanding Demonstrate comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of climat - 2025-01-10

Jiddisch: Judiska och kristna bibelöversättningar

Den hebreiska bibeln (Tanach) är skriven på hebreiska (och lite arameiska) – ett språk som europeiska judar knappast förstod, eftersom de talade jiddisch i sina dagliga liv. Jiddischtexter som komponerats sedan medeltiden och fram till det tjugoförsta århundradet kommer att bli studerade, omfattande fullständiga och bokstavliga översättningar, didaktisk litteratur, återberättelser i prosa och i po The Hebrew Bible (Tanach) is written in Hebrew (and some Aramaic) – a language that European Jews hardly understood, as they spoke Yiddish in their daily lives.Yiddish texts composed since the Middle Ages and up to the twenty-first century will be studied, encompassing full and literal translations, didactic literature, retellings in prose and in poetry, and dramatic and cinematic adaptati

Konstnärligt masterprogram i kyrkomusik, Orgel och klaver

The Malmö Academy of Music offers advanced professional first and second cycle programmes for prospective singers, musicians, composers and church musicians for work in orchestras and ensembles or as a church musician within the Church of Sweden or within other denominations. During the period of study, you will develop the knowledge and skills you need in order to work at a high artistic level in