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Your search for "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" yielded 14532 hits
Studera Asien i Lund!
Saess rev 17 september 2018 eng
Master´s Degree Project in Geology, 45 ECTS credits If you are planning to do a Master's degree project you need to approach one or several of our teachers whose research is in line with your interests within the field of geology. You should do this well in advance of the start of your project for discussions about possible tasks. Alternatively, you can approach an external partner, for example to - 2025-03-05
Svenska, språklig inriktning 1–40 poäng
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Grammatik och lexikon hos svenska i andraspråk på nästan infödd nivå
Programme syllabus Master's Programme in East and Central European Studies
Programme syllabus Master's Programme in East and Central European Studies Lund university The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology HAECS, Master's Programme in East and Central European Studies, 120 credits Masterprogram i Öst- och Centraleuropakunskap, 120 högskolepoäng Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study / Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutli - 2025-03-03
Ak ht12 lu kurser
Nationalekonomi: Matematiska metoder, avancerad nivå
Kursens innehåll består av följande områden: • Grundläggande mängdlära (mängders innehåll, union, snitt) • Grundläggande talteori (naturliga tal, rationella tal, reella tal) • Elementära funktioner (polynom, exponentiella funktioner, logaritmiska funktioner) • Differentiering (grundläggande regler, differentiering av elementära funktioner, total och partiell differentieThe content of the course is the following topics: • Elementary set theory (set inclusion, union, intersection), • Elementary number theory (natural numbers, rational numbers, real numbers), • Elementary functions (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic), • Differentiation (basic rules, differentiation of elementary functions, total and partial, chain rule), • Constr
Introduktion till rättssociologi, avancerad nivå
The aim of this course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of sociology of law while explaining how various theoretical traditions can be employed in analyzing concrete social issues which we confront today. The course will start with a presentation of the foundations of the sociology of law, discussing the relationship between different forms of regulation. The second part of the coThe aim of this course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of sociology of law while explaining how various theoretical traditions can be employed in analyzing concrete social issues which we confront today. The course will start with a presentation of the foundations of the sociology of law, discussing the relationship between different forms of regulation. The second part of the co
Arkeologi och antikens historia: Läskurs - avancerad nivå
I denna läskurs fördjupas något eller några centrala fält för forskning inom arkeologi och antikens historia. Målsättningen är att den studerande uppövar en fördjupad, kritisk förmåga att bedöma vetenskaplig litteratur inom det valda fältet. Litteraturen väljs i samråd med undervisande lärare.In this independent study course, students specialise in one or several areas of research in archaeology and ancient history. The aim of the course is for students to acquire a specialised and critical ability to assess scholarly literature within the chosen field. The reading is selected in consultation with a teacher.