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Your search for "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" yielded 49313 hits

New reports on threats to academic freedom and university governance

By anna [dot] mansfeld [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Mansfeld) - published 10 April 2024 The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF) has produced three reports that highlight key issues it regards as threats to the activities of higher education institutions. A fourth report on governance in higher education will be published after the summer. The other reports con - 2025-02-28

Lunds universitets julexperter 2022

Publicerad 21 december 2022 Foto: Kennet Ruona Här är en lista över forskare från Lunds universitet som kan svara på många olika slags frågor som kan bli aktuella under de stundande helgerna, från A till Ö. God jul önskar Lunds universitet! A Advent, jul och trettondag: historia, teologi och praktik Stephan Borgehammar, professor i praktisk teologi, kan svara på frågor om uppkomsten och innebörden - 2025-02-28

Syria’s Self-Governing Democratic North-East Comes under Attack with Country in Flux

Published 13 December 2024 CMES Researcher Pinar Dinc has written an article published in the Conversation on the future of the self-governing region in Syria’s north-east, after the fall of the Assad regime. AbstractAfter more than a decade of brutal civil war, it took Islamist militants just 11 days to sweep through Syria and topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The offensive, which has been dr - 2025-02-27

Future Week at Lunds University – 18–24 October 2021

Published 29 March 2021 Planning for this autumn’s Future Week is in full swing. This year’s theme is “Breakthroughs” in all of their conceivable forms. Which programme items would you like to propose for this year’s event, which will take place between 18 and 24 October? What breakthroughs are needed in research and across society for us to tackle the future in the most effective way? What breakt - 2025-02-28

Future Week 18-24 October 2021

By cecilia [dot] schubert [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia Schubert) - published 6 October 2021 Lund University’s Future Week 18-24 October offers exhibitions, lectures, debates and tours - on site and online. The theme for this year's Future Week is "Breakthroughs". What breakthroughs are needed in research and in society for us to be able to manage our future in the best way possibl - 2025-02-28

Utbytesåret i Chile inleddes med två månaders studentstrejk

Publicerad 27 mars 2014 Ellen Palms år som utbytesstudent i Chile började lite oväntat med en studentstrejk som la utbildningen på is i två månader. Men hon ägnade tiden år att bekanta sig med landet och putsa på sin spanska, och tycker i efterhand att den oväntade starten blev riktigt lyckad. Ellen Palm är utbytesstudent i Chile. Ellen Palm läser ekosystemteknik på LTH och har alltid varit instäl - 2025-02-27

Video games as tool for malign foreign interference and info influence

Published 17 October 2023 Photo: Fredrick Tendong/Unsplash Video games have captured the spotlight for decades, sparking debates about their impact on players since the early 1990s. Played by over 3 billion people worldwide, this report acknowledges video games' political and ideological dimensions and their potential for being used for strategic communication and propaganda purposes. It attempts - 2025-02-27

Sustainability Fund’s first call open - funding for projects with the potential to make a difference

By lotte [dot] larsen [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotte Larsen) - published 15 October 2022 By supporting ideas at an early stage, research can contribute to a positive change in society. The first of three different financial supports within LU's newly established Sustainability Fund is now open for applications. Through the Sustainability Fund's Sustainable Idea Exploration, you get the o - 2025-02-28

Eleventh Hour Elections: The Past and Future of Democracy in Turkey

Published 27 January 2023 On 22 February, CMES researcher Pinar Dinc gives a lecture on democracy in Turkey at AF-Borgen (18:00-20:00) co-organized by CMES and UPF. Welcome! This lecture will focus on the upcoming general elections in Turkey by taking a look at the 22 years of the AKP government. It will do so by elaborating on the long process from “democratic opening” to “democratic breakdown” i - 2025-02-27

Extended Call for Papers and Panels: Second Annual SWEMENA Conference 2023

Published 24 April 2023 The second Annual SWEMENA Conference will be hosted by Stockholm University’s Institute for Turkish Studies on 24-25 August 2023. The second Swedish Middle East and North Africa Network (SWEMENA) Annual Conference will be hosted by Stockholm University's Institute for Turkish Studies. We look forward to this opportunity to solidify the network and meet in person, and to hos - 2025-02-27

“In Lund I felt like a real student”

Published 16 November 2015 Florencia Ravenna, from the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires in Argentina, was an exchange student at LTH in the autumn semester of 2014 and spring semester of 2015. Exchange student Florencia Ravenna. Why did you choose to be an exchange student on the other side of the Atlantic? – I wanted to experience living in a different culture and society, and Scandinavian c - 2025-02-27

CASE researchers participate in Bokmässan 2021

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 20 September 2021 Illustration: Catrin Jakobsson Håkan Jönson and Kiran Maini Gerhardsson are two of twenty-two authors from Lund University who will present their books at this year's book fair, Bokmässan, in Gothenburg - in Lund's digital stand - on Thursday 23 September.   Håkans Jönsson's book is entitled "Perspekt - 2025-02-27

Tappade minnet – fann förnöjsamheten

Av jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - publicerad 26 september 2019 Den tvärvetenskapliga forskning Ulrika Sandén gör vid Designvetenskaper på IKDC handlar om att förbättra cancervård och rehabiliteringen genom att utgå från patientens hela upplevelse. Foto: Kent Ruona Hon har överlevt en hjärntumör och hatar floskler som ”fånga dagen” och ”leva i nuet”. Trot - 2025-02-28

Om ryggmärgsskada, fetma, reumatism och donerade hjärtklaffar

Av erika [dot] svantesson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Erika Svantesson) - publicerad 13 december 2023 Mat som är rik på mättade fetter. João Vieira har undersökt vissa risker med kostorsakad fetma. Foto: Istock Bland vinterns disputationer vid Medicinska fakulteten, lyfter vi denna gång dessa: Mattias Hills arbete om hjärt-lunghälsa hos personer som levt länge med en svår ryggmärgsskada. João Viei - 2025-02-28

SYMPOSIUM: "Rich man, poor (wo)man". Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing Re-examined

Published 2 March 2017 350-ÅRSJUBILEUM. Welcome to this symposium on Wednesday March 8th, where we look at poverty development in Sweden during the last 100 years & trends in men & women's incomes in Africa. Life expectancy in the Western world, like in Sweden, has expanded linearly by about 25 years during the 20th century, a bit more for women than men. At the same time, living standards have im - 2025-02-27


Publicerad 20 mars 2019 This spring students in the Critical & Pedagogical Studies Programme at Malmö Art Academy will present their exam projects towards the completion of a Master of Fine Arts degree. The exam projects will lead to several weeks of diverse activities which will discuss and reflect different critical and pedagogical aspects from the perspective of the artist. Activities may be co - 2025-02-27

Research interview: Maryam Nastar on resource mobilisation at the neighborhood level

Published 5 March 2018 In her research, Maryam Nastar will look into cities representing the Asia regional climate change trend (in the East, Central and West), where both observed and predicted daytime temperature extremes are likely to increase. Maryam Nastar, researcher at LUCSUS, is interested in resource mobilisation at the neighborhood-level since she believes that the solutions to sustainab - 2025-02-27

New and exciting collaboration between ESS and The Academy of Music

By ase [dot] lugner [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Åse Lugnér) - published 1 April 2021 Professor Michael Edgerton in exciting and new collaboration with ESS. Why do you collaborate with ESS and when did the collaboration start? -The collaboration began a little more than a year ago. For years I have collaborated with scientists on both artistic and research projects, and just generally been inspired - 2025-02-27

Våra ögonrörelser hjälper oss att minnas

Av kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 20 juni 2022 När vi återkallar ett minne rör sig blicken på samma sätt som när minnet skapades. Bild: Lund Memory Lab. En femtio år gammal tes inom den kognitiva neurovetenskapen har nu belagts: våra ögonrörelser hjälper oss att minnas. För att plocka fram ett minne flyttar sig blicken på samma sätt - 2025-02-28