Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
Publications | Centre for Languages and Literature - 2025-01-28
CogSem Seminar: "The double grounding of poetic expression: A phenomenological analysis" (Alexandra Mouratidou, Jordan Zlatev, LU) | Centre for Languages and Literature 13 Feb CogSem Seminar: "The double grounding of poetic expression: A phenomenological analysis" (Alexandra Mouratidou, Jordan Zlatev, LU) 13 February 2025 15:15 to 16:00 Seminar Welcome to this "short seminar" that will function as
International Conference "Women and Girls in Nazi Concentration Camps: Voices from the Post-War Archives" | Centre for Languages and Literature 25 Jan International Conference "Women and Girls in Nazi Concentration Camps: Voices from the Post-War Archives" 25 January 2024 06:00 to 26 January 2024 20:00 conference Picture: Kulturen Museum - KM 97009: Jewish women are being served meals in sport hal
Nordiska forskarseminariet. Anna Smålander: Fokusgruppsstudie om journalskrivande | Centre for Languages and Literature 12 Feb Nordiska forskarseminariet. Anna Smålander: Fokusgruppsstudie om journalskrivande 12 February 2025 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar På det här forskarseminariet kommer jag att presentera en delstudie av mitt avhandlingsprojekt, nämligen en fokusgruppsundersökning med vårdpersonal so
English language and linguistics research seminar: Beatrice Zuaro (University of Copenhagen): New approaches to the why and how of English-medium Instruction: adopting Process Tracing | Centre for Languages and Literature 5 Feb English language and linguistics research seminar: Beatrice Zuaro (University of Copenhagen): New approaches to the why and how of English-medium Instruction: adopting Proc
English language and linguistics research seminar: Christine Howes, Gothenburg University: Making conversation: Managing mismatches in dialogue | Centre for Languages and Literature 19 Mar English language and linguistics research seminar: Christine Howes, Gothenburg University: Making conversation: Managing mismatches in dialogue 19 March 2025 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar abstract to appear Share http:
English language and linguistics research seminar: Desmond Elliott, University of Copenhagen: Visually-grounded Machine Understanding in non-English Languages | Centre for Languages and Literature 26 Mar English language and linguistics research seminar: Desmond Elliott, University of Copenhagen: Visually-grounded Machine Understanding in non-English Languages 26 March 2025 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar
English language and linguistics research seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva, Lund University: Mood effects on syntactic processing | Centre for Languages and Literature 7 May English language and linguistics research seminar: Ekaterina Kopaeva, Lund University: Mood effects on syntactic processing 7 May 2025 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar Presentation of ongoing PhD work. Abstract to appear Share http://www.sol.
English language and linguistics research seminar: Freja Bang Lauridsen (Lund University) | Centre for Languages and Literature 14 May English language and linguistics research seminar: Freja Bang Lauridsen (Lund University) 14 May 2025 13:15 to 15:00 Seminar Abstract to be posted Abstract to be posted Share
English language and linguistics research seminar: Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (University of Copenhagen): Monster, Murders, Mushrooms: A Corpus-Stylistic Exploration of the Language of Horror-themed Super Mario Fanfiction | Centre for Languages and Literature 2 Apr English language and linguistics research seminar: Kim Ebensgaard Jensen (University of Copenhagen): Monster, Murders, Mushrooms: A Corpus-