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Decrease in amygdala activity during repeated exposure to spider images predicts avoidance behavior in spider fearful individuals
Spider phobia is characterized by exaggerated fear of situations where spiders could be present, resulting in avoidance of such situations and compromised quality of life. An important component in psychological treatment of spider phobia is exposure to phobic situations that reduces avoidance behaviors. At the neural level, amygdala responses to phobic material are elevated, but normalizes follow
Production Logistics Visibility - Perspectives, Principles and Prospects
Globalisation, competitive markets and increasing sustainability requirements are demanding companies to focus on visibility to improve their supply chains and ultimately their businesses. This paper aims to identify perspectives, principles and prospects of production logistics visibility (PLV). The study is based on a literature review of articles presenting definitions, development trends and t
The ETS transcription factor ETV5 is a target of activated ALK in neuroblastoma contributing to increased tumour aggressiveness
Neuroblastoma is an aggressive childhood cancer arising from sympatho-adrenergic neuronal progenitors. The low survival rates for high-risk disease point to an urgent need for novel targeted therapeutic approaches. Detailed molecular characterization of the neuroblastoma genomic landscape indicates that ALK-activating mutations are present in 10% of primary tumours. Together with other mutations c
Home oxygen therapy for adults with chronic lung disease an official american thoracic society clinical practice guideline
Background: Evidence-based guidelines are needed for effective delivery of home oxygen therapy to appropriate patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and interstitial lung disease (ILD). Methods: The multidisciplinary panel created six research questions using a modified Delphi approach. A systematic review of the literature was completed, and the Grading of Recommendations Asse
Endocarditis due to Staphylococcus lugdunensis—a retrospective national registry–based study
We present characteristics of infective endocarditis (IE) caused by Staphylococcus lugdunensis and compare with IE caused by Staphylococcus aureus and other CoNS, in the National Swedish Registry of IE (2008–2018). Thirty episodes of S. lugdunensis IE were registered, of which 21 cases affected native valves, and 7 patients were subjected to surgery. The mortality rate at 30 days was significantly
Data-driven control of infinite dimensional systems : Application to a continuous crystallizer
Controlling infinite dimensional models remains a challenging task for many practitioners since they are not suitable for traditional control design techniques or will result in a high-order controller too complex for implementation. Therefore, the model or the controller need to be reduced to an acceptable dimension, which is time-consuming, requires some expertise and may introduce numerical err
Mentoring early career women geographers in the neoliberal academy: dialogue, reflexivity, and ethics of care
Tracing the Full Bimolecular Photocycle of Iron(III)-Carbene Light Harvesters in Electron-Donating Solvents
Photoinduced bimolecular charge transfer processes involving the iron(III) N-heterocyclic carbene (FeNHC) photosensitizer [Fe(phtmeimb)2]+ (phtmeimb = phenyltris(3-methyl-imidazolin-2-ylidene)borate) and triethylamine as well as N,N-dimethylaniline donors have been studied using optical spectroscopy. The full photocycle of charge separation and recombination down to ultrashort time scales was stud
Tailoring the Microstructure of Lamellar Ti3C2Tx MXene Aerogel by Compressive Straining
Aerogels are attracting increasing interest due to their functional properties, such as lightweight and high porosity, which make them promising materials for energy storage and advanced composites. Compressive deformation allows the nano- and microstructure of lamellar freeze-cast aerogels to be tailored toward the aforementioned applications, where a 3D nanostructure of closely spaced, aligned s
Proportionality and international legal pragmatics
To respond to the question of whose interest proportionality serves, this article enquires into the function of this important principle. As the article argues, proportionality functions in much the same way as any generally applicable pragmatic principle: it facilitates comprehension of communicative behaviour on the part of utterers, in this case international lawmakers. Thus, the principle of p
Neuroscience : The Secret of Sauce Béarnaise Syndrome Is in the Circuit
During conditioned food aversion — a.k.a. sauce béarnaise syndrome — the ingestion of a spoiled food item leads to a lasting aversion towards cues reminiscent of the item. A new study finds that, in Drosophila, taste aversion depends on the immune system and the mushroom body.
A certification scheme for operation of buildings with well-planned and ambitious environmental improvements
The development of environmental certification schemes has increased rapidly during the last twenty years and are often used as benchmarks during design of new buildings or reconstruction. However, for management of our existing buildings the members of Sweden Green Building Council request for clear guidelines and a certification scheme. Therefore, a new certification scheme called Miljöbyggnad i
Guidelines with routines and documentation for handling energy requirements within the building process
As a result of the energy performance of the buildings directive (EPBD 2010), the requirements have been gradually tightened in the Swedish building regulations. For the purpose of the directive to be realized, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that buildings actually live up to the minimum rules laid down in the Swedish Building Regulations (BBR) or more ambitious requirements impos
Engaging communities : the key to leaving no one behind in the era of UHC
Innovation and Intellectual Property Policies in European Research Infrastructure Consortia - PART I: The Case of the European Spallation Source ERIC
Research and innovation are key pillars of the EU’s strategy to create sustainable growth and prosperity in Europe. Research infrastructures (RIs) are central instruments to implement this strategy. They bring together a wide diversity of expertise and interests to look for solutions to many of the problems society is facing today. To facilitate the creation and operation of such RIs, the EU adopt
Enforcing patents in the era of 3D printing
This article explores relevant laws and doctrines of patent infringement in Europe with a special emphasis on 3D printing (3DP) technologies. Considering the difficulties that patent owners might face in pursuing direct patent infringement actions in the rapidly evolving era of 3DP, we suggest that patent owners will most likely direct their efforts towards indirect patent infringement strategies.
United States Hegemony and the Foundations of International Law
A New Decryption Failure Attack Against HQC
HQC is an IND-CCA2 KEM running for standardization in NIST’s post-quantum cryptography project and has advanced to the second round. It is a code-based scheme in the class of public key encryptions, with given sets of parameters spanning NIST security strength 1, 3 and 5, corresponding to 128, 192 and 256 bits of classic security.In this paper we present an attack recovering the secret key of an H
A novel approach for predicting daily pan evaporation in the coastal regions of Iran using support vector regression coupled with krill herd algorithm model
Evaporation is one of the vital components of hydrological cycle. Precise estimation of pan evaporation (Epan) is essential for the sustainable water resources management. The current study proposed a novel approach to estimate daily Epan across the humid region of Iran using support vector regression (SVR) technique coupled with Krill Herd Algorithm (SVR-KHA). Meteorological data were collected f