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Den spraymålade bilden. Graffitimåleriet som bildform, konströrelse och läroprocess
The introduction suggests a model for defining and categorising different types of graffiti, and the term TTP (Tags/Throw-ups/Pieces) is presented. Chapter I relates the body of research up to the present day and proposes a comprehensive interpretation, based partly on English and German subculture- and socialisation theories. Chapter 2 presents the social background and internal social pattern o
Development of a test for assessing discomfort in work environments with varying characteristics.
Radiology of the pharynx and the oesophagus
Monastic Space : The Ascetic Between Sacred and Civil Spheres in Theodoret of Cyrrhus
Syrian monasticism has often been judged by its extremes, with Symeon the Stylite as the prime example of someone leaving the human world behind to reach for God. In this interpretation, hagiographical renderings seem only to underline an opposition between sacred and civil spheres, between the cells of the ascetics and human society. With this article, however, I wish to call such a conclusion in
Discourse analysis of emissions trading schemes: A case study of the EU emissions trading scheme
Over the last four decades emissions trading has enjoyed a high profile in environmental law scholarship and in environmental law and policy. Much of this regulatory discussion is promotional, preferring emissions trading above other regulatory strategies without, however, engaging with legal complexities embedded in conceptualising, scrutinising and managing emissions trading schemes. The combine
Kommentar till Förordning (1997:969) om import- och exportreglering
Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in the Presence of I/Q Mismatch for Wideband OFDM Systems
This paper presents a data-aided Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) estimation algorithm targeting the Wideband OFDM systems. Utilizing 3 consecutive preambles and processing them at frequency domain, the algorithm is robust to both Frequency Independent (F-I) and Frequency Dependent (F-D) I/Q Mismatch (I/Q-M). To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed CFO estimation technique, we conduct extensiv
Permo-Carboniferous extension related magmatism at the SW margin of the Fennoscandian Shield
Exegesis in the Making : Postcolonialism and New Testament Studies
The last thirty years have witnessed increasing diversity in methodology and perspectives within biblical studies. One of the most dynamic and continually expanding contributions to this development is that of postcolonial studies, known for its fresh approaches as well as for its complex theoretical foundations. The present book aims at introducing both student and scholar to this emerging field.
Human rights and good governance: building bridges
An affine invariant deformable shape representation for general curves
Automatic construction of Shape Models from examples has been the focus of intense research during the last couple of years. These methods have proved to be useful for shape segmentation, tracking and shape understanding. In this paper novel theory to automate shape modelling is described. The theory is intrinsically defined for curves although curves are infinite dimensional objects. The theory i
Remote monitoring and logging of relative humidity in concrete
It is important to measure the relative humidity, RH, level in a concrete slab before applying semi permeable flooring to the surface. If the moisture level in the concrete is too high when the flooring is applied the high alkali level in combination with the moisture will degrade the adhesive. This paper describes a new system used to continuously measure and monitor RH in situ during the constru
Modeling of DNA compaction by polycations
In this work we study polycations as efficient compacting agents of a medium size polyanion by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The systems are characterized in terms of a conformational analysis in which shape, overall dimensions, structure factors, radial distribution functions, and the degree of accumulation of the compaction agent near the polyanion are taken into consideration. Results show
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System Identification of Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Dynamics
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion lacksdirect ignition timing control, instead the auto ignition depends on the operatingcondition. Since auto ignition of a homogeneous mixture is very sensitive tooperating condition a fast combustion timing control is necessary for reliableoperation, the ignition timing control design requiring appropriate modelsand system output variables
Matkulturer på Arbetsplatserna
MIMO PID Tuning via Iterated LMI Restriction
We formulate multi-input multi-output (MIMO) proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller design as an optimization problem that involves nonconvex quadratic matrix inequalities. We propose a simple method that replaces the nonconvex matrix inequalities with a linear matrix inequality (LMI) restriction, and iterates to convergence. This method can be interpreted as a matrix extension of the c