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Free clusters studied by core-level spectroscopies
In this review we describe the development and current status of free clusters studied using core-level spectroscopies. This topic ranges from simple model systems, such as rare gas clusters, to molecular clusters, and clusters of solids, held together by ionic, covalent and metallic bonding. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Participation of cell-surface hydrophobins for hemin binding in Helicobacter pylori
Treatment of Helicobacter pylori cells with several chaotropic agents resulted in different degrees of inhibition in the binding of the bacteria to hemin and Congo-red dye. Polyanions also yielded a > 50% inhibitory effect. Furthermore, hydrophobic interaction chromatography was used to determine the relative surface hydrophobicity of cell-associated proteins extracted with 3 mol/L urea, revealing
Towards a molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat genus Boletina (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Boletina is a species rich genus of fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) with a mainly Holarctic distribution. The systematics within the genus has gained little attention and this is a first attempt to shed some light over the systematics of Boletina and to test the segregation of the genera Saigusaia and Aglaomyia from Boletina. The nuclear marker 28S and mitochondrial 16S, COI and CytB were a
Thermal breakdown of extinguishing agents
Four fire extinguishing agents has been investigated, bromotrifluoromethane, Halon 1301, pentafluoroethane, HFC 125, heptafluoropropane, HFC 227ea and dodecafluoro-2- methylpentane-3-one, C6F-ketone. The inerting concentrations were determined in a cubic pressure vessel with a volume of 8 litres. A cup burner was used to find the flameextinguishing concentrations for the agents. Thermal breakdown
Myocardial Topical Negative Pressure
The aim of this research was to find out if it is possible to increase myocardial microvasular blood flow by applying a topical negative pressure source directly onto the myocardium. Topical negative pressure is a relatively new wound healing technique. When used in wound therapy, topical negative pressure has been shown to increase microvascular blood flow, to stimulate granulation tissue formati
Clonal chromosome aberrations in a sialoblastoma
Adolescents with anorectal malfromation: physical outcome, sexual health and quality of life
Background: The necessity of referral of adolescents with anorectal malformation (ARM) from pediatric units to adult care is unclear. The issue requires knowledge about the adolescents´ health. Objective: To examine the physical outcome, sexual health and quality of life (QoL) in adolescents with ARM. Material and method: At medical counseling twenty-four adolescents with ARM, 15-21 years of age,
Reproductive function in male childhood cancer survivors
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Målet med denna avhandling var att undersöka hur cancersjukdomar i barndomen och behandlingen av dessa påverkar olika aspekter av fortplantningsförmågan i vuxen ålder. Glädjande nog har andelen patienter som överlever cancer i barndomen de senaste decennierna ökat stadigt till nivåer som idag ligger på nästan 80%. Ökad överlevnad medfChildhood cancer (CC) survival rate has increased over the last couple of decades, today approaching 80%. Therefore more attention has been paid to late effects. One important issue for CC survivors (CCS) is impaired reproductive function. CC per se and/or its treatment can impair the reproductive ability by affecting sperm production, as well as by damaging sperm DNA. This is a matter of concern,
Work ability- Health professionals' perspectives and rehabilitation outcomes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetsförmåga har kommit att bli ett viktigt begrepp i samhället, men också för individen. Det saknas i dag en tydlig definition av arbetsförmåga, trots att det har en stor inverkan på hur sjukförmåner distribueras och också för den enskilde individens möjlighet att försörja sig. I västvärlden är arbetsförmåga ofta diskuterat i relation till sjukskrivning och en åldrad The overall aim of this thesis was to deepen the understanding of work ability by analyzing how different health professionals experience and perceive work ability and assessments of work ability, and also by analyzing rehabilitation outcomes that are related to work ability. The focus has been on musculoskeletal disorders with associated psychosocial factors. Method. The general approach was indu
'Elastic band strategy': women's lived experiences of coping with domestic violence in rural Indonesia
Background: Experiencing domestic violence is considered a chronic and stressful life event. A theoretical framework of coping strategies can be used to understand how women deal with domestic violence. Traditional values strongly influenced by religious teachings that interpret men as the leaders of women play an important role in the lives of Javanese women, where women are obliged to obey their
Swedes in Barbary Captivity. The Political Culture of Human Security, Circa 1660-1760
»Schweden in Gefangenschaft der Barbaresken: Die politische Kultur humaner Sicherheit, circa 1660-1760«. This article aims to present a specificform of “Human Security” during the Early Modern era. As a case study, the relationship between Sweden and the North African states will be put forward. The Swedish maritime expansion in the Mediterranean during the 17th century resulted in insecurity for
On the interaction between imperfect compliance and technology adoption: taxes versus tradable emissions permits
This paper analyzes the effects of the interaction between technology adoption and incomplete enforcement on the extent of violations and the rate of abatement technology adoption. We focus on price-based and quantity-based emission regulations. First, we show that in contrast to uniform taxes, under tradable emissions permits (TEPs), the fall in permit price produced by technology adoption reduce
Males are sensitive - sex-dependent effect of rearing conditions on nestling growth
The sex-dependent effect of environmental conditions on nestlings has been extensively studied in size dimorphic birds. Whether males or females are more sensitive to poor conditions is not yet clear; however, the degree of sexual size-dimorphism, brood size and their interactions seem to influence the pattern. Much less is known about sex-dependent environmental sensitivity in size-monomorphic sp
Scripts of Kingship: Essays on Bernadotte and Dynastic Formation in an Age of Revolution
Comprehensive Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of Rotational Bands in the N=Z+1 Nucleus 61Zn
The Zn-61(30)31 nucleus has been studied via the combined data of two fusion-evaporation reaction experiments using a Ar-36 beam and a Si-28 target foil. The experimental setups involved the Ge array GAMMASPHERE and neutron and charged particle detectors placed around the target position. The resulting level scheme comprises about 120 excited states connected via some 180 gamma-ray transitions. In
Change of shell structure and magnetic moments of odd-N deformed nuclei towards the neutron drip line
Examples of the change of neutron shell structure in both weakly bound and resonant neutron one-particle levels in nuclei towards the neutron drip line are exhibited. It is shown that the shell-structure change due to the weak binding may lead to the deformation of those nuclei with the neutron numbers N approximate to 8, 20, 28 and 40, which are known to be magic numbers in stable nuclei. Nuclei