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Novel concept for large deformable mirrors
Large, high-bandwidth deformable mirrors (DMs) with thousands of actuators for adaptive optics are of high interest for existing large telescopes and indispensable for construction of efficient future extremely large telescopes. Different actuation and sensing principles are possible. We propose a novel concept using commercially available voice coil actuators attached to the back of the mirror wi
Carbon Sequestration in Dryland Soils
item FAO 2005: . World Soil Resources Report 102. Written jointly by Farage, P., Ball, A, Pretty, J. (University of Exeter) and Olsson, L., Ardö J., Tschakert P. and Warren, A. (Lund University) , p.
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Variable Valve Actuation in a Spark Ignition Engine - A Flow Field and Heat Release Study
The objective of this thesis was to find ways of improving part-load efficiency for a spark ignition engine by studying the effects of variable-valve actuation on fluid flow and combustion. The in-cylinder flow was measured with laser doppler velocimetry, LDV, and particle image velocimetry, PIV. A piezo-electric pressure transducer was used to measure the in-cylinder pressure, which was used for
Effect of ultraviolet-radiation and leakage of RB-86+ in guard-cells of Vicia-Faba
The effects of UV-C (254 nm), UV-A (365 nm) and broad-band UV (280-380 nm) on guard cells of Vicia faba L. cv. Long Pod were investigated in the presence of white light (450 .mu.mol m-2 s-1). UV-C (7 .mu.mol m-2 s-1) was found to cause leakage of 86Rb+ from guard cells, while UV-A (0.3 .mu.mol m-2 s-1) stimulated increased uptake in these cells. A relatively small stimulatory effect was observed b
Palaeoclimate and palaeoceanography of the Skagerrak-Kattegat since the Late Weichselian based on diatom records
Diatoms from the surface sediments and sediments cores in the Skagerrak-Kattegat were analyzed and the results were presented in four papers and discussions. The broad aims of this thesis are twofold. The first aim is to correlate diatom data from the surface sediments to modern sedimentary environments, and try to find out the relationships between environmental variables such as salinity, temper
Posten knöt ihop stormakten
Populärvetenskaplig artikel om postväsendet i Sverige under 1600-talet.
Suggesting gadolinium-based contrast media for CT in azotemic patients is not based on historical, clinical, and experimental data
The recombinant C-terminus of the human MUC2 mucin forms dimers in Chinese-hamster ovary cells and heterodimers with full-length MUC2 in LS 174T cells
The entire cDNA corresponding to the C-terminal cysteine-rich domain of the human MUC2 apomucin, after the serine- and threonine-rich tandem repeat, was expressed in Chinese-hamster ovary-K1 cells and in the human colon carcinoma cell line, LS 174T. The C-terminus was expressed as a fusion protein with the green fluorescent protein and mycTag sequences and the murine immunoglobulin K-chain signal
Kristina Johansson: Broad entrance - vague exit. The trajectory of Political Science students through higher education into work life.
The Kammu year: its lore and music
Arkeologins många roller och praktiker : två sessioner vid VIII Nordic TAG i Lund 2005
This e-book contains contributions from two sessions at the archaeological conference Nordic TAG VIII that took place in Lund in 2005. It is also the first volume of a digital publication, Archaeology @ Lund, published by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University. The two sessions that are published together here are The Practical Aspects of the History of Archaeology an
Nuclear structure of light exotic nuclei from break-up reactions
One-nucleon removal reactions at relativistic energies have been used as a spectroscopic tool to characterise the ground state properties of several neutron-rich isotopes in the sd-shell. Using the FRS at GSI, the longitudinal momentum distributions of the emerging fragments after one-nucleon removal were measured. The relative contributions of the remaining fragments in their ground and excited s
Orsaker till byte av VVS-installationer : en intervjuundersökning
Denna rapport utgör redovisningen av tredje och sista etappen i ett arbete om utbytbarhet, material- och energiflöden i installationer för byggnader. De tre etapperna är redovisade i varsin rapport och utgör tillsammans en licentiatuppsats. Första etappen i arbetet utgjordes av litteraturstudien "Installationer ur ett livscykelperspektiv" (Rapport (TABK-99/3058) med syftet att redogöra för det a
Role of collagen type II specific antibodies in arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease resulting in destruction of cartilage and bone. The role of the B cells in RA pathogenesis clearly involves autoantibodies. Collagen type II (CII)-specific antibodies have been identified in RA synovium and synovial fluid. The work in this thesis is focused on the role of CII specific antibodies in the initiation and pathogenesis of arthr
The Interpretative Moment of European Journalism. The Impact of Newspaper Opinion Making in the Ratification Process.
This study investigates the role of political journalism in EU constitution-making. More specifically, we ask whether political journalists take an active role in shaping public preferences and opinion on European integration. An analytical framework is developed distinguishing between the critical and the representative function of media opinion-making. Journalists are found to interfere with the
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A Near-Infrared Transient Absorption Study of the Excited-State Dynamics of the Carotenoid Spirilloxanthin in Solution and in the LH1 Complex of Rhodospirillum rubrum.
The spectroscopic properties of spirilloxanthin in an nhexane solution and bound to the core light-harvesting LH1) complex of Rhodospirillum rubrum were studied by near infrared ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. Global analysis of the kinetic traces measured after excitation of spirilloxanthin to the S2 (1Bu +) state enabled us to estimate the species-associated difference spectra that