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Endogenous activators of the pain receptor TRPV1 From cell to man

Popular Abstract in Swedish N-acyletanolaminer (NAE) tillhör en växande grupp av kroppsegna lipider, som påverkar en mängd olika receptorer och jonkanaler. En sådan substans är anandamid, som finns i hjärnan och många andra organ. 1992 visade en grupp forskare att anandamid aktiverar receptorn för ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (cannabinoidreceptorn) i centrala nervsystemet. Anandamid och andra NAE bildaN-acylethanolamines (NAEs) belong to a growing family of endogenous signalling molecules acting on a variety of receptors and ion channels. In 1992, it was reported that the N-acylethanolamine anandamide is present in the brain and activates the central cannabinoid (CB) receptor. Anandamide and other NAEs are considered to be generated on demand following receptor activation or cell stress. The ti

Behandling med anti-TNF-alfa- effektivt komplement vid spondylartropati

Nine patients with spondylarthropathy (SpA) (6 with ankylosing spondylitis and 3 with psoriatic arthritis) who had not responded properly to conventional DMARD therapy were treated with 3 infusions (at 0, 2 and 6 weeks) of the TNF alpha inhibitor infliximab (3 mg/kg), in combination with methotrexate. To measure the effect of treatment, patients were evaluated before as well as 8 and 12 weeks afte

Applications and Extensions of Reference Attributed Grammars

Programming languages are the main tools used to describe models of the real world and algorithms which manipulate these models. Over time much effort has been devoted to the task of making programming languages more high-level by enhancing their expressiveness, bringing it closer to the way the programmer thinks and reasons. The development of object-oriented programming languages is one importan

Evidence for a new type of O allele at the ABO locus, due to a combination of the A2 nucleotide deletion and the Ael nucleotide insertion

Using a recently introduced multiplex polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism ABO genotype screening method we have found an anomalous ABO genotype (A2O1variant) not correlating with the serological phenotype (blood group O). The blood group was confirmed by absorption/elution and detection of blood group substances in saliva. Sequencing of exons 6 and 7 in the ABO g

Low systolic blood pressure is associated with impaired cognitive function in the oldest old: longitudinal observations in a population-based sample 80 years and older

Background and aims: The primary aim of the present study was to examine whether there is an association between blood pressure and the risk of subsequent cognitive decline in the oldest old. Various factors associated with blood pressure and cognitive function were considered. Methods: The study comprised 599 individuals of a population-based sample, 199 men (mean age at baseline 82.8 years, rang

Measurement of the electrically evoked compound action potential via a neural response telemetry system

The main aim of this study was to validate a new technique, neural response telemetry (NRT), for measuring the electrically evoked compound action potential in adult cochlear implant users via their Nucleus CI24M implant. Thirty-eight adults were evaluated with a variety of measurement procedures with the NRT software. Electrically evoked compound action potentials were obtained in 31 of the 38 ad

Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori vacA and cagA genotypes in Ethiopian dyspeptic patients

A total of 300 gastric biopsy samples and 50 Helicobacter pylori isolates were collected from Ethiopian adult dyspeptic patients. The vacA and cagA genes were detected in 90 and 79% of biopsy specimens, respectively, and in 100 and 87% of clinical isolates, respectively. Both genes were detected in 84% of the gastric biopsy samples and in 87% of the clinical isolates. Among vacA genotypes, the s1/

Magnetic field effects on optical and transport properties in InAs/GaAs quantum dots

A photoluminescence study of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots under the influence of magnetic fields perpendicular and parallel to the dot layer is presented. At low temperatures, the magnetic field perpendicular to the dot layer alters the in-plane transport properties due to localization of carriers in wetting layer (WL) potential fluctuations. Decreased transport in the WL results in a red

Low salivary IgA activity to cell-surface antigens of mutans streptococci related to HLA-DRB1*04

Background/aims: Mutans streptococci are found in almost all individuals, though there are large differences in colonization levels between individuals. These differences are not readily explained, though several factors are believed to influence the colonization. One factor is the immune response to mutans streptococci, mainly provided by salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA). In a previous study, diff

Satisfaction with Daily Occupations: a tool for client evaluation in mental health care

Research findings suggest that in order to clarify the relationship between occupation and health, occupation needs to be framed in several different ways. One facet of occupation is satisfaction with daily occupations, assessed using the Satisfaction with Daily Occupations (SDO) instrument. The purpose was to investigate some of the SDO's psychometric properties when applied on people with persis

Alternative use of chromatic and achromatic cues in a hawkmoth

The diurnal hummingbird hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum can learn the achromatic (intensity-related) and the chromatic (wavelength-related) aspect of a spectral colour. Free-flying moths learn to discriminate two colours differing in the chromatic aspect of colour fast and with high precision. In contrast, they learn the discrimination of two stimuli differing in the achromatic aspect more slowl

Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing of Lipid-Membrane-Mediated Biorecognition Events

Supported phospholipid bilayers (SPBs) have emerged as important model systems for studies of the natural cell membrane and its components, which are essential for the integrity and function of cells in all living organisms, and also constitute common targets for therapeutic drugs and in disease diagnosis. However, the preferential occurrence of spontaneous SPB formation on silicon-based substrate