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Vårdkedja för ungdomar eller professionella? En processutvärdering av projektet ”Motverka våld och gäng”
Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur de involverade aktörerna upplever, definierar och tolkar ett behandlingsprojekt, som involverade samhällsomhändertagna ungdomar. Projektet involverade olika myndigheter vars representanter skulle innefatta en vårdkedja och benämndes Motverka Våld och Gäng (MVG-projektet). I projektet var också ett antal samordnare anställda. Utöver redovisningen av våraThis report concerns a large evaluation of a project concerning Swedish juvenile care. We analyse how professionals, youngsters and parents perceived and interpreted the three-year project which involved different authorities whose representatives should form a care-giving chain. The project also employed a number of coordinators. Beyond accounting for the results from just over one houndred inter
Genèse religieuse de l'état laïque : Textes choisis de Roger Wiliams
Implementation and testing of the first prompt search for gravitational wave transients with electromagnetic counterparts
Aims. A transient astrophysical event observed in both gravitational wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) channels would yield rich scientific rewards. A first program initiating EM follow-ups to possible transient GW events has been developed and exercised by the LIGO and Virgo community in association with several partners. In this paper, we describe and evaluate the methods used to promptly ident
Multivariate data analysis of regular landfill monitoring data
Connecting Spatially Coupled LDPC Code Chains
Codes constructed from connected spatially coupled low-density parity-check code (SC-LDPCC) chains are proposed and analyzed. It is demonstrated that connecting coupled chains results in improved iterative decoding performance. The constructed protograph ensembles have better iterative decoding thresholds compared to an individual SC-LDPCC chain and require less computational complexity per bit wh
Fabrication and Characterization of Ultra-Thin PIN Silicon Detectors for Counting the Passage of MeV Ions
This paper describes the fabrication and initial characterization of an ultra-thin silicon PIN detector using a new technique in silicon nanotechnology. In collaboration with the Nuclear Physics Division and the Lund Nano Lab at Lund University, we have developed and manufactured ultra thin Delta E-detectors for spectroscopic applications. The fabrication process has been carried out using a doubl
Neutron-proton pairing competition in N = Z nuclei: Metastable state decays in the proton dripline nuclei Nb-82(41) and Tc-86(43)
The low-lying structures of the self-conjugate (N = Z) nuclei Nb-82(41)41 and Tc-86(43)43 have been investigated using isomeric-decay spectroscopy following the projectile fragmentation of a Ag-107 beam. These represent the heaviest odd-odd N = Z nuclei in which internal decays have been identified to date. The resulting level schemes shed light on the shape evolution along the N = Z line between
Content and concurrent validity of the motivation for change questionnaire
Introduction Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are nowadays seen within a biopsychosocial framework, including salutogenic factors, motivation factors, and coping ability. Such a framework recognizes the importance of motivational factors in health promotion and in rehabilitation. The Motivation for Change Questionnaire (MCQ) has been developed to measure the strength of individuals' motivation for
Tystnad omger polska pogromer
Recension av Anna Bikont, Vi från Jedwabne.
Using hidden Markov model to uncover processing states from eye movements in information search tasks
We study how processing states alternate during information search tasks. Inference is carried out with a discriminative hidden Markov model (dHMM) learned from eye movement data, measured in an experiment consisting of three task types: (i) simple word search, (ii) finding a sentence that answers a question and (iii) choosing a subjectively most interesting title from a list of ten titles. The re
The role of desmin in active force transmission and maintenance of structure during growth of urinary bladder.
The role of the intermediate filament protein desmin in hypertrophy of smooth muscle was examined in desmin deficient mice (Des -/-). A partial obstruction of the urethra was created and after 9-19 days bladder weight increased about 3-fold in both Des -/- and wild type (Des +/+) animals. Bladder growth was associated with synthesis of actin and myosin. In the hypertrophic Des +/+ bladder the rela
Computer-Assisted Interpretation of Planar Whole-Body Bone Scans.
The purpose of this study was to develop a computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) system based on image-processing techniques and artificial neural networks for the interpretation of bone scans performed to determine the presence or absence of metastases. METHODS: A training group of 810 consecutive patients who had undergone bone scintigraphy due to suspected metastatic disease were included in the st
Tack ska ni ha
EULAR Sjogren's syndrome disease activity index: development of a consensus systemic disease activity index for primary Sjogren's syndrome
Objective To develop a disease activity index for patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome (SS): the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Sjogren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI). Methods Thirty-nine SS experts participated in an international collaboration, promoted by EULAR, to develop the ESSDAI. Experts identified 12 organ-specific 'domains' contributing to disease activity. Fo
Job satisfaction, strain and stress of conscience among nurse assistants working in residential care for older people
The overall aim of the thesis was to investigate and explore job satisfaction, strain and stress of conscience (SC) among nurse assistants (NAs) working in residential care for older people. The thesis had a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational design and consisted of one paper where qualitative methodology was used and three where quantitative methodology was used. The qualitative study
Propagation pattern analysis during atrial fibrillation based on sparse modeling
Abstract in UndeterminedIn this study, sparse modeling is introduced for the estimation of propagation patterns in intracardiac atrial fibrillation (AF) signals. The estimation is based on the partial directed coherence function, derived from fitting a multivariate autoregressive model to the observed signal using least-squares (LS) estimation. The propagation pattern analysis incorporates prior i
Entusiasm, skepsis, distans: studier i svensk-tyska förbindelser inom medicinen 1933–1945
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse Swedish-German contacts in medicine 1933-1945. It shows how the National Socialist German Physicians’ Federation (NSDÄB) tried to strengthen connections with the Swedish medical profession and academic medicine and to spread NS-propaganda to carefully selected Swedish physicians. The dissertation consists of four papers. In the first paper the inte
Guest editorial
Infliximab as rescue therapy in hospitalised patients with steroid-refractory acute ulcerative colitis: a long-term follow-up of 211 Swedish patients
BackgroundRescue therapy with infliximab (IFX) has been proven effective in a steroid-refractory attack of ulcerative colitis (UC). The long-term efficacy is not well described. AimTo present a retrospective study of IFX as rescue therapy in UC. Primary end points were colectomy-free survival at 3 and 12months. MethodsIn this multicentre study, 211 adult patients hospitalised between 1999 and 2010