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On mm-Wave Multi-path Clustering and Channel Modeling

Efficient and realistic mm-wave channel models are of vital importance for the development of novel mm-wave wireless technologies. Though many of the current 60 GHz channel models are based on the useful concept of multi-path clusters, only a limited number of 60 GHz channel measurements have been reported in the literature for this purpose. Therefore, there is still a need for further measurement

"Utopin blir bara bättre ju längre vi väntar på den" - Alexander Kluge och Nachrichten aus der ideologischen Antike

This essay examines the film News from Ideological Antiquity (2008) by German filmmaker Alexander Kluge. Kluge has tried to fulfil the dream of Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein and make a film version of The Capital by Karl Marx. Kluge’s endeavour is discussed within the context of European left wing cinema, and the film analysis is intertwined with a mapping of the reception of the work in Euro

The role of Smad signaling in hematopoiesis and translational hematology.

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in the bone marrow (BM) of adult individuals and function to produce and regenerate the entire blood and immune system over the course of an individual's lifetime. Historically, HSCs are among the most thoroughly characterized tissue-specific stem cells. Despite this, the regulation of fate options, such as self-renewal and differentiation, has remained elusi


Popular Abstract in Icelandic SUMMARY IN ICELANDIC Samantekt á íslensku Hlutfall eldra fólks í Evrópu sem og annars staðar í heiminum hefur aukist og þá sérstaklega þeirra sem eru 80 ára og eldri. Vegna hrumleika og langvinnra sjúkdóma er líklegt að þessi aldurshópur þarfnist aðstoðar frá hinu opinbera, m. a. vistunar á hjúkrunarheimilum. Því má ætla að á komandi árum muni hjúkrunarheimilin standThe overall aim of this thesis was to investigate trends over time in residents’ health status, functional profile and predictors of mortality at admission to Icelandic nursing homes and in addition to determine upper and lower thresholds for Minimum Data Set (MDS) Quality Indicators, to investigate the prevalence of quality indicators over time and their association with the health status and fun

Decoupling of behavioural and morphological differentiation in a partially migratory bird population

Capsule Resident Blackcaps in eastern Spain differ in morphology and isotope profile from central European conspecifics wintering in the area, but not from locally breeding migrants. Aims Natural selection shapes flight morphology in relation to migratory habits. Thus, intraspecific variation in migratory behaviour is often paralleled by morphological differentiation. We test whether differences i

Genes involved in muscle contractility and nutrient signaling pathways within celiac disease risk loci show differential mRNA expression

Background: Risk gene variants for celiac disease, identified in genome-wide linkage and association studies, might influence molecular pathways important for disease development. The aim was to examine expression levels of potential risk genes close to these variants in the small intestine and peripheral blood and also to test if the non-coding variants affect nearby gene expression levels in chi

HCl/DMF for enhanced chemoselectivity in catalytic hydrogenolysis reactions

An improved, chemoselective hydrogenolysis method has been developed. By employing a solvent-acid combination (i.e., DMF-aq HCl) we were able to favor debenzylation rather than aromatic hydrogenation and acid-mediated bond cleavage which are the two main drawbacks of these reactions. The generality of the method, which was primarily developed as a solution to a carbohydrate problem, is shown by th

Modern landfill leachates – quality and treatment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Deponier (soptippar) har förändrats kraftigt de senaste decennierna. Detta beror främst på ändrad lagstiftning vilken i sin tur till stor del bygger på en önskan att skydda miljön. Dock har lag¬stiftningen implementerats utan riktig kännedom om dess konsekvenser för utsläppen från deponier på lång sikt. För att öka förståelsen för konsekvenserna genomfördes det forskninWaste management in Europe has changed, mainly as a result of stricter regulations, most notably the European Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC. In Sweden, landfill tax and a ban on the landfilling of waste with total organic carbon content over 10 % have diverted large amounts of waste from landfills. The biogeochemistry of landfills has changed due to their reduced organic content. The research pres

The impact of urban design decisions on net zero energy solar buildings in Sweden

Planning for future energy-efficient and energy-producing buildings requires specific knowledge during the design process. Many design decisions taken by urban planners –form, density, roof type and orientation – have a significant effect on the conditions of such buildings, although urban planners might not always be aware of the effect of their design. This study examines the effects of importan

Acid-Base Speciation of Carboxylate Ions in the Surface Region of Aqueous Solutions in the Presence of Ammonium and Aminium Ions

The acid base speciation of surface-active carboxylate ions in the surface region of aqueous solutions was studied with synchrotron-radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy. The protonated form was found at an extraordinarily large fraction compared to that expected from the bulk pH. When adding salts containing the weak acid NH4+ to the solution, the fraction of the acidic form at the surface i

Exploring nonverbal behavior in elite handball players: Development of the Handball Post-Shot Behavior Coding Scheme (H-PSB-CS)

It is hypothesized that nonverbal behaviors of team sport athletes have an important impact on the course of the game. However, quantitative research on this topic is rare, partly due to a lack of scientifically sound coding schemes developed to assess nonverbal behavior in team sports. The aim of the present study is to develop a coding scheme that measures nonverbal behaviors displayed by female

Two-pulse structured illumination imaging

Structured illumination (SI), which is an imaging technique that is employed in a variety of fields, permits unique possibilities to suppress unwanted signal contributions that carry misguiding information such as out-of-focus light or multiply scattered light. So far SI has been applied mostly for averaged imaging or for imaging of slowly occurring events because it requires three acquisitions (s

Modelling and optimisation of preparative chromatographic purification of europium.

A model commonly used to describe the separation of biomolecules was used to simulate the harsh environment when eluting neodymium, samarium, europium and gadolinium with a hot acid. After calibration, the model was used to optimise the preparative separation of europium, as this is the most valuable of the four elements. A kinetic dispersive model with a Langmuir mobile phase modulator isotherm w

Measurement of the centrality dependence of J/psi yields and observation of Z production in lead-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

Using the ATLAS detector, a centrality-dependent suppression has been observed in the yield of J/psi mesons produced in the collisions of lead ions at the Large Hadron Collider. In a sample of minimum-bias lead-lead collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre of mass energy root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 6.7 mu b(-1), J/psi mesons are reconstructed via their d

Antenna Q and stored energy expressed in the fields, currents, and input impedance

Although the stored energy of an antenna is instrumental in the evaluation of antenna Q and the associated physical bounds, it is difficult to strictly define stored energy. Classically, the stored energy is either determined from the input impedance of the antenna or the electromagnetic fields around the antenna. The new energy expressions proposed by Vandenbosch express the stored energy in the