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Miljöstrategisk styrning - Masterprogram

The key features of the programme are: interdisciplinary learning, international perspectives and practically applied studies. The EMP is focused on both environmental policy and environmental management. This is based on our collective experience that decision makers within both these spheres benefit vastly from having such a dual understanding. More and more, we find that many alumni, regardlessThe key features of the programme are: interdisciplinary learning, international perspectives and practically applied studies. The EMP is focused on both environmental policy and environmental management. This is based on our collective experience that decision makers within both these spheres benefit vastly from having such a dual understanding. More and more, we find that many alumni, regardless

Digitalisation and Services

I dag klarar vi oss inte utan kunskap om digitaliseringen och dess inverkan på vårt samhälle. I kursen får du en inblick i hur digitala tjänster kan utvecklas men framför allt de mer teoretiska perspektiven på digitalisering och tjänster. De mer teoretiska och kritiska perspektiven på digitalisering och tjänster kommer att kombineras med mer praktiska perspektiv. I kursens avslutande moment får duIn today's digital society, we need an understanding of digitalisation and its impact on our society. In this course you will get an insight to how digitalization affects services, how services are digitalized as well as how new services can be created through digitalisation. In this course the more theoretical and critical perspectives on digitalisation and service, will be combined with more pra

Economics - Masterprogram

The programme provides you with deep and thorough knowledge of modern economic theories, concepts, techniques, and their applications. You will acquire the necessary skills to undertake advanced economic analysis and become familiar with state-of-the-art research. The rigorous and research-based education will enable you to undertake advanced economic analysis by applying modern economic theory aThe programme provides you with deep and thorough knowledge of modern economic theories, concepts, techniques, and their applications. You will acquire the necessary skills to undertake advanced economic analysis and become familiar with state-of-the-art research. The rigorous and research-based education will enable you to undertake advanced economic analysis by applying modern economic theory a

Finans - Magisterprogram

This programme extends your knowledge of all major areas of financial decision-making. You will gain a thorough understanding of, and training in, effective identification, analysis and resolution of complex financial problems. The Master’s programme in Finance provides knowledge in both financial economics and corporate finance. Important objectives are to familiarise students with the main areasThis programme extends your knowledge of all major areas of financial decision-making. You will gain a thorough understanding of, and training in, effective identification, analysis and resolution of complex financial problems. The Master’s programme in Finance provides knowledge in both financial economics and corporate finance. Important objectives are to familiarise students with the main areas

Arkeologi - teori och praktik - Masterprogram

Mastersprogrammet är speciellt utvecklat för att möta kraven inom forskning, fältarkeologi och kulturarvsförmedling. I programmet får du möjlighet att fördjupa dig i något av institutionens fyra ämnen: antikens kultur och samhällsliv, arkeologi, historisk arkeologi eller historisk osteologi. Utbildningen är utformad så att den aktivt kombinerar ämnenas teoretiska, metodiska och praktiska sidor. MaThis programme combines high scientific and theoretical standards with intensive practical training within Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museology. You will be trained in how to excavate and document the past, how to preserve artefacts and buildings and how to communicate your findings and research results to a wider audience. Special features of the programme: Project-based learning Arc

Asienstudier - Masterprogram

You read courses that are general and deal with cross-regional issues but you also get the opportunity during the second semester to take an interdisciplinary course on a country or region in East and South-East Asia that you want to focus on. The curriculum enables you to specialise based on your regional, thematic, and disciplinary focus and to critically examine and discuss issues witYou read courses that are general and deal with cross-regional issues but you also get the opportunity during the second semester to take an interdisciplinary course on a country or region in East and South-East Asia that you want to focus on. The curriculum enables you to specialise based on your regional, thematic, and disciplinary focus and to critically examine and discuss issues wit

Europastudier med humanistisk profil - Masterprogram

A unique humanist profile The programme's primary goal is to provide a focus on the humanities in the field of European studies, which is a perspective unique to Lund University. The programme specifically targets those who are interested in understanding Europe from a broader, cultural point of view, and who want to apply this perspective in careers related to European cultural politics, identiA unique humanist profile The programme's primary goal is to provide a focus on the humanities in the field of European studies, which is a perspective unique to Lund University. The programme specifically targets those who are interested in understanding Europe from a broader, cultural point of view, and who want to apply this perspective in careers related to European cultural politics, identi

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Barn- och ungdomslitteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Engelskspråkig litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Franskspråkig litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of this programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. You can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural topics ofThe aim of this programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. You can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural topics of

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Tyskspråkig litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Mänskliga rättigheter - Masterprogram

Programmet är forskningsorienterat och vänder sig studenter som är intresserade av att utveckla tvärvetenskapliga färdigheter, relevanta för vår tids politiska och kulturella utmaningar. Vi fokuserar på en interaktiv undervisningsstil med nära koppling till vår pågående forskning.  Programmet ges av avdelningen för mänskliga rättigheter vid Historiska institutionen. Vi finns på LUX somThis is a research-oriented programme for students interested in gaining interdisciplinary skills relevant for political and cultural challenges of our time. We focus on an interactive teaching style with close connections to ongoing research. Students have the opportunity to complete an internship as part of their studies. The programme is offered by the Human Rights Studies division at the Dep

Språk och språkvetenskap, Kognitiv semiotik - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subjThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subj

Språk och språkvetenskap, Lingvistik - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions.  Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not all specializations and subject areas are offered every year. For the intake in 2024, the folloThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions.  Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not all specializations and subject areas are offered every year. For the intake in 2024, the follo

Tillämpad kulturanalys - Masterprogram

It emphasises the use of ethnography and cultural analysis as a means of helping organisations and businesses as well as municipal and community-based actors to develop their services, products and public outreach programmes. The programme will strengthen students' theoretical and methodological skills in anthropology-based ethnography while developing advanced understanding of different organisatIt emphasises the use of ethnography and cultural analysis as a means of helping organisations and businesses as well as municipal and community-based actors to develop their services, products and public outreach programmes. The programme will strengthen students' theoretical and methodological skills in anthropology-based ethnography while developing advanced understanding of different orga

Europeisk handelsrätt - Masterprogram

The programme provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and the theoretical aspects of business law within the European Union and of how the internal market operates in a global context. Students also acquire knowledge of EU constitutional law as a necessary basis for a full understanding of European business law. Throughout the course students are given extensive opportunities to pThe programme provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and the theoretical aspects of business law within the European Union and of how the internal market operates in a global context. Students also acquire knowledge of EU constitutional law as a necessary basis for a full understanding of European business law. Throughout the course students are given extensive opportunities to p

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, Komposition

Musikhögskolan i Malmö erbjuder kvalificerade yrkesutbildningar på kandidat- och masternivå för blivande musiker, kompositörer och kyrkomusiker för professionell verksamhet i orkestrar och ensembler samt för en växande frilansmarknad. Genom att studera vid något av kompositionsprogrammen vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö förbereder du dig inför en framtida professionell verksamhet som kompositör och/elleThe Malmö Academy of Music offers advanced professional first and second cycle programmes for prospective singers, musicians, composers and church musicians for work in orchestras and ensembles and for the growing freelance market. Studies in one of the performance programmes at the Malmö Academy of Music will prepare you for future professional musicianship as a composer or/and arranger. During t

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, Sång

Masterprogrammet i musik med inriktning klassisk sång är en tvåårig universitetsutbildning på heltid som vänder sig till dig som vill utvecklas som sångare inom västerländsk konstmusik eller sångstudier. Under studierna får du lära dig att forma och finslipa din tekniska och konstnärliga förmåga, både som solist och i ensembler tillsammans med andra sångare och instrumentalister. Stor vikt läggs vThe Master's Programme in Music with a specialisation in classical singing is a two-year full-time university programme aimed at students who want to develop as a singer in Western art music or Vocal studies. During your studies, you will learn to shape and hone your technical and artistic ability, both as a soloist and in ensembles together with other singers and instrumentalists. Great emphasis

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, Symfoniorkesterinstrument

Masterprogrammet i musik med inriktning symfoniorkesterinstrument är en tvåårig universitetsutbildning på heltid, som riktar sig till dig som har en kandidatexamen och vill fortsätta fördjupa dina tekniska och konstnärliga färdigheter inom västerländsk konstmusik. Utbildningen omfattar både individuella lektioner och ensemblespel. Musikhögskolan samarbetar med Malmö Symfoniorkester, MalmThe Master's programme in Music with a specialisation in symphonic orchestral instruments is a two-year full-time university education. It is aimed at students who have a Bachelor's degree and want to further deepen their technical and artistic skills in Western art music. The programme includes both individual lessons, masterclasses and ensemble. The Symphony Orchestra Instrument programme is ava

Konstnärligt kandidatprogram i musik, Folk- och världsmusik

Musikerutbildning, folk- och världsmusik, syftar till att utbilda musiker med hög konstnärlig och professionell förmåga. Utbildningen är öppen för instrumentalister och sångare med bakgrund inom såväl folkmusik som icke västerländsk konstmusik. Du skall efter genomgången utbildning ha tillräckliga kunskaper och färdigheter för att kunna verka i arbetslivets olika former. Du skall även ha utvecklatThe Performance Programme, World Music, aims to train musicians that possess excellent artistic and professional qualities. The programme is offered to both instrument players and vocalists with a background in folk music or non-Western classical music. After the successful completion of the programme of study, students shall have sufficient knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to pursue