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European and International Trade and Tax Law - Magisterprogram

The Master’s in European and International Trade and Tax Law builds on previous studies in Law, Economics, Business Administration, Political Science or International Relations The programme provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and theoretical aspects of trade and tax law within the EU as well as globally. International trade evolves rapidly. Those interested in doing busiThe Master’s in European and International Trade and Tax Law builds on previous studies in Law, Economics, Business Administration, Political Science or International Relations The programme provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and theoretical aspects of trade and tax law within the EU as well as globally. International trade evolves rapidly. Those interested in doing busi

Redovisning och finansiering - Magisterprogram

Accounting, corporate finance and management control are closely related parts of the broader accounting and finance field. They all lie at the intersection where business strategy, processes and information combine and represent critical functions in organizations to ensure that decisions, processes, and behaviours are consistent with corporate objectives and that strategies are related to perforAccounting, corporate finance and management control are closely related parts of the broader accounting and finance field. They all lie at the intersection where business strategy, processes and information combine and represent critical functions in organizations to ensure that decisions, processes, and behaviours are consistent with corporate objectives and that strategies are related to perfor

Data Analytics and Business Economics - Magisterprogram

These are companies that are known for their use of “big data” and analytics to predict and steer customer behaviour. But the truth is that today most organisations are heavily reliant on big data. And the more data businesses amass, the more important it becomes for organisations to be able to harness the information their data provides and use it strategically to improve their operations. This dThese are companies that are known for their use of “big data” and analytics to predict and steer customer behaviour. But the truth is that today most organisations are heavily reliant on big data. And the more data businesses amass, the more important it becomes for organisations to be able to harness the information their data provides and use it strategically to improve their operations. This d

International Marketing & Brand Management - Magisterprogram

This programme allows you to develop advanced-level academic expertise in international marketing and brand management. We provide you with the theory, concepts and skills to operate, build strong brands and successfully market products and services across a range of dynamic and competitive international environments. You will train your ability to analyse societal shifts, trends and their interplThis programme allows you to develop advanced-level academic expertise in international marketing and brand management. We provide you with the theory, concepts and skills to operate, build strong brands and successfully market products and services across a range of dynamic and competitive international environments. You will train your ability to analyse societal shifts, trends and their interpl

Informationssystem - Magisterprogram

Vi erbjuder dig ett högkvalitativt program som ger dig verktyg och färdigheter för att förstå utformningen av informationssystem (IS) som hanterar viktiga organisatoriska och samhälleliga utmaningar. På programmet får du lära dig hur informationsteknik (IT) och artificiell intelligens (AI) kan användas för att uppnå strategiska mål och hur Business Intelligence (BI) hjälper organisationer attWe offer you a world-class programme that provides you with the tools and skills to understand the design of information systems that address important organisational and societal challenges. In this programme you will learn how Information Technologies (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to achieve strategic goals, and how Business Intelligence (BI) helps organisations make better d

Managing People, Knowledge & Change - Magisterprogram

Managing people, knowledge and change requires understanding of excellent leadership. This programme facilitates for learning about the relevance and significance of leadership by providing you with a better understanding of the various challenges facing the practising manager and consultant in contemporary organizations. It features a solid combination of both in-depth business knowledge and knowManaging people, knowledge and change requires understanding of excellent leadership. This programme facilitates for learning about the relevance and significance of leadership by providing you with a better understanding of the various challenges facing the practising manager and consultant in contemporary organizations. It features a solid combination of both in-depth business knowledge and know

International Business - Kandidatprogram

Under de fyra första terminerna så följer du ett upplägg av kurser som blandar kunskaper från olika ämnen: företagsekonomi, nationalekonomi, statistik, handelsrätt och informatik. Under termin fem så väljer du kurser efter dina egna intressen. Du kan välja att plugga utomlands – Ekonomihögskolan har ett mycket stort utbud av samarbeten med högt rankade internationella universitet över hela vLund University School of Economics and Management offers a three year Bachelor's in International Business. The programme is taught in English and aimed at recent high school graduates with a strong academic background, international career ambitions, and the drive to gain knowledge and skills in the international business field. The BSc in International Business offers: A vast, yet foc

Religious Roots of Europe - Masterprogram

Programmet ger dig kunskap och färdigheter för arbete inom områden där teologisk, religiös och kulturell expertis efterfrågas. I undervisningen kombineras internetundervisning, seminarieveckor, kursuppgifter, handledning och traditionell undervisning vid det egna universitetet. Även om programmet är nätbaserat kan inte programmet i sin helhet studeras på distans. Deltagande vid nordiska, veckolånThe programme prepares students for educational and social work in a multi-religious society or for research on the role of the three religions in European history and society. Through the programme students acquire detailed knowledge about the formation of the three religions and their interaction with one another, as well as skills relevant for any occupation or study where the role of the three

Språk och språkvetenskap, Moderna språk - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. An additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not alThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. An additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not al

Mänskliga rättigheter - Masterprogram

The LL.M. in International Human Rights Law has been offered by the Faculty of Law for more than 30 years. As such it was one of the first LL.M. programmes in the world established specifically to provide for the academic mastery of an increasingly influential and complex area of international law. The programme is a cooperative venture by the Faculty of Law and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of The LL.M. in International Human Rights Law has been offered by the Faculty of Law for more than 30 years. As such it was one of the first LL.M. programmes in the world established specifically to provide for the academic mastery of an increasingly influential and complex area of international law. The programme is a cooperative venture by the Faculty of Law and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of

Konstnärligt masterprogram i fri konst

Konstnärlig masterutbildning i fri konst är ett tvåårigt utbildningsprogram på heltid som syftar till att utbilda konstnärer med mycket god professionell förmåga på hög konstnärlig nivå. Utbildningen håller en hög internationell profil och förbereder för en yrkesverksamhet på internationell nivå. Utbildningens internationellt verksamma professorer är aktiva inom en rad olika konstnärliga fält. DetThe Master of Fine Arts is a two-year full-time programme that aims to educate artists with a very high professional ability at an advanced artistic level. The programme has a distinct international profile and prepares students for an international career. The programme’s internationally active professors work in a range of different artistic fields. Not only does this lead to important interacti

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, Jazz - improvisation

Musikhögskolan i Malmö erbjuder kvalificerade yrkesutbildningar på kandidat- och masternivå för blivande musiker, kompositörer och kyrkomusiker för professionell verksamhet i orkestrar och ensembler samt för en växande frilansmarknad. Genom att studera vid något av musikerprogrammen vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö förbereder du dig inför ett framtida professionellt musikerskap som solist och/eller enseThe Malmö Academy of Music offers advanced professional first and second cycle programmes for prospective singers, musicians, composers and church musicians for work in orchestras and ensembles and for the growing freelance market. Studies in one of the performance programmes at the Malmö Academy of Music will prepare you for future professional musicianship as a soloist and/or ensemble and orches

Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, Piano

Masterutbildningen i Piano, klassisk inriktning, utvecklar din självständiga förmåga att planera, utföra och utvärdera ditt musikaliska kunnande. En klassisk pianist bör under sina studier utveckla en självständig förmåga att planera, utföra och utvärdera sitt musikaliska kunnande. I samråd med huvudläraren ska både kortsiktiga och långsiktiga mål formuleras gällande exempelvis repertoar och pianoThe Master's degree in Piano, classical specialisation, develops your independent ability to plan, perform and evaluate your musical skills. Classical pianists should develop an autonomous ability to plan, use and evaluate their musical ability during their studies. In consultation with the teacher, both short-term and long-term goals are to be formulated concerning, for example, repertoire and

Konstnärligt masterprogram i scenkonst som kritisk praktik

Det nya konstnärliga masterprogrammet i scenkonst med inriktning kritisk praktik är en tvåårig heltidsutbildning. Programmet riktar sig till konstnärer inom teater, dans och performance som önskar ge sig ut på en forskningsledd bana och situera sin scenkonstnärliga praktik inom samtidens sociala, politiska och ekonomiska förhållanden. Programmet syftar till att utbilda konstnärer som kan närma sigThe new international Master’s programme in Performing Arts with a specialisation in Critical Practice and a social focus is a two-year, full-time study, starting in September, 2025. It is open to artists within theatre, dance and performance who want to embark on a research-led study and to situate their practices within the social, political and economic conditions of the contemporary world. T

Konstnärligt kandidatprogram i fri konst

Konstnärlig kandidatutbildning i fri konst är ett treårigt utbildningsprogram på heltid som syftar till att utbilda konstnärer med hög konstnärlig och professionell förmåga. Programmet håller en hög internationell profil och förbereder för en yrkesverksamhet på internationell nivå. Utbildningens internationellt verksamma professorer är aktiva inom en rad olika konstnärliga fält. Detta leder inte bThe Bachelor of Fine Arts is a three-year full-time study programme that aims to educate artists with high artistic and professional ability. The programme has a distinct international profile and prepares students for an international career. The programme’s internationally active professors work in a range of different artistic fields.  Not only does this lead to important interaction at Ma

Konstnärligt kandidatprogram i musik, Individuell studiegång

Musikerutbildning, individuell studiegång, syftar till att utbilda musiker med hög konstnärlig och professionell förmåga. Utbildningen riktar sig till den som inte kan söka till andra musikerutbildningar på Musikhögskolan i Malmö på grund av att dennes konstnärliga inriktning eller instrumentala profil eller ensemblemässiga sammansättning inte ryms inom de andra utbildningarna. Utbildningen kan geThe Bachelor’s Programme in Music, Individual Programme, aims to educate musicians that possess good artistic and professional qualities. On completion of the programme, the student must have adequate knowledge and skill in order to comfortably work within the various functions and engagements of the professional musician: either as a soloist, a member of an established ensemble and/or independent


Då kan biomedicin vara något för dig. Dina lärare är aktiva forskare och bland de bästa inom sina forskningsområden i världen. Från första början är du ute i en forskningsmiljö och tar del av de senaste laborationsteknikerna och forskningsresultaten. Aktuella frågor för biomedicinare: Hur kan man använda nanopartiklar i cancermediciner? Antibiotikaresistens, vad ska vi göra när våra medicinIn that case, Biomedicine is for you! The programme is tightly linked to ongoing cutting-edge research within Biomedicine, and our teachers are also active researchers. You will thus study in an environment that inte­grates education and research. Current issues of interest to biomedical scientists: How can we rapidly respond to and develop diagnostics, treatments and vaccines for future pan

Beräkningsvetenskap, Beräkningsmatematik - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa naturvetenskapliga processer och hur beräkningsvetenskap kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Beräkningsmatematik fokuserar på att studera och utveckla de beräkningsmetoder som används inom beräkningsvetenskapen. Aktuella infallsvinklar kan varAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. In this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within the natural sciences, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Scientific computing focuses on the study and development of computational methods that are used within computational science. A few of many ex

Bioinformatik - Masterprogram

Forskning inom medicin, biokemi och biologi skapar enorma mängder biologiska data. Detta leder till en hög efterfrågan på personer med kunskap inom bioinformatik. På masterprogrammet lär du dig använda moderna programmeringsverktyg och metoder för att effektivt hantera biologiska data. Under utbildningen rör du dig inom ämnena biologi, medicin, datavetenskap och statistik. MasterproResearch within the medicine, biochemistry, ecology and biology disciplines generates massive amounts of biological data, which leads to high demand for individuals knowledgeable and experienced in bioinformatics. In this Master’s programme you will learn to use modern programming tools and methods to analyse biological data, develop and test hypotheses, and write academic research papers. The pro

Biologi, Allmän inriktning - Masterprogram

Tillsammans med studievägledaren utformar du en personlig studiegång. Undervisningen sker i moderna lokaler och laboratorier med avancerad utrustning. I många av kurserna utgör fältundervisning en viktig del av utbildningen. Beroende på ditt val av kurser finns därför omfattande möjligheter till kostnadsfria exkursioner och fältprojekt. Som student får du även fördjupad kunskap i försöksdesign ochYou will design your personal study route together with the study advisor. Choose from around 30 second cycle courses in Biology. Teaching takes place on modern premises and in laboratories with advanced equipment. Depending on your selection of courses, there are extensive opportunities for excursions and field projects. These are provided at no cost to the student. You will obtain specialis