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EDI in Swedish Music Education : Transforming Traditions and Navigating Challenges

In Sweden's upper secondary school aesthetic program, educators face significant opportunities and challenges in teaching students who utilize Electronical Digital Instruments (EDI) as their primary instrument. Since 2017, students have leveraged EDI, employing computers, user-configured software, and performance controllers to play and create music. This transformative approach challenges traditi

Locating people in tunnels using Wi-Fi technology

The aim of the project is to investigate the possibility of using people's mobile phones to locate people in a tunnel environment using the mobile phone's Wi-Fi connection. In total, 39 different trials were carried out under different conditions in a road tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden. In the trials, the Wi-Fi-based predicted location has been compared with the actual location of the recruited 16 p

Behavioural intentions towards use of digital video consultations in primary care : a survey study on physicians’, nurses’ and psychologists’ perceptions in Swedish primary care

Objectives The study aimed to describe the experiences of physicians, nurses and psychologists employed in primary care in using digital video consultations. The second objective was to study the association between the predictors of behaviour and behavioural intentions to use digital consultations and to relate underlying behavioural beliefs to experiences of digital consultations in primary care

Development of methodology to support molecular endotype discovery from synovial fluid of individuals with knee osteoarthritis : The STEpUP OA consortium

Objectives To develop a protocol for largescale analysis of synovial fluid proteins, for the identification of biological networks associated with subtypes of osteoarthritis. Methods Synovial Fluid To detect molecular Endotypes by Unbiased Proteomics in Osteoarthritis (STEpUP OA) is an international consortium utilising clinical data (capturing pain, radiographic severity and demographic features)

Exact finite-time correlation functions for multiterminal setups : Connecting theoretical frameworks for quantum transport and thermodynamics

Transport in open quantum systems can be explored through various theoretical frameworks, including the quantum master equation, scattering matrix, and Heisenberg equation of motion. The choice of framework depends on factors such as the presence of interactions, the coupling strength between the system and environment, and whether the focus is on steady-state or transient regimes. Existing litera

Thousands of planetesimals : Simulating the streaming instability in very large computational domains

The streaming instability is a mechanism whereby pebble-sized particles in protoplanetary discs spontaneously come together in dense filaments, which collapse gravitationally to form planetesimals upon reaching the Roche density. The extent of the filaments along the orbital direction is nevertheless poorly characterised, due to a focus in the literature on small simulation domains where the behav

Personal social network strengthens adherence to lifestyle changes in individuals with subjective cognitive decline

INTRODUCTION: Providing medical advice regarding lifestyle changes is currently the most effective intervention for delaying dementia onset among individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD). Adherence to such advice can be influenced by individual's social environment. We measured that impact within a Latinamerican population. METHODS: We recruited 183 SCD individuals from a Memory Clinic,

Klarspråk i Högsta domstolen – En analys av den språkliga utformningen av Högsta domstolens domar under perioden 1971–2024

Sedan 1970-talet har det förts en aktiv diskussion om modernisering av språket som används av myndigheter och andra offentliga organ. För domstolarnas del var det den så kallade Förtroendeutredningen, vars betänkande presenterades år 2008, som blev startskottet för arbetet med att se över den språkliga utformningen av domar och beslut. Detta klarspråksarbete är numera ett naturligt inslag i domstoSince the 1970s there has been an ongoing public discussion in Sweden centered around efforts to modernize the language of the public sector. In 2008 an official report about communication between courts of law and citizens highlighted the necessity of improving the language of judgements and decisions, sparking further discussions and action. Since then, the courts have been actively working to p

Survey among experts on the future role of tau-PET in clinical practice and trials

BACKGROUND: Recent advancements in Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarker research and clinical trials prompt reflection on the value and consequently appropriate use of tau positron emission tomography (tau-PET) in the future. METHODS: We conducted an online survey among dementia and PET experts worldwide to investigate the anticipated future role of tau-PET in clinical practice and trials. RESULTS:

Expansion of MHC-IIB Has Constrained the Evolution of MHC-IIA in Passerines

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is central in adaptive immunity, with the highly polymorphic MHC genes encoding antigen-presenting molecules. Two MHC class II (MHC-II) loci, DA1 and DA2, predate the radiation of extant birds and persist throughout much of the avian phylogeny. Within each locus, the MHC-II molecules are encoded by A-genes (DAA) and B-genes (DAB), which are arranged in A–

Visualization of soil aggregate structures provides insights into their formation mechanisms induced by litter inputs

Soil aggregation is a dynamic process influenced by physical, chemical and biological factors; however, their individual and combined effect on the formation and turnover of aggregates is not well understood. The aim of this study was to examine incorporation of fresh litter inputs of different physicochemical properties including their carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio – maize (C/N = 12) and straw (

Assessing gene flow between Dicranum scoparium Hedw. and D. bonjeanii De Not. (Dicranaceae) using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)

While hybridisation in vascular plants has received considerable attention, hybridisation in bryophytes is still relatively understudied. Here we investigate hybridisation between two species from the moss genus Dicranum Hedw. Dicranum scoparium Hedw. and D. bonjeanii De Not. are two moss species of the D. scoparium species complex with partially overlapping morphology and habitat ranges. This stu

Habitatanalys av förekomster av högnordisk blåvinge, dvärgpärlemorfjäril, fjällsilversmygare och tajgafjällfly inom biogeografisk uppföljning

EU:s art- och habitatdirektiv listar arter och naturtyper som ska bevaras och vars bevarandestatus ska övervakas. Rapporten analyserar förekomsten i Sverige av fyra av de fjärilsarter som omfattas av Naturvårdsverkets Biogeografiska uppföljning. Analysen fokuserar på habitat och miljöparameterar i relation till svenska fynd av högnordisk blåvinge (Agriades aquilo), dvärgpärlemorfjäril (Boloria imp

Scalability and Predictability Model of PLC Systems

PLC-system (Programmable Logic Controller) är robusta realtidssystem som används för att styra fysiska processer i krävande miljöer. Moderna PLC-system är väldigt kapabla, men skulle systemet mot förmodan gå på knä, kan man alltid installera ännu ett PLC-system i mån av plats. En lyx som inte finns ombord på ubåtar, där man istället behöver hushålla med befintliga system. Med hjälp av två matematiThis master’s thesis is commissioned by SAAB Group with the purpose of developing a model which can be used to estimate the margin for expansion of devices in PLC systems. Although commercial PLC systems are hard real-time systems, they have inherited unpredictable characteristics due to off-the-shelves components. This makes it difficult to measure the impact on performance when a new device is c

Population-based Data for a Digital Cognitive test: Cognitive Healthy Participants Experience.

As the population of the world increases, there will be a larger number of people with major neurocognitive disorder and anemerging need for prompt diagnosis and treatment. A digital cognitive test could lead to that more people can be tested withoutburdening healthcare. To explore elderly’s experiences of using a digital cognitive test a cognitive healthy population of 70-year-oldswere recruited

Mechanism of syncope : role of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and cardiovascular autonomic function assessment

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Identifying the haemodynamic mechanism of autonomic syncope is the essential pre-requisite for effective and personalized therapy aimed at preventing recurrences. The present study assessed the diagnostic efficacy of a two-step assessment.METHODS: Multicentre prospective, cross-sectional, observational study. Patients affected by severe autonomic syncope underwent a two-step a