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Analyzing GHG Emissions Reduction Effects and Potentials of Fossil Fuels Subsidies Reform Policy in Iran

Fossil fuels subsidies are intervention policies by governments to keep energy prices lower than the market price which leads to an increase in energy consumptions and GHG emissions. Iran provides the largest amount of fossil fuels consumption subsidies in the world, but it implemented the Targeted Subsidies Act to reform its subsidies and increase energy carriers’ end-user prices. This thesis inv

Investigating Optical-Field-Induced Currents in GaN using Ultrafast Lasers

This study saw the development of an experimental setup capable of generating and measuring optical-field-induced currents in a variety of nanodevices fabricated specifically for this project. Each device design features two metallic contacts, closely separated by about 5 micrometers, deposited onto a semiconductor or insulator substrate. The region between these two contacts is a junction, being Laser Activated Electronics Transistors are often considered the most revolutionary electrical devices of this century, attributed as the building block of all modern technology. It is these tiny devices that control the flow of electrons in all your electronics. In your computer alone, there are hundreds of millions of these transistors, all working together in a complex circuit. Previously, impr

Utvärdering av vibrationer i ståltrappor

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utveckla en parametrisk finita elementmodell som ska kunna analysera vibrationsrisken i en godtycklig ståltrappa. Modellen ska kunna användas tidigt i projekteringsskedet för att identifiera trappor som har en utformning som kan ge problem med höga vibrationsnivåer. En parameterstudie kommer att genomföras för att ta reda på vad som påverkar trappans dynamiska

Sociopsychological and Political Reactions towards Immigration in Scandinavia

Currently, a series of events initiated by globalization and its effects have interfered on how people live and how they face the “other,” the “outsider.” Through a series of theories and concepts, countries are analyzed, and their reactions towards these occurrences scrutinized. Recently in Denmark and Sweden, high-developed nations where everything functions almost flawlessly, episodes have some

Rimfrost - Helmi, Estrid, Irma

This bachelor thesis is based on a fear of a growing consumption behavior where short lived life cycles of products are causing negative affects on our attempts of building long and healthy relationships to products. The work is also based on a hope of designing products that people are able to appreciate over long period of time. What is it that makes people value and appreciate desig

Arbetskraftsinvandringens påverkan på matchning och sysselsättning

The aim of this study was to examine if the reform regarding labor immigration that was implemented in 2008, improved the matching efficiency and increased employment. To examine the effect of the reform Difference-in-Difference analysis was used on panel data from 6 regions and 8 occupations during the time 2005-2018. The regions and occupations were divided into control and treatment groups base

Relationship between problematic internet use and psychological wellbeing among adolescents in Sweden

The aim of the study was to describe the relationship between problematic internet use and psychological wellbeing among upper high school students in Sweden. In addition, potential gender differences with regard to problematic internet use was described. Finally, the present study explored potential differences between students categorized as “ Average internet users” 127 (65%), “Risk internet us

Post-Acquisition Integration: The Effect of Vision Communication on the Development of an Integration Capability and Alleviation of Task Uncertainties

Methodology: The method used is a single case study in a high tech company in Sweden, leader in network camera market. This work is a qualitative research, in which an inductive method and deductive analysis has been applied. Grounded-theory techniques have been used; eight semi-structured interviews were conducted-carefully and objectively selected following purposive sampling. Theoretical persp

The Societal Roles of Women`s Organizations: Illustrations from Transforming Turkey

Recently, a high degree of political polarization has been identified within the body of civil society organizations corresponding to the socio-political climate in Turkey. From this viewpoint, this thesis characterizes, presents and analyzes the societal roles of women`s organizations in the transition process. The study consists of six principal chapters, each of them dealing with intertwined an

The Pencil Box

Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Guinea Conakry, Congo, Senegal, Mali, Togo, Ghana, Niger, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Sierra Leone ... the starting point has different names; the arrival, only three: Ceuta, Melilla or the Iberian peninsula. In between, a hard road that usually lasts months, in some cases years and in the worst of the stages only leads to death (1,471 deaths between 2008 and 2013).

Karakteristika för patienter som söker akutsjukvård vilka vid triage bedöms vara icke akuta. Litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: I Sverige söker ca 2,5 miljoner människor akutsjukvård årligen, trenden är en ökande belast- ning på akutsjukvården. Patienter som söker akutsjukvård trots att vårdbehovet inte är akut är ett problem för både akutsjukvården och patienten. Syfte: Sammanställa gemensamma karakteristika hos de patienter som söker akutsjukvård men vid triage bedöms vara icke akut skadade eller sjuka. Metod:L

Reframing Rehabilitation of Sex Trafficked Victims from the Survivors' Point of View

There is little research on the rehabilitation of sex trafficked persons as it is conceptualized, articulated, and implemented in dominant anti-trafficking discourse and subsequent mainstream praxis. This research aims to remedy this through a qualitative case study of Kolkata Sanved and their alternative rehabilitation process of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT). The research is situated in the criti

Är fallskydd och multiplaner en källa till mikroplaster?

Fallskydd och multiplaner i Lomma släpper ut mikroplaster i Höje å! Ungefär var tionde lekplats i Lomma har en gummibaserad yta som släpper ifrån sig mikroplast. Vid en noggrannare undersökning av en skolgård upptäcktes att mikroplaster därifrån hamnat i ett närliggande vattendrag, Höje å, via dagvattenrören. Mikroplaster är ett problem som fått allt större uppmärksamhet den senaste tiden. FiskarMicroplastics have detrimental effects in marine, fresh water and terrestrial environments and is a pollution of growing concern worldwide. Microplastics originates from many different sources, e.g. from rubber granulates used in artificial turfs. In a recent study, artificial turfs (football fields) were identified as the second largest source of microplastics in Sweden (tyre wear being the large

The multiplicity and coherence of us

This thesis sets out to investigate the affective dynamics of doing community in response to terror by taking as a site of inquiry the attack in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2017. It studies how emotive expressions of multicultural openness could operate at the same time as heightened security measures were perceived as legitimate. By departing from the literature on responses to terrorism, it explores a

Parkeringspolicy för hållbar urban mobilitet - Planerarens roll i parkeringspolicyns utveckling, en fallstudie av Malmö stad

Parking is an essential part of the current transportation system and the infrastructure developed for the use of private cars. Parking policy has preserved unsustainable mobility patterns by providing excessive amounts of parking. This makes it an interest of urban planners to ensure that new parking policy facilitates for a sustainability transition in urban mobility. The aim of this thesis is

Impact of Lean Six Sigma on Sustainability: Relationships and framework for their integration.

Problem definition Nowadays society is very concerned with sustainability. Companies try their best to meet sustainability customers’ expectations and regulations. The adoption of Lean and Six Sigma could bring sustainability improvements, but it is not clear how these three areas are combined and how they are currently addressed by companies. Purpose Explore the relationship between Lean, Six Sig

Conceptualizing green water within the planetary boundary for freshwater use

Anthropogenic land-use covers a constantly increasing fraction of the terrestrial surface area. By employing a dynamic global vegetation model, human-induced changes in the terrestrial water balance as compared to an undisturbed scenario were simulated. The results suggest that humanity is a main driver of change in the terrestrial water balance in general and green water in particular. Most strik


For the last couple of years, the popularity of e-bikes has grown substantially. Thanks to the electric motor people can now ride uphill and longer distances without arriving at their destination sweaty and exhausted. But even if the function of electric bikes is great I saw problems in the design of the bikes that are currently on the market. Problems that made them very unattractive for