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Etisk grön marknadskommunikation - ett nutida företags väg till framgång

Etisk grön marknadsföring har blivit en allt viktigare kommunikationsstrategi för företag och varumärken att implementera efter att fler konsumenter har börjat bry sig om etiska och gröna frågor. Samtidigt är det av vikt för varumärken att få konsumenter att vilja bli förknippade med just det egna varumärket i den konkurrenskraftiga marknad som existerar i dag. Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar att bEthical green marketing has become an increasingly important strategy for companies and brands to implement as more consumers have become concerned about ethical and green questions. In this highly competitive market, it’s also important for brands to make consumers interested in being associated with that particular brand. This qualitative study aims to contribute with knowledge about how ethical

Lär känna din kund med blockchain: Möjligheter och utmaningar med blockchainbaserade KYC-system

Det ställs höga krav på finansiella instituts kundkännedomsprocesser för att motverka penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism. Många av dessa processer kräver mycket manuellt arbete hos både organisation och för kund, som måste upprepa processen hos varje bank de önskar att bli kund. Blockchain kan beskrivas som en decentraliserad databas utan behovet av någon central del som styr nätverket. Is

Doing Well-Being: The Role of Self-Reported Activities in Relation to Subjective Well-Being

Everyday activities play a fundamental part in our lives. But how do they relate to well-being? Specific types of activities, such as positive and social activities have been found to be related to subjective well-being (SWB). However, this pre-registered study aimed to investigate if self-reported everyday activities, and activities participants reported had the most impact on their SWB in the pa

”För nån har ju okejat detta från början.” Tre kvinnors upplevelse av att vara kvinna post-#metoo i Sverige.

The aim of this study was to investigate how women reason about, and experience what it is like to live in Sweden in the months following the autumn of #metoo the year 2017. In utilizing interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) the accounts of three women can make an academic footprint in our society. Could a mostly digital aspect of a social movement influence how people think about themsel

Synergies between Gaia, LSST and LISA

Astronomins vetenskapliga utveckling kommer idag främst från den information som kan erhållas via ljusstrålning från teleskop. Det viktigaste är teleskopet Gaia, som är ett av de mest ambitiösa rymdprojekt som människan någonsin har genomfört. Det kartlägger över en miljard stjärnor med position, avstånd och rörelse. Genom Gaias observationer skapas den första realistiska bilden av hur vår galax, The scientific development of astronomy today mainly comes from the information that can be obtained via electromagnetic radiation. Today, the Gaia optical telescope is one of the most ambitious space projects man has ever completed. Another optical telescope LSST is designed to complement Gaia. In about 15 years it will also be possible to measure gravitational waves with the telescope LISA, whic

Effects of blanching, drying and fermentation on nutrient content and physio-chemical properties of Norwegian Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta for application in meat-based products

Brown seaweeds are marine macro algae, which are quite unexplored for their potential uses in food products in Europe. Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta are fast growing brown seaweeds species in European countries, mainly found in Norway and cold waters of the North Atlantic. These species are known to be rich sources of iodine, protein, polyphenols, carbohydrates and micronutrients like

Methods for numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction

När grundläggningen för en byggnad ska dimensioneras är snittkrafter och sättningar som kommer att uppstå i konstruktionen av stor betydelse. Det finns därför ett behov av att kunna beräkna dessa krafter och sättningar på ett säkert och relativt enkelt sätt.All buildings need a foundation that supports the structure. Since a layer of soil is most often in between a structure and the bedrock, a soil-structure interaction between the foundation and the soil beneath occurs. This interaction is of great importance when it comes to predicting the sectional forces that will arise in a structure, along with the settlement that occurs. Therefore the need to

Single Photon Imaging System for the ESS Linac

To control an accelerating proton beam that travels close to the speed of light, a large number of beam diagnostic instruments are needed. One of the instruments that will be used at the accelerator of the European Spallation Source is a Non-invasive Profile Monitor (NPM). Once installed, this system will measure the transverse beam profile by imaging the fluorescent gas induced by the accelerated

Multivariate Risk: From Univariate to High-Dimensional Graphical Models

We present a comparison of different univariate and multivariate extreme value risk models. Our focus is on exploring how these can be used to model financial risk. We use simulated as well as real data and compare deterministic and cross-validation threshold selection methods for the GP model to a GEV model. For comparison, we carry out a bivariate analysis using copulas. Finally, an undirected g

Pest or Pleasure? An Evaluation of Urban Insect Conservation Governance – Cases from Hamburg & Malmö

Insects play vital roles in almost every ecosystem and have high ecological, social as well as economic value. Human activity -most critical in urban environments- profoundly stress insect populations and habitats, regardless of their known benefits to society. Conserving insects in an urban context remains a topic predominantly for insect enthusiasts and revolves around preferred insects, such as

Lung Deposition of Airborne Particles - Resolved in a Single Breath

Exposure to airborne particulate matter has been declared to cause cardiovascular and respiratory disease as well as cancer. By understanding how the aerosol particles deposit in our respiratory tract, we can understand how the exposure to airborne particles affect our health. The health effects partly depend on which type of particles that we are exposed to, but also how sensitive we are as indiv

Att föra barnen på tal - Yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av att anamma ett barnperspektiv i vuxenpsykiatrin.

Professionals in adult psychiatry are obliged to consider the children’s perspective when a patient suffering from mental illness has children. Studies indicate that many children do not receive the support, advice and information to which they are entitled to under the law. It seems that the professionals are lacking in the work of translating law into practice. The study examines what experience

Systems of linear nonautonomous differential equations - Instability and eigenvalues with negative real part

For an autonomous system of linear differential equations we are able to determine stability and instability with classical criteria, by looking at the eigenvalues. If the system is stable, all the eigenvalues have negative real part and if the system is unstable, there exist at least one eigenvalue with positive real part. However, if it were to be nonautonomous, the criterion fails. There exis

Varför är du Liberal? En kvantitativ studie om väljarbeteende och personlighet

Den här studien undersöker huruvida Attityder, Tidigare erfarenheter, Bekväm med förändring, Deltagande i kulturella aktiviteter, Moral, Fri vilja och Altruism kan predicera väljarbeteende i form av Grad av liberal. Det är en kvantitativ studie med ett urval bestående av 144 studenter i Lund. Data samlades in genom en elektronisk enkät som bestod av tre skalor; Personal Beliefs Scale (PBS), AttituThe current study aims to investigate the predictive power of Attitudes, Past experiences, Comfort with differences, Participation in cultural activities, Moral, Free will and Altruism on voting behavior formulated as Degree of liberal. The study is a quantitative one with a sample of 144 Swedish students in Lund. Data was collected via an internet survey consisting of three scales: Personal Belie

The reformation of Hellinikon, former international airport of Athens

“Airports and air-fields have always held a special magic, gateways to the infinite possibilities that only the sky can offer.” - J.G. Ballard Man has dedicated large amounts of time and resources to construct airports. Mountains have been moved, new islands made in the sea, and vast swaths of land have been cleared all to make the dream of flight possible. The large scale building of internation

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön - Hur långt sträcker sig arbetsgivarens rättsliga arbetsmiljöansvar för att förebygga ohälsa och olyckor?

Begreppet arbetsmiljö har förändrats i takt med samhällets utveckling och idag läggs större vikt vid psykosociala faktorer. Arbetsmiljölagen fastställer att arbetsmiljön ska vara god och att risker, av både fysisk och psykosocial karaktär, för ohälsa och olyckor ska förebyggas. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilket ansvar arbetsgivaren har för den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och hur långThe concept of working environment is constantly evolving as society develops. Today, emphasis is put on psychosocial factors. The Swedish Work Environment Act determines that the working environment shall be satisfying and that physical and psychosocial risks must be prevented. The aim of this essay is to investigate what responsibility lies within employers regarding the psychosocial working en

It's a mad mad men's world - En analys av HBO-serien Mad Men utifrån ett genusperspektiv med fokus på maskulinitet

I uppsatsen genomförs en djupanalys av ett flertal avsnitt från den amerikanska tv-serien Mad Men utifrån huvudsakligen två teoretiska koncept gällande studiet av maskulinitet. Dessa inkluderar bland andra Joseph A. Vandello och Jennifer K. Bosson et als studier gällande en så kallad ”osäker maskulinitet” i den vetenskapliga artikeln Precarious Manhood. Teorin gällande hegemonisk maskulinitet koThis essay will delve into a deep analysis regarding multiple episodes of the American tv-series Mad Men primarily from the perspective of two theoretical concepts regarding the study of masculinity. These include, for example, studies regarding the concept of “precarious manhood” by Joseph A. Vandello and Jennifer K. Bosson et al in the scientific article Precarious Manhood. The concept regardi

An Algorithm for Smarter Heating

Examensarbetet ämnar att utvärdera användning samt utveckling av en "intelligent uppvärmning" för ett hus. Genom att kontrollera strömbrytare, kopplade till en säkring, kan olika tekniker som kan användas för en självlärande algoritm utvärderas. För tillfället måste användarna själva försöka förutsäga hur lång tid en uppvärmning kommer att ta. Den utvecklade algoritmen ska hjälpa användaThis report aims to examine the use and development of a more intelligent heating process in a house. By controlling switches integrated into a fuse, the techniques that can be used to allow an algorithm to predict how long the heating process would take are evaluated. Currently users have to, themselves, estimate how long the heating process will take. The algorithm developed aims to alleviate th