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Första svenskan med en riktig läkarlicens. : Julia Brinck var sjukgymnast, cellbiolog och brevvän med Florence nightingale.

Julia Brinck (1854–1926) är den första svenska kvinnan med europeisk läkarutbildning i modern tid. Hon föddes i Helsingborg och tog sjukgymnastiskexamen i Stockholm vid 21 års ålder. Därefter arbetade hon på flera gymnastiska institut i Europa innan hon blev läkare 1886, efter fyra års studier i London. Julia Brinck var också en av de första svenska kvinnorna som ägnade sig åt naturvetenskaplig fo

Blind Source Separation Using Time-Frequency Masking

In blind source separation (BSS), multiple mixtures acquired by an array of sensors are processed in order to recover the initial multiple source signals. While a variety of Independent Component Analysis (ICA)-based techniques are being used, in this paper we used a newly proposed method: The Degenerate Unmixing and Estimation Technique (DUET). The method applies when sources are W-disjoint ortho

A hybrid method for the design of oversampled uniform DFT filter banks

Subband adaptive filters have been proposed to speed up the convergence and to lower the computational complexity of time domain adaptive filters. However, subband processing causes signal degradations due to aliasing effects and amplitude distortions. This problem is unavoidable due to further filtering operations in subbands. In this paper, the problem of aliasing effect and amplitude distortion

The Gaia-ESO Survey: the selection function of the Milky Way field stars

The Gaia-ESO Survey was designed to target all major Galactic components (i.e. bulge, thin and thick discs, halo and clusters), with the goal of constraining the chemical and dynamical evolution of the Milky Way. This paper presents the methodology and considerations that drive the selection of the targeted, allocated and successfully observed Milky Way field stars. The detailed understanding of t

THE Gaia-ESO Survey : Metal-rich bananas in the bulge

We analyze the kinematics of ∼2000 giant stars in the direction of the Galactic bulge, extracted from the Gaia-ESO survey in the region -10° ≲ l≲ 10° and -11° ≲ b ≲ -3°. We find distinct kinematic trends in the metal-rich ([M H] > 0) and metal-poor ([M H]

The origin and evolution of r - and s -process elements in the Milky Way stellar disk

Context. Elements heavier than iron are produced through neutron-capture processes in the different phases of stellar evolution. Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are believed to be mainly responsible for elements that form through the slow neutron-capture process, while the elements created in the rapid neutron-capture process have production sites that are less understood. Knowledge of abundan

Binary assignments of amino acids from pattern conservation

We have developed a simple optimization procedure for assigning binary values to amino acids. The binary values are determined by a maximization of the degree of pattern conservation in groups of closely related protein sequences. The maximization is carried out at fixed composition. For compositions approximately corresponding to an equipartition of the residues, the optimal encoding is found to

Functional differentiation of antiporter-like polypeptides in complex I; a site-directed mutagenesis study of residues conserved in MrpA and NuoL but Not in MrpD, NuoM, and NuoN

It has long been known that the three largest subunits in the membrane domain (NuoL, NuoM and NuoN) of complex I are homologous to each other, as well as to two subunits (MrpA and MrpD) from a Na+ /H+ antiporter, Mrp. MrpA and NuoL are more similar to each other and the same is true for MrpD and NuoN. This suggests a functional differentiation which was proven experimentally in a deletion strain m

Enhanced impact Echo frequency peak by time domain summation of signals with different source receiver spacing

The Impact Echo method can be used to measure the thickness of concrete plate like structures. Measurements are based on the identification of a clear thickness resonance frequency which can be difficult in very thick or highly attenuative plates. In this study the detectability of the measured resonant frequency is enhanced by time domain summation of signals with different source receiver spacin

Standardization and Innovation within the Green Buildings field: Insights from Europe

A research project was conducted by the two PhD students Markus Arnez Wegelius and Philip Hedestad from the Standardisation Research Centre, within the Institute of Economic Research at Lund University, Sweden, and with the supervision of Mr. Daniele Gerundino, Strategic Adviser to the Secretary-General (ISO). The project was sponsored by ISO (The International Organization for Standardization), N

A New Design Method for Broadband Microphone Arrays for Speech Input in Automobiles

A new design method for broadband microphone arrays is presented. Using sequences of calibration signals, the method is able to design finite-impulse response (FIR) filters with specific performance. The method can control and adjust the speech distortion, noise suppression, and echo cancellation directly. It turns out that a significantly shorter filter length can be applied to achieve better ove

Optimal FIR Subband Beamforming for Speech Enhancement in Multipath Environments

The letter provides an analysis of optimal finite-impulse response subband beamforming for speech enhancement in multipath environments. A modification of the direct-path standard Wiener formulation is shown to give nearly optimal performance when it comes to signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio, by including coherent multipath propagation in the criterion.

Design of Oversampled Uniform DFT Filter Banks with Reduced Inband Aliasing and Delay Constraints

Subband adaptive filters have been proposed to avoid the drawbacks of slow convergence and high computational complexity associated with time domain adaptive filters for acoustic echo cancellation. Subband processing introduces transmission delays caused by the filter bank and signal degradations due to aliasing effects. One efficient way to reduce the aliasing effects is to allow a higher sample