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Nonlinear Optics
This chapter provides a brief introduction into the basic nonlinear-optical phenomena and discusses some of the most significant recent advances and breakthroughs in nonlinear optics, as well as novel applications of nonlinear-optical processes and devices. Nonlinear optics is the area of optics that studies the interaction of light with matter in the regime where the response of the material syst
Analysis of World of Warcraft traffic patterns and user behavior
Does R & D for new technologies really pay off? - Is High Tech the only Way
Introduction to Life Through Death
Protein adducts of hexahydrophthalic anhydride- chemical structures and biomarkers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Organiska syraanhydrider (OSA) är reaktiva kemikalier med låg molekylvikt som används industriellt vid produktion av olika plaster, främst så kallade polyestrar och epoxiplaster. Där används de bland annat för att tvärbinda polymerer, det vill säga molekyler bestående av långa kedjor där små enheter av samma struktur upprepas. Det har visat sig att personer som exponeraOrganic acid anhydrides (OAAs) are low molecular weight chemicals used in the industry for manufacturing of plastics such as epoxy resins. Exposure to these chemicals may lead to symptoms from the eyes and the respiratory tract in form of conjunctivitis, rhinitis and asthma. In many workers production of specific IgE antibodies are induced suggesting that a type-1 allergy mediated mechanism is inv
Vad kan man egentligen begära? – Läromedelstexter om islam
Livet, monadens roterande rörelse: om Cassirers fenomenologi
Guide i helvetet: Personlig ordbok om livet med Aspergers syndrom
GUIDE I HELVETET är skriven som ett register, en uppslagsbok som inte gör några som helst anspråk på att vara objektiv. Helvete är ett starkt ord, många vågar inte ens uttala det. Helvetet på jorden skapas genom att människor och mänskliga känslor förnekas. För många vuxna odiagnostiserade människor med neuropsykiatriska störningar har livet varit ett helvete. Det kan vara dags att våga börja se o
Epilogue: rest in peace or a relevant piece for the rest: Industrialisation models and the new regional division of labour in Asia-Pacific
Development of Nanoimprint Lithography for Fabrication of Electrochemical Transducers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen ger en överblick över dagens status inom nanoimprintlitografi. Teknologin ger möjlighet att framställa nm-strukturer med en upplösning bättre än 10 nm och kan användas för massproduktion av hela wafers. Avhandlingen beskriver utvecklingen av reproducerbara imprintprocesser som t.ex. kan användas för framställning av nm-strukturerade fingerelektroder. DessaThis thesis gives an overview about the current status of nanoimprint lithography, a relatively new nanofabrication tool. The technology is capable for parallel mass production of nm-structured features having a resolution below 10 nm and is usable with high throughput on full wafer scale. The thesis is mainly divided into two parts dealing with nanoimprint lithography and electrochemistry. The w
Jain Tantra: Divinatory and Meditative Practices in the 12th century Yogashastra of Hemacandra
Local Problems for Homogenization of Periodic Thin Films
Reconstruction of Focus Movements in Spoken Discourse.
In this paper, we concentrate on the reconstruction of the participants' internal images during spoken discourse. Our question is: What happens if the speaker draws to illustrate something in the discourse? The focus movements should then leave traces in the drawing, that could tell us how the focus of attention moves over the undrawn internal image of speaker and listener.The first part of this p
Nationell och internationell administration
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Den offentliga sektorns expansion
Value Creation in PSS Design Through Product and Packaging Innovation Processes
Over the years consumer packaging has become increasingly important as a value-adding element, since packages shape the consumer’s experience with the product during use, as well as accelerate the purchase decision. From a prod-uct/service system perspective, the strategic benefits of viewing packaging as a central value carrier are evident. To consumers, the product and its packaging are often pe