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Jämställdhet enligt skandinavisk modell - Genus, klass, etnicitet och välfärdsstat

We will cover issues such as citizenship and representation in political institutions, changes in women’s participation in the labour force, sexuality and the social welfare state, masculinity studies as well as gender and social change. Integral to the course is learning to use critical theoretical understandings in analysing how models of gender equality are affected by social relations such as

Economic History: Population Aging and the Welfare State

This course deals with current issues relating to aging societies. An increasing share of elderly has for a long time characterized Sweden and other developed countries. The course deals with questions like: If this did not constitute a challenge before, why is it the case today? Is the welfare state, as we today know it compatible with an aging society? How can we finance the welfare of This course deals with current issues relating to aging societies. An increasing share of elderly has for a long time characterized Sweden and other developed countries. The course deals with questions like: If this did not constitute a challenge before, why is it the case today? Is the welfare state, as we today know it compatible with an aging society? How can we finance the welfare of

Archaeology: Viking Age Scandinavia

The course gives a broad overview of the archaeology, history and art history of the material culture and of the written sources from the 8th to the 12th centuries. Different aspects of the political, social, cultural and religious developments and changes within Scandinavia are treated here. These include such aspects as the transition from paganism to Christianity, Viking Age burials, gender andThe course gives a broad overview of the archaeology, history and art history of the material culture and of the written sources from the 8th to the 12th centuries. Different aspects of the political, social, cultural and religious developments and changes within Scandinavia are treated here. These include such aspects as the transition from paganism to Christianity, Viking Age burials, gender and

Swedish Film

I kursen tecknas svensk films historia, från dess begynnelse till nutid. Förutsättningarna för produktion, distribution och visning av olika sorters film (såväl dokumentär och konstnärlig som populär film) diskuteras i relation till bland annat samhällelig, estetisk- och filmindustriell utveckling. Under kursens gång introduceras grundläggande filmvetenskapliga begrepp och filmanalytiska förhållniThe aim of the course is to give the student an overview of Swedish film, and special emphasis is given to the relation between Swedish film and society. The course starts in the silent period, and from 1930 and onwards, the Swedish sound film is studied specifically in relation to particular film directors. From the 1960s special emphasis will be given to the political changes of the time, and at

Artificiell intelligens: Ett intersektionellt perspektiv

Kursen integrerar teorier, empirisk forskning och perspektiv från olika discipliner i syfte att undersöka sätt på vilka asymmetriska relationer skapas och upprätthålls, och hur dessa nya former av ojämlikhet kodas in, men också kodas om när AI och nya digitala teknologier utvecklas. Genom sitt tvärvetenskapliga förhållningssätt, uppmuntrar kursen till kritisk och textorienterad analys av AI och dThis course integrates theories, empirical data and world-views from different disciplines in order to investigate how asymmetrical relations are maintained and how new modes of inequalities are coded in and by the practice and development of AI and new digital technologies. In its interdisciplinary approach, this course encourages critical and textual analysis of AI and digitalisation in differe

Socialantropologi: Etnografiskt fältarbete

Observera att denna kurs ges inom masterprogrammen SASAN, SASCO och SACCR som valfri kurs under termin 3. Master's programme in Social Anthropology (SASAN) Master's programme in Cultural Criminology (SACCR) Master's programme in Sociology (SASCO) Dessa masterprogram ges på engelska och söks via den så kallade internationella antagningsomgången. Detta innebär att du måste ansöka redan i This course is offered as an elective course during semester 3 of the Master's programme in Social Anthropology (SASAN), the Master's programme in Cultural Criminology (SACCR) and the Master's programme in Sociology (SASCO). The course consists of an independent ethnographic fieldwork. The aim of the fieldwork is to collect empirical data to be used in a degree project.

Economic History: Swedish Economic Development

The aim of the course is to analyse Sweden's transformation into an industrial society, structural changes in Swedish economic development and the economic structure of modern Sweden. The course discusses Swedish economic development in a long-term perspective. The course starts with an overview of the agrarian past of Sweden, its peculiarities and its similarities with other regions in EuroThe aim of the course is to analyse Sweden's transformation into an industrial society, structural changes in Swedish economic development and the economic structure of modern Sweden. The course discusses Swedish economic development in a long-term perspective.  The course starts with an overview of the agrarian past of Sweden, its peculiarities and its similarities with other regions i

Gender, Social Change and Modernity in Sweden/Scandinavia

The aim of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge about gender, social change and modernity in Sweden and Scandinavia, covering the period from the late 1800s up to the 1950s as well as to present the development of some theoretical debates within this field. The course explores Scandinavian political, social, feminist and literary texts in relation to gender, ethnicity, and sexThe aim of the course is to provide the student with basic knowledge about gender, social change and modernity in Sweden and Scandinavia, covering the period from the late 1800s up to the 1950s as well as to present the development of some theoretical debates within this field. The course explores Scandinavian political, social, feminist and literary texts in relation to gender, ethnicity, and sex

Economic Change, Labour Market and the Population

The course begins with an examination of the development of Swedish labour policy in general during the post war period. Particular attention is laid on the fundamental changes that have taken place from the 1970s onwards in the functioning of the labour market, the welfare system, and the economy as a whole. The change process is examined from the point of view of those most affected by it – immiThe course begins with an examination of the development of Swedish labour policy in general during the post war period. Particular attention is laid on the fundamental changes that have taken place from the 1970s onwards in the functioning of the labour market, the welfare system, and the economy as a whole. The change process is examined from the point of view of those most affected by it – immi

Economic History: Family and Work - Scandinavia in an International Perspective

This course examines demographic and labour market trends together with policies relating to work and family life, focusing on the Scandinavian experience in international perspective. During the twentieth century, the relationship between work and family changed fundamentally in most industrialized countries. The movement of women, especially mothers, into the labour market not only impacteThis course examines demographic and labour market trends together with policies relating to work and family life, focusing on the Scandinavian experience in international perspective. During the twentieth century, the relationship between work and family changed fundamentally in most industrialized countries. The movement of women, especially mothers, into the labour market not only impacte

Kritiska perspektiv på brott, straff och social kontroll

Kursen mål är att utifrån rättssociologiska och kriminologiska perspektiv erbjuda fördjupad kunskap om brott, strafftillämpning, kriminalpolitik och social kontroll. Presentationer och diskussionerna utgår från en konstruktivistisk syn på brott, där utgångspunkten är att det som räknas som avvikande beteende och som brott inte är något av naturen givet. Under kursen ska studenten arbeta med en essThe course aims to provide students with specialised knowledge of approaches to crime, criminal justice and social control based on socio-legal and critical criminological perspectives. During the course, different theoretical approaches to, and empirical knowledge of, main topics within critical studies of crime, social control and criminal policy based on a constructivist approach to crime will

Socialantropologi: Teori- och metodkurs

Course name: SANN03, Social Anthropology: Theory and Method Course (Swedish name: Socialantropologi: Teori- och metodkurs). Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Autumn semester. Language of instruction: English.  To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level.  The aim of the course is to provide you with specialised knowled

Socialantropologi: Moderna klassiker

Course name: SANN13, Social Anthropology: Modern classics. Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Spring semester. Language of instruction: English. To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level. This course is offered as a stand-alone course and is also compulsory within the Master´s Programme in Social Anthropology (SASAN). The aim

Genus, medborgarskap och migration

The aim of this course is to provide the student with basic knowledge about current racialised formations of gender, citizenship, and migration. Social, economic, political as well as cultural dimensions of citizenship and migration will be addressed. The course engages with key theoretical debates in the field, in particular postcolonial and feminist conceptual investigations of citizenship, (non

Diversity of the World's Languages

This course focusses on questions that arise in the study of global diversity that characterises language structure and use. The course will deal with questions such as: How many languages are there in the world? How do new languages arise? How and why do languages change? Why do languages die? What does it mean to say that two languages are related? How much do languages have in com

Swedish Society and Everyday Life

The course provides an introduction to Swedish culture and daily life. It is based on field work in which an analysis is made of material collected through the practice of observation techniques. One of the themes studied is the articulation of modernity in Swedish daily life.The course provides an introduction to Swedish culture and daily life. It is based on field work in which an analysis is made of material collected through the practice of observation techniques. One of the themes studied is the articulation of modernity in Swedish daily life.

Cultural Perspectives on Health, Lifestyle and Medicine

The course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercisesThe course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercises

History of the Holocaust

The aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war inThe aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war in

Swedish Music in Contemporary Culture

This course explores Swedish music, musicians, musical media, record production, and music technology in contemporary popular culture. Through an emphasis on popular music and jazz, the course will consider both Sweden’s historical and recent musical contributions to a wealth of national and international genres and cultural trends.This course explores Swedish music, musicians, musical media, record production, and music technology in contemporary popular culture. Through an emphasis on popular music and jazz, the course will consider both Sweden’s historical and recent musical contributions to a wealth of national and international genres and cultural trends.

Social AI Through the Looking Glass

På den här kursen kommer vi att utforska och reflektera kring skillnaden mellan att umgås med en annan människa jämfört med en robot; och hur sociala robotar förändrar hur vi lever, tänker, interagerar och arbetar -- nu och i framtiden. På kursen presenteras kontrasterande synsätt på mänsklig social kognition, tillsammans med litteratur om forskning som rör interaktion mellan männisIn this course we will gain knowledge and share reflections on the difference between engaging with another human versus a robotic partner; and how social robots have changed the way we live, think, interact and work (now and in the future). Standard and contrasting accounts of human social cognition will be presented, along with mainstream literature on research into human-robot in