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Socialantropologi: Moderna klassiker

Course name: SANN13, Social Anthropology: Modern classics. Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Spring semester. Language of instruction: English. To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level. This course is offered as a stand-alone course and is also compulsory within the Master´s Programme in Social Anthropology (SASAN). The aim

Economic History: Family and Work - Scandinavia in an International Perspective

This course examines demographic and labour market trends together with policies relating to work and family life, focusing on the Scandinavian experience in international perspective. During the twentieth century, the relationship between work and family changed fundamentally in most industrialized countries. The movement of women, especially mothers, into the labour market not only impacteThis course examines demographic and labour market trends together with policies relating to work and family life, focusing on the Scandinavian experience in international perspective. During the twentieth century, the relationship between work and family changed fundamentally in most industrialized countries. The movement of women, especially mothers, into the labour market not only impacte

Kritiska perspektiv på brott, straff och social kontroll

Kursen mål är att utifrån rättssociologiska och kriminologiska perspektiv erbjuda fördjupad kunskap om brott, strafftillämpning, kriminalpolitik och social kontroll. Presentationer och diskussionerna utgår från en konstruktivistisk syn på brott, där utgångspunkten är att det som räknas som avvikande beteende och som brott inte är något av naturen givet. Under kursen ska studenten arbeta med en essThe course aims to provide students with specialised knowledge of approaches to crime, criminal justice and social control based on socio-legal and critical criminological perspectives. During the course, different theoretical approaches to, and empirical knowledge of, main topics within critical studies of crime, social control and criminal policy based on a constructivist approach to crime will

Genus, medborgarskap och migration

The aim of this course is to provide the student with basic knowledge about current racialised formations of gender, citizenship, and migration. Social, economic, political as well as cultural dimensions of citizenship and migration will be addressed. The course engages with key theoretical debates in the field, in particular postcolonial and feminist conceptual investigations of citizenship, (non

Social AI Through the Looking Glass

På den här kursen kommer vi att utforska och reflektera kring skillnaden mellan att umgås med en annan människa jämfört med en robot; och hur sociala robotar förändrar hur vi lever, tänker, interagerar och arbetar -- nu och i framtiden. På kursen presenteras kontrasterande synsätt på mänsklig social kognition, tillsammans med litteratur om forskning som rör interaktion mellan männisIn this course we will gain knowledge and share reflections on the difference between engaging with another human versus a robotic partner; and how social robots have changed the way we live, think, interact and work (now and in the future). Standard and contrasting accounts of human social cognition will be presented, along with mainstream literature on research into human-robot in

Introduction to the Middle East in the Modern Period

Kursen börjar med att utforska de stora sociala, politiska och kulturella frågorna, händelserna och ideérna som format regionen, främst från slutet av första världskriget fram till idag. Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnas åt arvet från kolonialismen och processen för statsbyggande, olika mellanstatliga konflikter och deras inhemska och regionala konsekvenser, auktoritarismens ihållande samt demokratiser

Survey of Swedish Literature

The course provides a survey of Swedish literary tradition, from the Middle Ages until today. It is centred on canonised and internationally well-known authors such as Carl Michael Bellman, Carl von Linné, Selma Lagerlöf, August Strindberg, and Gunnar Ekelöf. Additionally, more popular fiction, for example Astrid Lindgren’s children’s books and Henning Mankell’s crime novels, will be examined. TheThe course provides a survey of Swedish literary tradition, from the Middle Ages until today. It is centred on canonised and internationally well-known authors such as Carl Michael Bellman, Carl von Linné, Selma Lagerlöf, August Strindberg, and Gunnar Ekelöf. Additionally, more popular fiction, for example Astrid Lindgren’s children’s books and Henning Mankell’s crime novels, will be examined

Communism in East and Central Europe: Present, Past, and Future Perspectives

I kursen studeras kommunismens utveckling efter andra världskriget, med särskild inriktning på situationen i Öst- och Centraleuropa. Syftet är att studera kommunismens utveckling under det kalla kriget från konferensen i Jalta år 1945 till Sovjetunionens sammanbrott år 1991 och dess följder under 1990- och 2000- talet. Perspektiven som anläggs är både genetiska och genealogiska.The course addresses the development of communism after World War II, focusing on the situation in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim is to study the development of communism during the Cold War, from the Yalta conference in 1945 to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and its consequences in the 1990s and early twenty-first century. The subject is addressed from both genetic and genealogical pe

Lund University in the Global World

The course is based on field studies and visits to important places of interest, museums, archives, libraries, laboratories, etc., which will give us a glimpse behind the scenes. We will visit places from the middle ages to the present time, even into the future. The course is multidisciplinary and discusses art, architecture, objects, ideas, science, and other topics that in all forms a universitThe course is based on field studies and visits to important places of interest, museums, archives, libraries, laboratories, etc., which will give us a glimpse behind the scenes. We will visit places from the middle ages to the present time, even into the future. The course is multidisciplinary and discusses art, architecture, objects, ideas, science, and other topics that in all forms a universit

Swedish Art in a Scandinavian Context

A chronological outline is given of artistic expressions from the rock carvings of the Bronze Age to contemporary art and architecture. As part of the outline the gradual evolution of artist roles, the formation of an indigenous body of artists as well as related institutions, expressions of nationalism and international contacts are discussed. The chronological outline is combined with thematic sA chronological outline is given of artistic expressions from the rock carvings of the Bronze Age to contemporary art and architecture. As part of the outline the gradual evolution of artist roles, the formation of an indigenous body of artists as well as related institutions, expressions of nationalism and international contacts are discussed. The chronological outline is combined with thematic s

The Emergence of European Culture

During prehistory Europe changed and developed in several ways, especially in connection with the introduction of new technological and social complexes. This course consist of a number of thematic lectures and seminars concerning different central questions in European prehistory. Among them we can find; the introduction of agriculture the emergence of metallurgy the emergence of complex During prehistory Europe changed and developed in several ways, especially in connection with the introduction of new technological and social complexes. This course consist of a number of thematic lectures and seminars concerning different central questions in European prehistory. Among them we find; the introduction of agriculture the emergence of metallurgy the emergence of complex soci

Samhällsgeografi: Afrikas aktuella utvecklingsgeografi II

The course starts with an overview of contemporary research on Africa.  Thereafter it introduces the diverse political landscape of Africa putting special focus on the present transformations the continent is going through. This will be done by emphasizing the problems as well as the opportunities that Africa is facing. The second part of the course offers deep insights on the present rural tThe course starts with an overview of contemporary research on Africa.  Thereafter it introduces the diverse political landscape of Africa putting special focus on the present transformations the continent is going through. This will be done by emphasizing the problems as well as the opportunities that Africa is facing. The second part of the course offers deep insights on the present rural t

Samhällsgeografi: Landskapsgeografi och politisk ekologi

Kursen ger kvalificerade insikter i landskapsgeografi och kombinerar aktivt insikterna med kritiska förhållningssätt till miljön, miljöproblem och lösningar inom området politisk ekologi. Genom att kombinera landskapsgeografi och politisk ekologi väver kursen samman ett antal viktiga frågor om miljöförändringar. Utifrån insikten att ojämna förändringsprocesser formar den samhälls- och kulturgeogrThe course offers advanced insights to landscape geography and actively combines this with critical ways of thinking about the environment, environmental problems and solutions within the field of political ecology. Landscape and political ecology thereby weaves together a number of critical issues concerning the ways in which the environment is transformed. Recognizing that uneven processes of c

Samhällsgeografi: Kritisk urbangeografi

I kursen undersöks sambanden mellan rum, plats, byggda miljöer, urbanitet och samhälle. Genom föreläsningar, seminarier, exkursioner och textläsning utforskas kritisk stadsteori. Kursens syfte är både att utveckla en övergripande förståelse för t ex historiska urbaniseringsprocesser och att ge insikter i samtida urbana aspekter, frågor, utmaningar och konflikter som uppmärksammats av forskare, plThis course examines interrelations between space, place, built environment, urbanity and society. Through lectures, seminars, excursions and readings, students will explore critical urban theory. The course seeks to advancing both comprehensive understandings of e.g. historical urbanization processes, as well as stimulating insight into contemporary urban dimensions, questions, challenges and co

Samhällsgeografi: Geografisk idéhistoria

Kursen ger fördjupade kunskaper om geografins idéhistoria och aktuella frågor inom kulturgeografin. Syftet är att utveckla färdigheter i att kritiskt och självständigt hantera geografiska arbetsuppgifter och frågeställningar. I kursen ingår diskussion av centrala bidrag till geografins historia samt fördjupad granskning av utvalda övergripande geografiska begrepp, diskussioner och frågeställnThe course offers participants advanced insights into the histories of geographical thought and current issues within the field of human geography. On this basis, the course aims to develop the participants’ competences to critically and independently engage with geographical work and issues. The course includes the reading and discussion of key historical and contemporary geographical contributi

GIS: Geographical Information System for the Social Sciences

Kursen ger en introduktion till centrala idédiskussioner och utveckling inom GIS. Syftet är att introducera några av de viktigaste teorierna om och praktiska tillämpningarna av GIS. Under kursens gång blir studenterna uppmärksammade på potentialen hos GIS samt tillämpningar inom olika ämnesområden. De grundläggande principerna för GIS och centrala aspekter av den aktuellaste tekniken behandlas vidThe course aims to provide an introduction to the rapidly growing field of GIS, for students interested in applying it within their projects and research. It is strongly interdisciplinary in scope, and thus is appropriate for students from a diverse set of backgrounds. This would include students with undergraduate degrees in the social and human sciences, economics, sustainability and development

Samhällsvetenskap: Globalisering, konflikt, säkerhet och staten

The objective of the course is to enable the student to critically examine current debates and phenomena related to conflict, security and the state in the context of global development and to provide the student with a general overview of the field. At the same time, it offers the student with a prior interest in, and experience of,The objective of the course is to enable the student to critically examine current debates and phenomena related to conflict, security and the state in the context of global development and to provide the student with a general overview of the field. At the same time, it offers the student with a prior interest in, and experience of,

AI i samhället

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI cArtificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI c

Cultural Perspectives on Health, Lifestyle and Medicine

The course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercisesThe course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercises

History of the Holocaust

The aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war inThe aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war in