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En jude är en jude är en jude- : representationer av "juden" i svensk skämtpress omkring 1900-1930

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen argumenterar författaren för att antisemitismen var självklar i Sverige årtiondena kring sekelskiftet 1900. Antisemitismen kom till uttryck bland annat i skämtpressen. Den sistnämnda utgjorde ett viktigt inslag i såväl den framväxande masskulturen som i den politiska kulturen. Det var inte minst via skämtpressen som bilden av "juden" som en "rastyp" skildIn this dissertation it is argued that anti- Semitism was self evident in Sweden at the turn of the century 1900. Through an analysis of the comic press, which was a crucial element in mass culture and political life, the author tries to demonstrate how the everyday version of a national Swedish identity was constructed in opposition to 'The Jew'.In the decades either side of 1900, anti-Semitism h

The unstable Almanac : Transformations of the Almanac in Denmark in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Printed almanacs in the Danish language are preserved from the sixteenth century. The production of almanacs increased from the 1570’s just as that of news sheets, pamphlets, and chapbook stories. From the beginning the almanac covered a sheet of paper consisting of 16 leaves, or 32 pages. As a supplement, four or eight leaves of paper contained the Practica Astroligica. This form – 40 or 48 pages

NMR Studies of Bacterial Albumin-Binding Modules

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner är uppbyggda av aminosyror som är hopkopplade med varandra och bildar långa kedjor som kan bestå av hundra- eller tusentals aminosyror. Det finns en mängd olika proteiner och de har många olika funktioner. I studierna som beskrivs här, har proteiner som finns på ytan av vissa bakterier studerats. De långa proteinkedjorna i dessa bakteriella ytproteiner är oftPeptostreptococcus magnus and group C/G streptococci are Gram-positive cocci that are part of the normal flora and reside in more or less the same locations in the host. Protein G of group C/G streptococci was originally described as binding IgGFc of several species and later shown to also bind human serum albumin and albumins from various animal species. From albumin-binding strains of P. magnus

Kyrkohistoria - perspektiv på ett forskningsämne

This book presents actual perspectives on Church History from different standpoints. It is the result of an academic conference on Ecclesiastical History in Stockholm, Feb. 27-28, 2008. The volume starts with a chronological section in which different research developments in Ancient, Medieval, Reformation and Modern Church History are demonstrated by authors from the Scandinavian countries and th

Effectiveness of a light-weight ice-vest for body cooling in fire fighter's work

Syftet med denna undersökning var att bestämma en 1 kg isvästs kylverkan på kroppen vid brandmansarbete. Testerna genomfördes i en klimatkammare, i en container med extrem strålningsvärme och i ett rökdykningshus med värme och tungt arbete. Den faktiska kylverkan mättes också med en termisk docka. Fyra erfarna brandmän deltog i försöken. I alla tester bar försökspersonerna standardklädsel för branThe aim of the present study was to examine the effects of wearing a light-weight ice-vest (1kg, water) on physiological and subjective responses in fire fighter’s work. The experiments were carried out in a climatic chamber, in a container under extreme radiant heat, and during simulated smoke-diving. In addition, the physical cooling effect of the ice-vest was measured with a thermal mannequin.

Ad-hoc composition of pervasive services in the PalCom architecture

We present an architecture supporting ad-hoc composition of pervasive services, an open-source framework that implements it, and the key design principles behind it. The architecture focuses on direct human interaction, supporting combination of devices and services that are not explicitly designed to work together. The focus is on local networks, but extension is possible to wide area networks, i

The significance of form elements: a study of representational content of design sketches

The purpose of this paper is to understand the significance of form elements through the interpretations of design sketches. These interpretations are provided by designers themselves interpreting expressive characteristics of car images, and by students interpreting the sketches of designers' morphing sequences. In the experimental investigation of the sketching process through morphing sequence

The Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase - Identification of a 14-3-3 binding motif

The P-type plasma membrane H+-ATPases form a group of proteins only found in plants and fungi. The pumping of protons across the plasma membrane, energized by ATP hydrolysis, creates an electrochemical gradient that is essential for solute transport and internal pH regulation. The H+-ATPase genes are present as multigene families in the genomes of higher plants and all cell types investigated expr

Sufficient Conditions for Dynamic Stabilization of 3-State Moore-Greitzer Compressor Model

We consider the classical 3-state Moore-Greitzer model, which is commonly used for approximating dynamics of deviations of flow and pressure variables in an axial compressor from their nominal steady-state values. The linearization of the nonlinear system is not controllable and, therefore, even local asymptotic stability cannot be achieved using methods of linear control theory. We propose a fami

Euclidean structure from uncalibrated images

A number of recent papers have demonstrated that camera “self-calibration” can be accomplished purely from image measurements, without requiring special calibration objects or known camera motion. We describe a method, based on self-calibration, for obtaining (scaled) Euclidean structure from multiple uncalibrated perspective images using only point matches between views. The method is in two stag


This study investigated if clothing material with reflective properties has an effect on heat gain in pilot, specifically, under solar radiation. Two materials, conventional pilot suit material (Old) and material coated with coldblack® (New, Schoeller Technologies AG, Switzerland) were tested over variety of underwear layers and in a box simulating cockpit. A hot plate was used to measure textile