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Architecture of Focus
From "Rechtsstaat" to "Welfare State": Swedish judicial culture in transition 1870-1970
Handbok för beställare och projektörer av flervåningshus i trä
Lärarskicklighet : teori och praktik med exempel från språkundervisning
Rättsstaten, välfärdsstaten och vad så Dalberg-Larsen?
Hiv i Sverige: Kunskaper, attityder och beteenden hos allmänheten 1987-2011
Att stå och att gå : rörelselära enligt Orest Koslowsky
Combining and Comparing Astrometric Data from Different Epochs: A Case Study with Hipparcos and Nano-JASMINE
The Hipparcos mission (1989-1993) resulted in the first space-based stellar catalogue including measurements of positions, parallaxes and annual proper motions accurate to about one milli-arcsecond. More space astrometry missions will follow in the near future. The ultra-small Japanese mission Nano-JASMINE (launch in late 2013) will determine positions and annual proper motions with some milli-arc
Against Coherence: Truth, Probability, and Justification
Mätteknik kan ge Lund nisch i 90-talets miljövård
Koncernbeskattningens framtid efter EGDs dom i målet Oy AA
Rapport från ett internationellt möte om ökenspridning
Unsaturated Phase Environmental Processes in MSWI Bottom Ash
Popular Abstract in English Every year, Sweden produces 1.5 million tons of incineration residues from waste to energy plants. Among these residues bottom ash(BA) due to its large volume and good geotechnical quality can be reused as an alternative construction material. However there are some negative environmental impacts of this practice such as leaching of salts and metals to soils and groundwEvery year, Sweden produces 1.5 million tons of incineration residues from waste to energy plants. Among these residues bottom ash(BA) due to its large volume and good geotechnical quality can be reused as an alternative construction material. However there are some negative environmental impacts of this practice such as leaching of salts and metals to soils and groundwater. Environmental processe
Why does dosage compensation differ between XY and ZW taxa?
Recent studies have demonstrated an extensive male bias in the gene expression on Z chromosomes in species with a ZW sex determination (e.g. birds), suggesting that ZW females have incomplete dosage compensation. We propose that the extensive male bias on Z chromosomes is caused by the functional properties of male-adapted genes, which make them unsuitable for high expression in females, and that
Strategy Consultants doing Strategy: How Status and Visibility affect Strategizing
Hygroscopic Properties of Aerosols from Open-Air Burning and Controlled Combustion of Biomass
The major uncertainty in predicting the influence of human activities on global climate change is the effect of aerosols. Two physical properties of aerosols largely controlling their influence on climate are the particle number size distribution and the interaction of the particles with the surrounding water vapor. The work presented in this thesis provides new information on the interaction bet
The intonational phonology of Mongolian
This chapter describes tonal features of Halh Mongolian. Mongolian belongs to edge-prominence languages: Halh speakers either use available boundary tones or insert a tonal boundary for different pragmatic meanings. Most tonal variation occurs utterance finally, while phrasing and focusing are signaled phrase initially at the left edge of prosodic units.
Vargen och den långhalsade fågeln. Fyra fabelvarianter från svenskt 1600- och 1700-tal
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