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Proteomic study of non-typable Haemophilus influenzae

Non-typable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) are small, gram-negative bacteria and are strictly human pathogens, causing acute otitis media, sinusitis and community-acquired pneumonia. There is no vaccine available for NTHi, as there is for H. influenzae type b. Recent advances in proteomic techniques are finding novel applications in the field of vaccinology. There are several protein separation tec

High-resolution crystal structures of Erythrina cristagalli lectin in complex with lactose and 2'-alpha-L-fucosyllactose and correlation with thermodynamic binding data

The primary sequence of Erythrina cristagalli lectin (ECL) was mapped by mass spectrometry, and the crystal structures of the lectin in complex with lactose and 2'-alpha-L-fucosyllactose were determined at 1.6A and 1.7A resolution, respectively. The two complexes were compared with the crystal structure of the closely related Erythrina corallodendron lectin (ECorL) in complex with lactose, with th

Bacterial proteomics and vaccine development

Until recently, the development of vaccines for use in humans relied on the response to attenuated or whole-cell preparations, or empirically selected antigens. The post-genomic era holds the possibility of rational design of novel vaccines for important human pathogens. The discovery and development of these new vaccines is likely to be accomplished through integrated proteomic strategies. Althou

Identification of proteins from Escherichia coli using two-dimensional semi-preparative electrophoresis and mass spectrometry

Escherichia coli is a gram-negative bacterium that causes sepsis and infections of the nervous system, and the digestive and urinary tracts. The availability of the complete nucleotide sequence encoding the E. coli K-12 genome has made this organism an excellent model for proteomic studies. Semi-preparative two-dimensional electrophoresis, including liquid phase isoelectric focusing (IEF), one-dim

Lifetime measurement of neutron-rich even-even molybdenum isotopes

Background: In the neutron-rich A≈100 mass region, rapid shape changes as a function of nucleon number as well as coexistence of prolate, oblate, and triaxial shapes are predicted by various theoretical models. Lifetime measurements of excited levels in the molybdenum isotopes allow the determination of transitional quadrupole moments, which in turn provides structural information regarding the pr

An investigation of the interaction between red blood cells and Streptococcus pyogenes

Blood group antigens may be used as receptors by pathogens when infecting their hosts. Different blood groups therefore can be disease susceptibility factors. Thus, pathogens may have exerted a selection pressure on the evolution of blood group diversity. One aim of our study was to identify red blood cell (RBC) membrane structures that are bound by the common human pathogen. Streptococcus pyogene

Prognosis of patients without perfusion defects with and without rest study in myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

Background: Stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) is widely regarded as a useful imaging modality for diagnosing patients with suspected ischemic heart disease. Current European guidelines recommend stress study to be performed first since rest study can be omitted if stress study is interpreted as normal. Thus, a rest study should only be performed in patients with equivocal or abnormal

A Superposition Procedure for Calculation of Effective Diffusion and Elastic Parameters of Sparsely Porous Materials

Effective material parameters for diffusion and elastic deformation are calculatedfor porous materials using a continuum theory-based superposition procedure. The theory that is limited to two-dimensional cases, requires that the pores are sufficiently sparse. The methodleads to simple manual calculations that can be performed by, e.g. hospital staff at clinicaldiagnoses of bone deceases that invo

Hypertension reduces soluble guanylyl cyclase expression in the mouse aorta via the Notch signaling pathway

Hypertension is a dominating risk factor for cardiovascular disease. To characterize the genomic response to hypertension, we administered vehicle or angiotensin II to mice and performed gene expression analyses. AngII treatment resulted in a robust increase in blood pressure and altered expression of 235 genes in the aorta, including Gucy1a3 and Gucy1b3 which encode subunits of soluble guanylyl c

An innovation system perspective on the drivers of soft cost reduction for photovoltaic deployment : The case of Germany

Previous studies about the trends and sources of PV soft cost reduction have only offered a limited understanding of systemic aspects that drive this development. Drawing on concepts of sectoral innovation system theory, this study analyzes the evolution of the German PV sectoral system since the early 1990s, focusing specifically on key processes associated with the deployment of building-sited P

Oxygen dynamics in the aftermath of the Great Oxidation of Earth's atmosphere

The oxygen content of Earth's atmosphere has varied greatly through time, progressing from exceptionally low levels before about 2.3 billion years ago, to much higher levels afterward. In the absence of better information, we usually view the progress in Earth's oxygenation as a series of steps followed by periods of relative stasis. In contrast to this view, and as reported here, a dynamic evolut

Do large predatory fish track ocean oxygenation?

The Devonian appearance of 1-10 meter long armored fish (placoderms) coincides with geochemical evidence recording a transition into fully oxygenated oceans.1 A comparison of extant fish shows that the large individuals are less tolerant to hypoxia than their smaller cousins. This leads us to hypothesize that Early Paleozoic O(2) saturation levels were too low to support >1 meter size marine, pred

Devonian rise in atmospheric oxygen correlated to the radiations of terrestrial plants and large predatory fish

The evolution of Earth's biota is intimately linked to the oxygenation of the oceans and atmosphere. We use the isotopic composition and concentration of molybdenum (Mo) in sedimentary rocks to explore this relationship. Our results indicate two episodes of global ocean oxygenation. The first coincides with the emergence of the Ediacaran fauna, including large, motile bilaterian animals, ca. 550-5

The 2.1 Ga old Francevillian biota : Biogenicity, taphonomy and biodiversity

The Paleoproterozoic Era witnessed crucial steps in the evolution of Earth's surface environments following the first appreciable rise of free atmospheric oxygen concentrations ∼2.3 to 2.1 Ga ago, and concomitant shallow ocean oxygenation. While most sedimentary successions deposited during this time interval have experienced thermal overprinting from burial diagenesis and metamorphism, the ca. 2.