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Source reconstruction by far-field data for imaging of defects in frequency selective radomes

In this paper, an inverse source reconstruction method with great potential in radome diagnostics is presented. Defects, e.g. seams in large radomes, and lattice dislocations in frequency selective surface (FSS) radomes, are inevitable, and their electrical effects demand analysis. Here, defects in a frequency selective radome are analyzed with a method based on an integral formulation. Several fa

I want one too! Domestication of Assistive Robots

Abstract in UndeterminedThe aim of the PhD project is to understand and learn about the characteristics that influence old adults’ acceptance of assistive robots and of robots as social companions. It is also to explore participatory design methods in order to involve old adults in the design process of new technologies. The goal is to apply/implement the results in two robotics systems developed

Migration Patterns to and from Rural Villages in Duhok Governorate, Iraq, 2000-2010

Abstract in UndeterminedMigration is commonly associated with large scale movements of people, from one country to another, both in terms of refugee displacement and voluntary migration. The internal movement within countries is however less studied despite the fact that this is an important indicator for imbalance, national development and it is also crucial for planning the future of Iraq or Kur

Bottenlös polisiär inkompetens

Polisens registrering av Romer betyder att staten Sverige inte respekterar grundläggande demokratiska och rättsstatliga principer som saklighet, objektivitet, proportionalitet, likabehandling och icke-diskriminering. Den är också ett brott mot Sveriges åtaganden enligt FN:s konvention om avskaffande av varje form av rasdiskriminering. Eftersom upprättandet av dessa register varit en del av Polisen