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Physical Modeling of MIMO Antennas and Channels by Means of the Spherical Vector Wave Expansion

In this paper we propose a new physically motivated model that allows to study the interaction between the antennas and the propagation channel for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. The key tools employed in the model are the expansion coefficients of the electromagnetic field in spherical vector waves and the scattering matrix representation of the properties of the antenna. We deriv

Hacktivism – hackerkulturens svårgripbara organisationformer

Man kan kalla dem hackers, hacktivister eller nätaktivister. Själva ser de sig som tekniskt intresserade, en teknisk gemenskap. Deras långsiktigt politiska mål skiftar, de saknar gemensam ideologi och fasta strukturer. Det som delas är en innerlig fascination för tekniken bakom nätet – och kanske en minst lika innerlig aversion för destruktion av detta.

Spatial inference for non-lattice data using Markov Random fields

This thesis deals with how computationally effective lattice models could be used for inference of data with a continuous spatial index. The fundamental idea is to approximate a Gaussian field with a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) on a lattice. Using a bilinear interpolation at non-lattice locations we get a reasonable model also at non-lattice locations. We can thus exploit the computational

The gene of the protease inhibitor SKALP/elafin is a member of the REST gene family

Members of the REST gene family characteristically have a transcription unit consisting of three exons. The first and the last exon are conserved among members, while the second exon--encoding almost all of the mature protein--differs considerably. The so far known REST genes are highly, and almost exclusively, expressed in the seminal vesicles. By sequence analysis we have now identified the gene

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Critique of the Danish 911 "truth" movement, based on observations at a public meeting where Niels Harrit, a Danish chemistry professor, promotes the theory of "controlled demolition" of the World Trade Center building 7, WTC7. A critique of a prominent conspiracy theory, published in a Danish weekly news magazine.