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Light vector mesons from d-Au in PHENIX.
A comparative analysis of three replicated experiments comparing inspection and unit testing
Code inspections and structural unit testing are two common defect detection methods in software development. This paper analyses three replications of an experiment aimed at comparing which method finds more defects. The first two experiments use the same experimental design and materials, including the programs to be inspected or tested, while the third experiment replaces the programs with code
Some rate 1/2 binary convolutional codes of various types which are optimal for various criteria
SNDlib 1.0 - survivable network design library
to be added
Om attityder och visuell påverkan. Vindkraftsforskning i fokus.
From the periphery to the centre: some aspects regarding the future of information literacy research
An evaluation of the electrical potential drop technique for crack closure measurements
Draft of Chapter on Social and Political Changes in a Rural Area of Tamil Nadu over the last 25 years
Assessment of fall-related self-efficacy and activity avoidance in people with Parkinson’s
Growth and characterization of GaAs/AlInP core/shell nanowires with subsequent conversion into nanotubes
Minnesord Ingmar Johansson, Lund
Vi blickar bakåt - yrkesutbildningens framväxt
Industrial relations and collective labour law: characteristics, principles and basic features
Political Modernism and the Quest for Film Studies
Information processing in soft-output decoding
Svenska språkets ställning i Östersjöprovinsen Pommern 1648-1815
The paper deals with language competence and language skills in the Swedish province on German soil, Swedish-Pomerania.
Impersonation: a phonetic case study of the imitation of a voice
In language acquisition it is important to imitate the native speakers of the language. For the young child it is natural to imitate both the language and the behaviour of the culture. Imitation, or adaptation (Markham 1997), is also useful in second language acquisition to learn how to pronounce the words and to learn the prosody of the language. For most people it is difficult to learn to speak
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Om rättegången mot John Demjanjuk, som stod anklagad för förbrytelser mot mänskligheten begångna i föreintelseläger under andra världskriget.