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Fartygsmiljöns aktiveringsgrad - En omgivningspsykologisk analys
Jerusalem i Vitaby - Grevlundaborgen och dess syskonborgar i Skåneland
In Vitaby parish are the ruins of a castle built around 1200 and deserted before 1300. An excavation was made in 1911 and again by the author in 2001 and 2002. The construction i unique in Europe with a support wall for the shellkeep 5,5 meters high, going all through the motte down to the peat. The castle was probably owned by the family Galen
Ljus från nano-skogen
Personal cooling with phase change materials to improve thermal comfort from a global warming perspective
Hoppfulla monster : Posthuman biopolitik och utopism i italiensk filosofi
Why Focus on Roles when Developing Future ERP systems
In this paper the question “Why software vendors focus on roles when they aim at developing the future enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems?” is discussed. At the moment there is increasing interest in developing ERP systems that support a person's different working roles in the organisation, which could be described as role-based ERPs. It could be asked whether this is a reaction to the wel
Ny partikeldetektor skådar stormens öga
From Paris to Reitarskaia. The Significance of Place in Pasternak’s Definition of Poetry
Konceptkonst och intermedialitet
New applications: X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences
Demokratisk mångfald
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Francis Dercum - mannen bakom adiposis dolorosa.
Språkutveckling och forskningscirklar - utvärderingar av insatser i regi av Malmö Stads Resurscentrum för mångfaldens skola
Israeli identity, thick recognition and conflict transformation
1973 : En träff med tidsandan
The Components of Well-Being Among Older Persons : A Longitudinal Perspective
Popular Abstract in Swedish Två svenska longitudinella kohort studier är basen för denna avhandling som analyserar välbefinnandet hos yngre äldre och äldre äldre. LUND 80+startade 1988, när deltagarna i undersökningen var 80 år gamla (N=212) med årliga uppföljningar tills alla avlidit. DALBY 67+ undersökningen började 1969, när deltagarna var 67 år gamla (N=192) och har följts till 92 års ålder. BTwo Swedish longitudinal cohort studies form the basis for this thesis that examines the components of well-being from young old to oldest old. The Lund 80+ cross-sequential design began in 1988 when participants were 80-years old (N=212) and follows them annually until all are deceased. The Dalby 67 began in 1969 when participants were 67 years old (N=192) and continued until they reached 92 year