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Your search for "*" yielded 533382 hits

Identification of proteins released by mammalian cells that mediate DNA internalization through proteoglycan-dependent macropinocytosis

Naked DNA plasmid represents the simplest vehicle for gene therapy and DNA-based vaccination purposes; however, the, molecular mechanisms of DNA uptake in mammalian cells are poorly understood. Here, we show that naked DNA uptake occurs via proteoglycan-dependent macropinocytosis, thus challenging the concept of a specific DNA-internalizing receptor. Cells genetically deficient in proteoglycans, w

Genomic typing of the Kidd blood group locus by a single-tube allele-specific primer PCR technique

The Kidd (JK) blood group system is clinically important in transfusion medicine. Alloantibodies to antigens in this system may be produced following blood transfusion or during pregnancy and can result in serious haemolytic transfusion reactions and haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). JK antigens on erythrocytes are carried by glycoproteins with the capacity to transport urea through cell me

Altered expression of MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6 in predisposition to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer

Purpose: A considerable fraction (30% to 70%) of families with verified or putative hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer fails to show mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes. Our purpose was to address the genetic etiology of such families. Materials and Methods: We scrutinized a population-based cohort of 26 families from Finland that had screened mutation-negative by previous techniqu

DynaReP: a discrete event simulation model for re-planning of software releases

Software release planning can be described as a process consisting of the following three phases: (i) strategic release planning, i.e., the assignment of features to subsequent releases; (ii) operational release planning, i.e., the allocation of resources to tasks within each individual release; and (iii) dynamic re-planning, i.e., the revision of plans in order to handle unexpected changes impose

Automated interpretation of ventilation-perfusion lung scintigrams for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism using support vector machines

The purpose of this study was to develop a new completely automated method for the interpretation of ventilation-perfusion (V-P) lung scintigrams for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. A new way of extracting features, characteristic for pulmonary embolism is presented. These features are then used as input to a Support Vector Machine, which discriminates between pulmonary embolism or no embolis

Neural circuits and their structural and chemical reorganization in the light-brain-pituitary axis during parr-smolt transformation in salmon

Salmonid parr-smolt transformation (smoltification) is a transitional stage between freshwater and seawater life when the salmon imprint on their natal stream, change from a territorial feeding behavior to downstream migration, increase their hypoosmoregulatory competence, and change body shape and coloration. Photoperiod is recognized as the most potent initiator and regulator of the smoltificati

Thrombin generation assay: a useful routine check-up tool in the management of patients with haemophilia?

Severity assessment of patients with haemophilia A (HA) is traditionally based on FVIII activity (FVIII:C). Clinical phenotype of HA patients often differs between individuals with the same FVIII:C determined with clotting and chromogenic assays. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the FVIII:C on thrombin generation (TG) assay parameters both in vitro and ex-vivo postinfusion plas

Non-integral hybrid ions in tourmaline: buffering and geo-thermometry

The tourmaline group of minerals is indeed an enigma. Experimental data from optical spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and Mossbauer spectroscopy reveal a host of physical properties that lack a common structural clarification. For example, tourmaline samples change colour when irradiated with X-ray and gamma-ray radiations some reverting back when heated in air; exhibit simultaneous oxidation an

Linkage analysis in families diagnosed with type 1 von Willebrand disease in the European study, molecular and clinical markers for the diagnosis and management of type 1 VWD

Background: von Willebrand disease (VWD) type 1 is a congenital bleeding disorder caused by genetic defects in the von Willebrand factor (VWF) gene and characterized by a reduction of structurally normal VWF. The diagnosis of type 1 VWD is difficult because of clinical and laboratory variability. Furthermore, inconsistency of linkage between type 1 VWD and the VWF locus has been reported. Objectiv

Extreme values and crossings for the chi^2-process and othe functions of multidimensional Gaussian processes, with reliability applications

Extreme values of non-linear functions of multivariate Gaussian processes are of considerable interest in engineering sciences dealing with the safety of structures. One then seeks the survival probability P{(X1(t),⋯ ,Xn(t))∈ S, all t∈ [0,T]}, where X(t)=(X1(t),⋯ ,Xn(t)) is a stationary, multivariate Gaussian load process, and S is a safe region. In general, the asymptotic survival probability for

Observations and simulations of some divergent-light halos

We deal with some halos generated by the divergent light from a nearby source. After discussing how the divergent light transforms some halo features, we give an outline of a method of handling the simulation of a divergent-light halo. The simulation method is then successfully tested on some well-documented halo observations. We also present a "simulation atlas" that shows halos produced by cryst

Chemiluminescence sensor for local equivalence ratio of reacting mixtures of fuel and air (FLAMESEEK)

This paper describes a Cassegrain optics-based chemiluminescence sensor (CS) for measurements in gas turbine combustors. The chemiluminescence sensor measures the equivalence ratio of reacting fuel and air mixtures, and can identify the flame location, in partially premixed flames. It has the potential for monitoring the degree of premixedness of reacting fuel and air in industrial gas turbine com

Coevolution of the domains of cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases

Many signaling molecules are multidomain proteins that have other domains in addition to the catalytic kinase domain. Protein tyrosine kinases almost without exception contain Src homology 2 (SH2) and/or SH3 domains that can interact with other signaling proteins. Here, we studied evolution of the tyrosine kinases containing SH2 and/or SH3 and kinase domains. The three domains seem to have duplica

Implicit versus explicit solvent in free energy calculations of enzyme catalysis: Methyl transfer catalyzed by catechol O-methyltransferase

We compare free energy calculations for the methyl transfer reaction catalyzed by catechol O-methyltransferase using the quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical free energy method with implicit and explicit solvents. An analogous methylation reaction in a solution is also studied. For the explicit solvent model, we use the three-point transferable intermolecular potential model, and for the implic

Limitations of a pencil beam approach to photon dose calculations in the head and neck region

The inherent limitations of a specific pencil beam model have been studied when applied to a cylindrical geometry simulating the neck region. A comparison is made between measured and calculated absorbed dose in a cylindrical phantom. The goal is to quantify the deviations in the absorbed dose level, i.e., the dose per monitor unit, when photons are used for the treatment of head and neck tumours.

A constitutive catabolite repression mutant of a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain improves xylose consumption during fermentation

Efficient xylose utilisation by microorganisms is of importance to the lignocellulose fermentation industry. The aim of this work was to develop constitutive catabolite repression mutants in a xylose-utilising recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain and evaluate the differences in xylose consumption under fermentation conditions. S. cerevisiae YUSM was constitutively catabolite repressed throu