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Numerical study of the instabilities of swirling jets

The stability of circular swirling jets is studied numerically in order to evaluate the influence of Reynolds number in the laminar regime, swirl level and inlet geometrical perturbations on the appearance and evolution of axial and asymmetric modes. The results reveal increasing deviation from symmetry with increasing Reynolds numbers and swirl levels. The critical value of the Reynolds number co

Judgements in Equilibrium? An Ethical Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment

The growth of environmental consciousness during the recent decades has led to new ethical challenges. Environmental crises have brought to the fore the seldom acknowledged questions of what duties current generations owe towards future generations and what duties human beings owe towards natural entities. A new subdiscipline - environmental ethics - has emerged that especially focuses on these mo

Virtual Topology Design in OBS Networks

The problem of burst losses in OBS networks has an impact on the service quality perceived by end users. In order to guarantee certain level of Service Quality (QoS) in terms of burst losses, wavelength resources have to be dimensioned properly. In this paper, we address the problem of the Virtual Topology (VT) design that concerns the establishment of explicit routing paths and the allocation of

Remote laser-induced fluorescence imaging for assessment of cultural heritage

In this paper, we propose to perform remote laser-induced fluorescence imaging for assessment of cultural heritage. The experiments are performed using the lidar system consist of frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm with a spot size of ~4 cm diameter and the signal is collected using a coaxial 40-cm-diameter Newtonian telescope. The fluorescence light is focused into an optical fibre and guid

The importance of packaging innovations in the Swedish food sector

Abstract in Undetermined Packaging is of particular importance to retailers, since it can be considered an integral part of the product and the first point of contact with the brand (Rundh 2005). Over 73% of interviewed consumers rely on packaging to aid their purchasing decisions (Wells et al. 2007), and retailers are the ‘gatekeepers’ to the consumers (Dobson et al. 2003) via the retail stores,

Some Aspects of Chirality: fermion masses and chiral p-forms

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar till stor del om elementarpartiklars massor. I motsats till många av de andra av elementarpartiklarnas egenskaper, uppvisar partiklarnas massor inget iögonfallande mönster. De antar dessutom värden som spänner över ett mycket stort område. Att förstå partikelmassorna är ett centralt tema i dagens partikelfysik. Egenskapen kiralitet eller "hänthThis thesis deals with different types of chiral fields. The properties of fermion masses are investigated from different poits of view, both within the Standard Model and in extensions of the model. It is shown how mass matrix invariants are used to define the measurables of the quark mixing matrix as invariant functions of the mass matrices. One model is presented where the family pattern is s

Water uptake by biomass burning aerosol at sub- and supersaturated conditions: closure studies and implications for the role of organics

We investigate the CCN activity of freshly emitted biomass burning particles and their hygroscopic growth at a relative humidity (RH) of 85%. The particles were produced in the Mainz combustion laboratory by controlled burning of various wood types. The water uptake at sub- and supersaturations is parameterized by the hygroscopicity parameter, κ (c.f. Petters and Kreidenweis, 2007). For the wood b