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Continuous electrical imaging for mapping aquifer recharge along reaches of the Namoi River in Australia
In this study the capacity of towed floating electrical imaging for mapping a known aquifer recharge zone in more detail is investigated. A 50 km reach of the Namoi River, Australia, was surveyed. The river is perched up to 16 m above an unconfined aquifer that extends to 30 m below the ground surface. The unconfined aquifer overlies a semi-confined aquifer system. The electrical array consists of
Flerdimensionellt ledarskap – reflektioner kring pedagogiskt ledarskap vid LTH
Product chain management to facilitate design for recycling of post consumer plastics: Case studies of polyurethane and acrylic use in vehicles
Teachers' Understanding of Internationalisation as an Essential Part of Nursing Education in Sweden
Interdependencies of children’s food knowledge and local history: social memory of wild food plants in Yiliang (Yunnan)
Effects of compression bandaging with or without manual lymph drainage treatment in patients with postoperative arm lymphedema
We examined the effects of low stretch compression bandaging (CB) alone or in combination with manual lymph drainage (MLD) in 38 female patients with arm lymphedema after treatment for breast cancer. After CB therapy for 2 weeks (Part I), the patients were allocated to either CB or CB + MLD for 1 week (Part II). Arm volume and subjective assessments of pain, heaviness and tension were measured. Th
South Scandinavian Wetland Sites and Finds from the Mesolithic and the Neolithic
Phase transformation and stability studies of the Zr-H system
Popular Abstract in English Zirconium alloys are widely used in nuclear power reactors as cladding material for their fuels due to the high strength, good corrosion resistance and low neutron absorption cross-section, even in extreme environment, that is characteristic for zirconium. The element, however, also has strong affinity for hydrogen, and when both are present they readily react and form Zirconium alloys are widely used in the nuclear industry because of their high strength, good corrosion resistance and low neutron absorption cross-section. Zirconium has a strong affinity for hydrogen, however, and if hydrogen concentration builds up, the material will gradually degrade. In one class of such hydrogen caused degradation, called hydride induced embrittlement, hydrogen chemically re
Linguistic PID Controllers
Maerz Musik Festival für aktuelle Musik
Tidsuttryck hos en svensk pojke mellan 2 och 4 år
New Selective Control Strategy of the Voltage Collapse Problem
Protoplanetary Disk Turbulence Driven by the Streaming Instability: Linear Evolution and Numerical Methods
Evaluation of trellis termination strategy for turbo codes in UMTS
This input document proposes a trellis termination startegy for turbo codes in UMTS. The proposal is based upon the fact that the extrinsic information used in the decoding of turbo codes mitigates the effect of a truncated trellis, and that this mitigating effect can be enhanced by imposing certain restrictions on the interleaver design. The simulation parameters used in the comparison bewteen di
The intentional-expressive approach to the interplay between language use and understanding
Exploration of tRNA and the synthetase family of enzymes as novel targets for future generations of drugs
Register Differences between Prefabs in Native and EFL English
Abstract not available
Low-density cells isolated from the rat thymus resemble branched cortical macrophages and have a reduced capability of rescuing double-positive thymocytes from apoptosis in the BB-DP rat.
Biobreeding-diabetes prone (BB-DP) rats spontaneously develop organ-specific autoimmunity and are severely lymphopenic and particularly deficient in ART2+ regulatory T cells. A special breed, the so-called BB-diabetic-resistant (DR) rats, are not lymphopenic and do not develop organ-specific autoimmunity. The genetic difference between both strains is the lymphopenia (lyp) gene. Intrathymic tolera