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Scalability and Predictability Model of PLC Systems

PLC-system (Programmable Logic Controller) är robusta realtidssystem som används för att styra fysiska processer i krävande miljöer. Moderna PLC-system är väldigt kapabla, men skulle systemet mot förmodan gå på knä, kan man alltid installera ännu ett PLC-system i mån av plats. En lyx som inte finns ombord på ubåtar, där man istället behöver hushålla med befintliga system. Med hjälp av två matematiThis master’s thesis is commissioned by SAAB Group with the purpose of developing a model which can be used to estimate the margin for expansion of devices in PLC systems. Although commercial PLC systems are hard real-time systems, they have inherited unpredictable characteristics due to off-the-shelves components. This makes it difficult to measure the impact on performance when a new device is c

Vårdens insatser för »osynliga« med opioidproblem måste bli bättre

Trots att majoriteten av dem som dör av opioidöverdoser haft kontakt med sjukvård, socialtjänst eller kriminalvård, visar en ny analys att en stor grupp – nästan hälften – saknar betydande vårdkontakter kopplade till sina drogproblem. För att stärka det förebyggande arbetet mot överdoser behövs en förändring i vården, där lågtröskelinsatser kompletteras med bredare screening och mindre stigmatiserDespite the fact that the majority of those who die from opioid overdoses have been in contact with healthcare, social services, or the justice system, a new analysis shows that a large group – nearly half – lacks significant care connections related to their drug problems. To strengthen preventive efforts against overdoses, a change in care is needed, where low-threshold interventions are complem

Dispatchable Battery Swapping System with Centralized Charging and Renewable Energy Generation

The effort to electrify society has in recent years resulted in major changes in the transportation sector. Charging time remains a challenge in several applications such as transportation and heavy machinery. A proposed solution that shortens the energy replenishment time and adds flexibility in loading the grid is to battery-swapping: exchanging the depleted battery for a fully charged one. In s

Estimating the potential health effects of cleaner air in the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic : a study in Malmö, Sweden

Background: During the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, reductions in air pollution were globally observed owing to decreased human activities, underscoring the potential for cleaner air through shifts in human behaviour. Objectives: The objective of the present study was to hypothetically estimate the resulting population health impacts in Malmö, Sweden, if these improvements in air qualit

Conformational Modulation of a Mobile Loop Controls Catalysis in the (βα)8-Barrel Enzyme of Histidine Biosynthesis HisF

The overall significance of loop motions for enzymatic activity is generally accepted. However, it has largely remained unclear whether and how such motions can control different steps of catalysis. We have studied this problem on the example of the mobile active site β1α1-loop (loop1) of the (βα)8-barrel enzyme HisF, which is the cyclase subunit of imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase. Loop1 var

Autoimmune hematological disorders

Autoimmune diseases are disorders where the immune system reacts against self-antigens to cause disease. Autoimmune disorders occur in about 5-7% of the population, although many individuals have no symptoms. In all, there are more than 70 different disorders, most of which are uncommon, apart from rheumatoid disease and autoimmune thyroiditis. Autoimmune diseases are clinical syndromes mediated b

Characteristic Modes and Nonreciprocity

Properties of characteristic modes of lossless scatterers breaking time-reversal symmetry are presented utilizing the scattering formulation of characteristic decomposition. Antennas connected to nonreciprocal circuits and moving material bodies are used as numerical examples.

The prevalence of overweight among 4-year-olds during and after the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with socioeconomic burden

Aim: To assess the prevalence of overweight among Swedish 4 year olds in 2018, 2020 and 2022, taking socioeconomic variables into account. Methods: Aggregated regional data on children's body mass index were collected. The socioeconomic Care Need Index (CNI), foreign background, low education, being a single parent, low income and childhood poverty, were assessed. The differences in overweight, in

Autoimmune diseases and the risk and prognosis of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults

Aims/hypothesis: The aim of this study was to clarify the impact of autoimmune disease (AD) comorbidity on the risk and prognosis of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA). Methods: We used data from a Swedish study comprising newly diagnosed cases of LADA (n=586, stratified into LADAlow and LADAhigh by autoantibody levels), type 2 diabetes (n=2003) and matched control participants (n=2355).

Xylene versus Isopropanol for Paraffin Wax Processing of Lung Tissue

The microscopic observation of lung tissue is challenging due to its fragile nature. Xylene and isopropanol are common tissue-clearing reagents used before paraffin embedding, yet no studies have compared these two reagents in lung tissue processing. Due to the well-known health risks xylene could introduce to operators, as well as its environmental hazards, it has long been desired that a less ha

EDI in Swedish Music Education : Transforming Traditions and Navigating Challenges

In Sweden's upper secondary school aesthetic program, educators face significant opportunities and challenges in teaching students who utilize Electronical Digital Instruments (EDI) as their primary instrument. Since 2017, students have leveraged EDI, employing computers, user-configured software, and performance controllers to play and create music. This transformative approach challenges traditi

Development of methodology to support molecular endotype discovery from synovial fluid of individuals with knee osteoarthritis : The STEpUP OA consortium

Objectives To develop a protocol for largescale analysis of synovial fluid proteins, for the identification of biological networks associated with subtypes of osteoarthritis. Methods Synovial Fluid To detect molecular Endotypes by Unbiased Proteomics in Osteoarthritis (STEpUP OA) is an international consortium utilising clinical data (capturing pain, radiographic severity and demographic features)