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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits
Ömsesidig kärlek
Reliability testing of the NAME 1.0.
Zidanes melankoli
Bedöma och utvärdera fysisk aktivitet
Scan Cells Reordering to Minimize Peak Power During Test Cycle : A Graph Theoretic Approach
Scan circuit is widely practiced DFT technology. The scan testing procedure consist of state initialization, test application, response capture and observation process. During the state initialization process the scan vectors are shifted into the scan cells and simultaneously the responses captured in last cycle are shifted out. During this shift operation the transitions that arise in the scan ce
To what extent do L2 students in UK Higher Education acquire academic and subject-specific vocabulary incidentally?
Kristen predikan – teologisk föreläsning eller konversation?
Physiological and psychological effects of illumination and colour in the interior environment
Queerteater - varför inte homoteater?
This conference paper discusses the difference between queer and gay theater.
List decoding of convolutional codes - a Tutorial
Det straffrättsliga ögonblicket - reflektioner kring straffrättens legitimitet med utgångspunkt i västernfilmen "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"
Historien om maharadjorna. Indiska lyxföremål ställs ut i London
Recension av utställning om mahardjorna i London.
Visualisation methods for disseminating knowledge about production processes in business networks
J/Psi production and nuclear effects for d+Au and p+p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV.
Lipid microemboli reducion in autotransfusion blood using ultrasonic standing waves in microfluidic channels
Förloppslandskap och bevarande
Behandlar landskapsförändringar utifrån Torsten Hägerstrands begrepp förloppslandskapet som betonar helhet och sammanhang genom tid och rum, och hur detta kan var en möjlighet i bevarandearbete.