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Your search for "*" yielded 531887 hits
The cognitive semiotics of cultural evolution
Particle separation and diffusion based limitation
Deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) is a promising method for particle separation in the micrometer range, the proof of principle of which has been demonstrated to be successful in fields such as biomedicine and physics [1]. However, the enhanced particle dispersion (Figure 1 & 2) arising when separating very small particles (such as viruses and proteins) constitutes the main functional b
Tensile behavior of single-crystal nano-sized copper beams with voids
The tensile response under displacement controlled loading of nano-sized single crystal Cu beams, solid or holding square shaped through-the thickness voids, have been investigated through 3D molecular dynamics simulations using free-ware LAMMPS [1]. For the same beam size and void height, the void width along the beam length axis was varied. Two different crystallographic orientations were consid
Do nanoparticles provide a new opportunity for diagnosis of distal airspace disease?
There is a need for efficient techniques to assess abnormalities in the peripheral regions of the lungs, for example, for diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema. Considerable scientific efforts have been directed toward measuring lung morphology by studying recovery of inhaled micron-sized aerosol particles (0.4-1.5 μm). In contrast, it is suggested that the recovery of inhaled airborne nanoparticles ma
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Whole-genome Bisulfite Sequencing of Human Pancreatic Islets Reveals Novel Differentially Methylated Regions in Type 2 Diabetes Pathogenesis
Current knowledge about the role of epigenetics in type 2 diabetes (T2D) remains limited. Only a few studies have investigated DNA methylation of selected candidate genes or a very small fraction of genomic CpG sites in human pancreatic islets, the tissue of primary pathogenic importance for diabetes. Our aim was to characterize the whole-genome DNA methylation landscape in human pancreatic islets
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The book deals with the issue of independence and especially the way to the Creation of an independent state in the Kurdish region in Iraq. One of the main topics dealt with in the book is the challenges nationally, regionally and internationally to an independent Kurdish state created in the future. We argue that the way to independence is going through negotiations with Baghdad.
Antibiotic prescribing in relation to diagnoses and consultation rates in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden : use of European quality indicators
Objective: To assess the quality of antibiotic prescribing in primary care in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden using European disease-specific antibiotic prescribing quality indicators (APQI) and taking into account the threshold to consult and national guidelines. Design: A retrospective observational database study. Setting: Routine primary health care registration networks in Belgium, the Ne
Simplified assessment of specific absorption rate for multi-antenna terminals
Antithrombin for the prevention of intraventricular hemorrhage in very preterm infants
BACKGROUND: Preterm birth remains the major risk factor for the development of intraventricular hemorrhage, an injury that occurs in 25% of very low birth weight infants. Intraventricular hemorrhage is thought to be venous in origin and intrinsic thromboses in the germinal matrix are likely to play a triggering role. Antithrombin, a glycoprotein synthesized in the liver, is the major plasma inhibi
High-frequency InGaAs tri-gate MOSFETs with fmax of 400 GHz
Extremely scaled down tri-gate RF metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) utilising lateral nanowires as the channel, with gate length and nanowire width both of 20 nm are reported. These devices exhibit simultaneous extrapolated ft and fmax of 275 and 400 GHz at VDS = 0.5 V, which is the largest combined ft and fmax, as well as the largest fmax reported for all III-V MOSFETs.
Pharmaceutical packaging for older patients - A design and innovation perspective
Pharmaceutical packaging is linked to important demographic changes. Aging ofpopulations is one of the demographic changes which has called for more attention, especially in well-developed countries. The increase in life expectancy represents a positive consequence of years of research, development of medications, and improvement in life habits. In spite of that, the growth in the number of people
Insufficient evidence for 'shaken baby syndrome' - a systematic review
Shaken baby syndrome has typically been associated with findings of subdural haematoma, retinal haemorrhages and encephalopathy, which are referred to as the triad. During the last decade, however, the certainty with which the triad can indicate that an infant has been violently shaken has been increasingly questioned. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of the triad in
Modeling and experiments of acoustic trapping forces in a small glass capillary
In this work we present theoretical modeling and additional experiments to characterize noncontact acoustic trapping in a small glass capillary. We provide numerical 3D-simulations that captures several key features of the experiment.
Endogenous beta-cell CART regulates insulin secretion and transcription of beta-cell genes
Impaired beta-cell function is key to the development of type 2 diabetes. Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is an islet peptide with insulinotropic and glucagonostatic properties. Here we studied the role of endogenous CART in beta-cell function. CART silencing in INS-1 (832/13) beta-cells reduced insulin secretion and production, ATP levels and beta-cell exocytosis. This was su
Designing and feeding multiple characteristic modes in small terminals at frequencies below 1 GHz
Designing multiple antennas in small terminals at frequency bands below 1 GHz is challenging due to severe mutual coupling among antenna elements. The severe coupling is often the result of simultaneous excitation of the fundamental characteristic mode of the terminal chassis by more than one antenna element. In this work, through the use of characteristic mode analysis, we propose to solve the co
Diurnal glucose exposure profiles of patients treated with lixisenatide before breakfast or the main meal of the day : An analysis using continuous glucose monitoring
Background: In the parent study of this analysis, patients with type 2 diabetes received lixisenatide before breakfast or the main meal of the day. This substudy was designed to examine the effect of lixisenatide administered before breakfast or the main meal of the day on continuously assessed 24-hour patient glucose profiles. Methods: A subset of patients from the parent study underwent 2 14-day