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Abstract in Danish Da Fukushima-katastrofen ramte Japan i dagene efter d. 11. marts 2011, forbløffede det medier i resten af verden, hvordan de japanske massemedier valgte at dække den meget alvorlige og eskalerende begivenhed. Mens vestlige nyhedsmedier efterspurgte større åbenhed og mere substans i de sparsomme informationer, de japanske myndigheder og TEPCO offentliggjorde, virkede de japanske

Gender Equality, Citizenship and Human Rights: Controversies and Challenges in China and the Nordic Countries

This comparative volume examines the ways in which current controversies and political, legal, and social struggles for gender equality raise conceptual questions and challenge our thinking on political theories of equality, citizenship and human rights. Bringing together scholars and activists who reflect upon challenges to gender equality, citizenship, and human rights in their respective socie

Att vara i takt med andra - en musiklärares utmaningar.

I den här boken beskriver författarna innovativa interkulturella utmaningar för dagens mångkulturella skola. Alla bidrag har det gemensamt att de utgår från mångfald som bas för utveckling av både undervisning och skolutveckling. Mot bakgrund i ett starkt engagemang och vilja att förbättra, utveckla och stärka dagens mångkulturella skola skriver författarna bland annat om elevers tankar om musik o

Insights into weak affinity antibody-antigen interactionsStudies using affinity chromatography and optical biosensor

Popular Abstract in Swedish I cellen styrs allt av biomolekylernas förmåga till igenkänning och växelverkan med varandra. Molekylernas speciella egenskaper bygger upp kroppens alla komplicerade funktioner, till exempel immunförsvar, celldelning och muskelarbete. Interaktionerna mellan biomolekylerna kan vara av olika karaktär; de beskrivs som starka eller svaga (affinitet), långsamma eller snabba Molecular recognition and interaction is fundamental for the function of biological systems. The properties of the interacting biomolecules dictate the type of forces involved and the strength and dynamics of the interaction. Many interactions are very strong whereas others exhibit weak affinity. Typically, weak interactions work in concert to trigger a biological response. The advantage with thi

Functional and Nutritional Assessments in Geriatric Rehabilitation. A Feasibility Study

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denne afhandling vedrører geriatriske patienters ernæringsproblemer indenfor rammen af geriatrisk rehabilitering. Geriatriske patienter er svækkede ældre mennesker, der er præget af aldring og kronisk sygdom. Den hændelse som er årsag til indlæggelse er ofte som toppen af et isbjerg, hvor der kan ligge mange andre problemer gemt under vandoverfladen. En lungebetændelse The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of functional and nutritional assessments in geriatric rehabilitation in Copenhagen, Denmark, and in addition to study clinically identifiable risk factors for undernutrition, association between nutritional and ADL status, feasibility and effectiveness of nutritional intervention conducted by the nursing staff, and the nursing staffs attit

Knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness practices among women in rural Uganda

Background Improving knowledge of obstetric danger signs and promoting birth preparedness practices are strategies aimed at enhancing utilization of skilled care in low-income countries. The aim was to explore the association between knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness among recently delivered women in south-western Uganda. Methods The study included 764 recently delivered