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Master’s Programme in Human Geography is open for submitting late applications!

Published 24 April 2017 If you have not yet applied, you can now submit a late application to the Master’s Programme in Human Geography at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University. The Master’s Programme in Human Geography prepares you for a wide range of professions. Human Geography is about the ways in which spaces, places and environments are both the condition for and the consequence - 2025-02-27

The stipend from Torsten Hägerstrands Stiftelse 2017

Published 2 May 2017 The stipend from Torsten Hägerstrands Stiftelse for 2017 has been awarded to...  For Physical Geography Abdulhakim AbdiPhysical Geography and Ecosystem Science, University of Lund. Abdi is applying for grants to present the results of his PhD-thesis (2017) at The Japan Geoscience Union/American Geophysical Union Joint Meeting on May 20th, 2017 in Chiba, Japan.  The stipend wil - 2025-02-27

Nailing ceremony for PhD thesis

Published 12 May 2017 A warm welcome to PhD thesis nailing ceremonies on Monday May 15 (Hayford Ayerakwa) and on Tuesday May 16 (Noura Alkhalili)! You are hereby invited to the PhD thesis nailing ceremony for  Hayford AyerakwaMonday 15th May  at 15:15 (3:15 pm) Venue: the third floor, Geocentrum 1 Noura AlkhaliliTuesday 16th Mayat 15:00 (3 pm)Venue: the third floor, Geocentrum 1   There will be so - 2025-02-27


Published 17 May 2017 On Wednesday 17 May 2017, Lund University will fly the rainbow-flags again to draw attention to the violence and discrimination that LGBTQI people are exposed to in all countries. The programme for IDAHOT at Lund University is open to anyone who wants to learn more about LGBTIQ. All activities are free of charge.PROGRAM8.00 Flag hoisting ceremonyWe meet in front of the main u - 2025-02-27

Ståle Holgersen "Staden och kapitalet - Malmö i krisernas tid"

Published 18 May 2017 On Thursday May 18, Ståle Holgersen will be at Lund University for a panel discussion about his new book "Staden och kapitalet - Malmö i krisernas tid". With Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren (Political Science), Johan Pries (Department of History) and Andreas Malm (Department of Human Geography).Date: Thursday May 18Venue: "Världen", Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10.Time: 13:00-15:00 (1pm-3 - 2025-02-27

Three PhD defenses in June 2017

Published 23 May 2017 Three doctor’s theses will be defended during the same week: Hayford Ayerakwa (June 7), Niclas Lavesson (June 8) and Noura Alkhalili (June 9). Wed 7 June 1-3 pm.Hayford AyerakwaPlanting to feed the city? Agricultural production, food security and multi-spatial livelihoods among urban households in GhanaOpponent: Dr Pay Drechsel, International Water Management Institute, Sri L - 2025-02-27

May Highlights

Published 21 June 2017 Accepted paper, book chapter, key note address and a scholarship! Accepted paper"Quality of charcoal produced using micro gasification and how the new cook stove works in rural Kenya"by Njenga, Mary; Mahmoud, Yahia; Mendum, Ruth; Iiyama, Miyuki; Jamnadass, Ramni; Roing de Nowina, Kristina; Sundberg, Cecilia.Article, in Environmental Research Letters Book chapterEric Clark, " - 2025-02-27

Essay seminar in Human Geography (bachelor level)

Published 2 August 2017 These are the dates for the seminars in August for the courses SGEK03 (module 3) and SGEL36: Register to the seminar no later than August 14 by 09:00 to Submission of papers on the August 16 at 11:15 in the venue Malmö, 409. The seminars will be held on the 21st of August between 08:00-18:00 in the venues Johannesburg (431) and Malmö (409).  Best of lu - 2025-02-27

University emails blocked – newly admitted students may miss important course information

Published 22 August 2017 Lund University is currently unable to send emails to a number of external email services, e.g. Yahoo, Comhem, Live and Hotmail. As a consequence, some of the University’s newly admitted students might not have received welcome letters from their faculties/departments with information about the start of the semester. At present, there is no information about when the probl - 2025-02-27

Apply for MFS scholarship!

Published 1 September 2017 The application period is between 1 September and 25 September. Through Sida’s Minor Field Studies (MFS) scholarship you can spend 8–10 weeks in a developing country conducting a minor field study for your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree project. The scholarship is a financial contribution that partly covers the expenses incurred during a field study. The scholarship amoun - 2025-02-27

Postdoc position open for applicants

Published 6 October 2017 Postdoc in Human Geography specialised in energy transitions We are pleased to announce the following postdoc position at Lund University:Postdoc in Human Geography specialised in energy transitionsThe position (100 %) involves research (minimum 80%) and teaching at all levels (max 20%). This position is primarily connected to the research project Co2mmunity: Co-producing - 2025-02-27

Thesis defense by Joakim Wernberg

Published 10 October 2017 We hereby announce that Joakim Wernberg for the degree of doctor of Philosophy in Economic Geography will defend his thesis on the 30th of October at the Department of Human Geography. Joakim Wernberg has written a thesis  for the degree of doctor of Philosophy in Economic Geography, which is entitled:The Inherent Complexity of Agglomeration: Essays on the self-organizati - 2025-02-27

Good news - October 2017

Published 20 October 2017 We would like to announce some good news about our staff's special achievements this month - publiched papers, articles and funds! Tomas Germundsson has published a paper ”Flerkärnighet – det bästa av två världar?” in the journal PLAN – Planering av stad & land, nr 3, 2017.Markus Grillitsch (and Björn Asheim and Michael Trippl) have had an editorial and special issue: "Co - 2025-02-27

Interested in Exchange Studies?

Published 20 October 2017 As a student at the Faculty of Social Sciences you have great opportunities to study abroad as an exchange student. The Faculty of Social Sciences encourages students to take this opportunity to get a degree with an international profile. The application for studies during autumn 2018 or spring 2019 is open 1-25 November. Who can apply?You are you are eligible to apply fo - 2025-02-27

Doctoral seminar by Samuel Omondi

Published 23 October 2017 On Friday October 27th, 1:15-15 pm, Samuel Omondi will hold his final seminar in the venue Flygeln. Title: "Urban Agriculture, Poultry Farming And Its Contribution to Livelihoods: The Case Of Thika And Kisumu"Discussant: Prof. Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, Department of Economics, SLURoom: Flygeln (128), Geocentrum I, Sölvegatan 10 (Lund), 1st floor. Welcome! - 2025-02-27

Thesis defense by Karin Lindsjö

Published 27 November 2017 We hereby announce that Karin Lindsjö will defend her thesis on the 30th of November at the Department of Human Geography. Karin Lindsjö has written a thesis which is entitled:Everybody knows every child should be educated” – The Strive Towards Universal Primary Education in TanzaniaThe public defense will take place on Thursday the 30th of November at 10.15 a.m. in the - 2025-02-27

Follow Up: Graduate Fair

Published 4 December 2017 Welcome to our Follow Up: Graduate Fair meeting on Thursday December 7th between 12:00-13:00 in our venue Världen (111) Did you visit last week’s graduate fair or are you just curious of what Master programme’s are offered by the department?Please join us on Thursday December 7th during the lunch hour (12:00-13:00) in room Världen (111), where we hope to share information - 2025-02-27