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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

Synthesis of the Bioactive Benzochromenes Pulchrol and Pulchral, Metabolites of Bourreria pulchra

The parasites Leshmania mexicana and Trypanosoma cruzi cause serious health problems, and few efficient treatments are available. Recently, the two benzochromenes pulchrol (1) and pulchral (2) were reported from the roots of Bourreria pulchra, and especially 1 but also 2 was found to be active towards the parasites. In this paper, we present a total synthesis of 1 and 2 to facilitate their biologi

Human papillomavirus type-specific persistence and recurrence after treatment for cervical dysplasia.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a necessary factor in the cervical cancer development. Also after treatment for cervical dysplasia, HPV can be present and promote the recurrence of cervical disease. In the present study, the aim was to perform a long-term follow-up on the ability of HPV testing with genotyping, as compared with cytology, to predict recurrence of high-grade cervical intraep

Possibility of Mixed Progenitor Cells in Sea Star Arm Regeneration

In contrast to most vertebrates, invertebrate deuterostome echinoderms, such as the sea star Asterias rubens, undergo regeneration of lost body parts. The current hypothesis suggests that differentiated cells are the main source for regenerating arm in sea stars, but there is little information regarding the origin and identity of these cells. Here, we show that several organs distant to the regen

Technological dynamics and social capability: US states and European nations

This article analyzes factors shaping technological capabilities in USA and European countries, and shows that the differences between the two continents in this respect are much smaller than commonly assumed. The analysis demonstrates a tendency toward convergence in technological capabilities for the sample as a whole between 1998 and 2008. The results indicate that social capabilities, such as

Number problems in monolingual and bilingual French-speaking children: A production/comprehension divide?

The present study focuses on the acquisition of subject-verb agreement in number in spoken French. We compare production and comprehension of singular and plural verb forms in French monolingual and French-Swedish bilingual children (n=58) aged from five to ten years. Overall, the results demonstrate that subject-verb agreement in number is a challenge to all French-speaking children, be it monoli

Public reporting on quality, waiting times and patient experience in 11 high-income countries.

This article maps current approaches to public reporting on waiting times, patient experience and aggregate measures of quality and safety in 11 high-income countries (Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States). Using a questionnaire-based survey of key national informants, we found that the data most commonly made avai

Effects of a continuum of care intervention on frail older persons' life satisfaction: a randomized controlled study.

The aim of this study was to analyse effects of a comprehensive continuum of care (intervention group) on frail older persons' life satisfaction, as compared to those receiving usual care (control group). The intervention included geriatric assessment, case management, interprofessional collaboration, support for relatives and organising of care-planning meetings in older persons' own homes.

Ser129 phosphorylation of endogenous α-synuclein induced by overexpression of polo-like kinases 2 and 3 in nigral dopamine neurons is not detrimental to their survival and function.

Phosphorylation of the α-synuclein (α-syn) protein at Ser129 [P(S129)-α-] was found to be the most abundant form in intracellular inclusions in brains from Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. This finding suggests that P(S129)-α-syn plays a central role in the pathogenesis of PD. However, it is at present unclear whether P(S129)-α-syn is pathogenic driving the neurodegenerative process. Rodent stud

Dynamics and retreat of the Late Weichselian Kongsfjorden ice stream, NW Svalbard

Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating in combination with detailed landform mapping in the Kongsf-jordhallet area, NW Svalbard, have provided new insight on configuration, dynamics, and deglaciation of the Late Weichselian Kongsfjorden ice stream. The minimum Late Weichselian ice surface elevation in Kongsfjorden was >449 m a.s.l. indicating considerably thicker ice and a steeper surface gradient

Off-resonance rotating-frame relaxation dispersion experiment for (13)C in aromatic side chains using L-optimized TROSY-selection.

Protein dynamics on the microsecond-millisecond time scales often play a critical role in biological function. NMR relaxation dispersion experiments are powerful approaches for investigating biologically relevant dynamics with site-specific resolution, as shown by a growing number of publications on enzyme catalysis, protein folding, ligand binding, and allostery. To date, the majority of studies

Midwives' awareness and experiences regarding domestic violence among pregnant women in southern Sweden

Objective: to explore midwives' awareness of and clinical experience regarding domestic violence among pregnant women in southern Sweden. Design: an inductive qualitative design, using focus groups interviews. Setting: midwives with experience of working in antenatal care (ANC) units connected to two university hospitals in southern Sweden. Participants 16 midwives recruited by network sampling an

Varved glaciomarine clay in central Sweden before and after the Baltic Ice Lake drainage: a further clue to the drainage events at Mt Billingen

Glaciomarine clay found west of Mt Billingen, central Sweden, contains two distinct varve units separated by a sand layer that we interpret to be sediment deposited in the North Sea during the catastrophic drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake (BIL). The lower varve series was deposited proximal to the retreating ice margin and consists of varves that grade upward from gray to red. The upper varve serie

Semiempirical modeling of abiotic and biotic factors controlling ecosystem respiration across eddy covariance sites

In this study we examined ecosystem respiration (R-ECO) data from 104 sites belonging to FLUXNET, the global network of eddy covariance flux measurements. The goal was to identify the main factors involved in the variability of R-ECO: temporally and between sites as affected by climate, vegetation structure and plant functional type (PFT) (evergreen needleleaf, grasslands, etc.). We demonstrated t

Integrative genomics identifies DSCR1 (RCAN1) as a novel NFAT-dependent mediator of phenotypic modulation in vascular smooth muscle cells

Vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) display remarkable phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental cues. The nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) family of transcription factors plays a critical role in vascular pathology. However, known functional NFAT gene targets in vascular SMCs are currently limited. Publicly available whole-genome expression array data sets were analyzed to iden

Central government ambitions and local commitment: climate mitigation initiatives in four municipalities in Norway and Sweden

This comparison of the effects of national approaches to encouraging local climate mitigation initiatives in four municipalities in Norway and Sweden suggests that the development of such initiatives depend not only on the comprehensiveness and ambitions of central government efforts, but more crucially on characteristics of the targeted municipalities. We argue that local coalitions of committed

Synthesis of N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan homopolymer and highly substituted N-alkyl-N,N-dimethyl chitosan derivatives with the aid of di-tert-butyldimethylsilyl chitosan

A highly chemoselective strategy for the synthesis of N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan (TMC) homopolymer and highly substituted N-alkyl-N,N-dimethyl chitosan derivatives was achieved using di-tert-butyldimethylsilyl-3,6-O-chitosan (di-TBDMS chitosan) as a precursor. The influence of different solvents, reagents and other reaction conditions on the reduction, trimethylation and quaternization of these di-T

Asthma control in patients on fixed dose combination evaluated with mannitol challenge test.

Asthma is often difficult to control and it is likely that not all patients are optimally treated. This study aimed to explore asthma control in adults receiving fixed dose combination (FDC) therapy. Control of asthma was assessed using the mannitol challenge test as a monitoring tool to see if this would give additional information compared to the asthma control test (ACT). The study was an open-

Rapid climate driven shifts in wintering distributions of three common waterbird species

Climate change is predicted to cause changes in species distributions and several studies report margin range shifts in some species. However, the reported changes rarely concern a species' entire distribution and are not always linked to climate change. Here, we demonstrate strong north-eastwards shifts in the centres of gravity of the entire wintering range of three common waterbird species alon