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More efficient exam management with the ‘Coordinated examination service’ project

By elin [dot] engman [at] ldc [dot] lu [dot] se (Elin Engman) - published 21 June 2022 The Vice-Chancellor has decided that the first part of the ‘Coordinated examination service’ project will start with a budget of SEK 13.8 million. The project is tasked with initiating coordinated administration and scheduling, organising a pool of exam invigilators and starting work on the construction of a ded - 2025-01-14

Reporting irregularities

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 21 June 2022 The Act on Special Protection for Workers against Reprisals for Whistleblowing concerning Serious Irregularities (2021:890), referred to as the Whistleblowing Act, entered into force on 17 December 2021. The Act enables people to report irregularities in a work-related context of such gravity that their c - 2025-01-14

The research funding database Research Professional is replaced by Pivot-RP

By johanna [dot] mellgren [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se (Johanna Mellgren) - published 22 June 2022 The global database for research funding opportunities that Lund University has subscribed to for some time – Research Professional – is now replaced by Pivot-RP. All key features found in Research Professional are also available in Pivot-RP, such as the potential to save your frequent searches and rece - 2025-01-14

Summer greeting

Published 23 June 2022 With each day that passes, I become more impressed by this organisation. In the early spring, we came out of the pandemic (well, not completely, but there was at least a loosening of restrictions that were paralysing society) to be met by a new uncertainty, which since then has unsettled us and caused anxiety – Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Just as when the pandemic struck, - 2025-01-14

Five profile areas have been selected in a process that highlighted strong knowledge environments

Published 23 June 2022 Now, we are here at last, after intense involvement and many exciting ideas from many parts of the University, the Vice-Chancellor has today (23 June) decided on five profile areas for Lund University for 2022-2030. The selected profile areas are: Human Rights in a Polarised World Light and Materials – from fundamental understanding to industrial and societal needs Natural a - 2025-01-14

Tips on study technique for your students!

By maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - published 15 August 2022 Help your students by referring them to On the site they can find tips on involvement, reading and planning in the light of more or less digital teaching. There are now also two much requested texts, one on multitasking – or rather uni-tasking – and one on ergonomics. Do your - 2025-01-14

New project to reduce cheating at Lund University

Published 22 June 2022 The number of reports of cheating at LU has increased considerably and now a project is starting that aims to prevent the students from cheating by providing support to teaching staff. Elin Bommenel will lead the project, which is to run from 1 September 2022 to 31 December 2023. There has been a marked increase in the number of reports of cheating in recent years. In 2019, - 2025-01-14

Changes in the Employment Protection Act (LAS) to provide better protection for the staff

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 23 June 2022 On June 8, the Swedish parliament adopted the Government’s bill Flexibility, adaptability and security in the labour market. The bill addresses the modernisation of labour law with changes to, among other things, the Employment Protection Act (LAS). The LAS amendments enter into force on 30 June and apply - 2025-01-14

Lund University in top 100 in global ranking

Published 23 June 2022 Lund University has been ranked 95th in the world in the QS World University rankings, making it the top ranked comprehensive university in Sweden. QS has ranked almost 1,500 universities, placing the top 100 within the top 7%. The universities are assessed using six indicators: academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, citations per faculty, internati - 2025-01-14

More information about Lund University’s five profile areas

Published 22 August 2022 Illustration by Catrin Jacobsson. The news last week that Lund University has five profile areas has generated a lot of interest. Since the information at this stage has been rather limited, I will answer the three most common questions here. More information will be published about the profile areas after the summer holidays. Question 1: What will the profile areas do? Al - 2025-01-14

Continued funding for the EUGLOH programme and new partner universities

Published 19 August 2022 During a few hot summer days in June, representatives from all the EUGLOH universities gathered at Paris-Saclay for the big Annual Summit. EUGLOH, the European University Alliance for Global Health, is part of the EU-funded European Universities programme in which Lund University participates together with Université Paris-Saclay (France), University of Szeged (Hungary), U - 2025-01-14

Megatrender inom handel: Teknologi, hållbarhet och välmående i fokus

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 18 december 2023 Emma Samsioe och Carys Egan-Wyer menar att osäkerhet är det nya normala för handlare – och konsumtionsforskare. Med det sagt finns tre stora trender inom handel i dag: teknik, hållbarhet och välmående. Foto: Jason Briscoe/Unsplash Forsknings­områdena är desamma, men hur vi ser på dem har förändrats. S - 2025-01-14

Ledande nationalekonom och förste vice riksbankschef nya hedersdoktorer

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 21 december 2023 Ekonomihögskolans nya hedersdoktorer – Martha Bailey (t.v.) och Anna Breman – kommer att närvara vid doktorspromotionen i Lund den 31 maj 2024. Foto: Privat/UCLA respektive Sandra Birgersdotter Ek/Riksbanken Professor Martha Bailey och förste vice riksbankschef Anna Breman har utsetts till 2024 års he - 2025-01-14

Nytt projekt undersöker socioekonomisk segregation – då och nu

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 21 december 2023 Barn leker på gården till en fastighet på Södermalm i Stockholm, någon gång mellan 1885 och 1919. Foto: Kasper Salin (1856-1919). Stadsmuseet i Stockholm/Stockholmskällan. Det nya forskningsprojektet ”Socioekonomisk segregation – betydelsen av grannskap, skolor och policy över livscykeln” ska skapa en - 2025-01-14

Ekonomihögskolans managementprogram klättar i årets Financial Times-ranking

Av anna [dot] lothman [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Löthman) - publicerad 11 september 2023 Stolt Ekonomihögskola! Magisterprogrammet i International Strategic Management klättrar igen i Financial Times internationella rankning. Förra årets placering #57 har nu blivit #44. (Fotomontage: Logga; Financial Times, foto; Charlotte Carlberg Bärg.) Ekonomihögskolan har gjort det igen! Ännu en gång får - 2025-01-14

CyberTruck - en IT-säkerhetssimulation

Av carla [dot] bohme [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (Carla Böhme) - publicerad 22 november 2023 Foto: Madelaine Hallerdal, WithSecure WithSecure besökte Institutionen för informatik under sin europeiska Cyber Tour, där studenter på kandidatprogrammet fick praktisk erfarenhet av att hantera IT-hot i en simulerad miljö. Den 30 oktober 2023 fick studenter som läser kursen IS och verksamhetsutveckling upp - 2025-01-14

Markus Lahtinen om AI och kameraövervakning

Av carla [dot] bohme [at] ics [dot] lu [dot] se (Carla Böhme) - publicerad 12 oktober 2023 Markus Lahtinen. Foto: Johan Persson Markus Lahtinen, forskare och adjunkt på Institutionen för informatik vid Lunds universitet, har intervjuats av både Dagens Nyheter (DN) och Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) för expertinsikter om användningen av AI för brottsbekämpande syften. Artiklarna i DN och SvD rapporterar o - 2025-01-14

New semester with continued development and improvements

Published 19 August 2022 Now that most people are back from their holidays, activities resume where they left off before the summer. Over the autumn, the Workplace of the Future project will focus on remote working among technical and administrative staff. The annual follow-up on secondary employment has come in and shows that we have become better at reporting, but there is still room for improve - 2025-01-14

Arrival Days for international students

By Ida [dot] Thelander [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (Ida Thelander) - published 21 August 2022 Fenh-Hsiu Liu from Taiwan and Chifundo Cecilia Mphkuina from Malawi at Lund C. It is estimated that 3,000-3,500 new international students will arrive at Lund University this autumn to study. A total of 1,394 international students arrived during Arrival Days (15-16 August). The Arrival Days are followed by - 2025-01-14

Seminar series: Sustainable Teaching & Learning in Higher Education: Principles & Practices

By caroline [dot] cabot [at] uvet [dot] lu [dot] se (Caroline Cabot) - published 20 August 2022 All students should learn about sustainability at some point during their education, the Swedish Council for Higher Education has decided. What should be highlighted? And how? These questions will be covered in Sustainable Teaching & Learning in Higher Education: Principles & Practices, a new seminar se - 2025-01-14