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Lathundar för representerade uppdaterade samt förtydligande om bokslutsspecifikationer

Publicerad 6 juli 2017 Lathundar uppdaterade med det nya regelverketNu kan du hämta uppdaterade lathundar för representation på Ekonomiwebben. De är anpassade till det nya regelverket som vi informerade om i Ekonominytt den 22 juni.Lathund representation m.m. (PDF 59 kB, nytt fönster)BokslutsspecifikationerNu i delåret ska du inte ladda upp några specifikationer i LU Box. Det görs endast vid helår - 2025-01-17

Servicetelefon, momskompensation, inventering, ny projektrapport i Kuben samt kemikalieskatt

Publicerad 1 september 2017 Servicetelefonen 24600 – ändrade öppettider fr.o.m. 4 septemberMåndag-fredag kl. 10-12, 13-15. E-post besvaras från kl. 9.Förtydligande angående momskompensation vid enklare förtäring för externa deltagareI information om de nya representationsreglerna som skickades ut i juni var det inte klart hur enklare förtäring till externa deltagare skulle hanteras.ESV har sedan g - 2025-01-17

Inför kvartalsbokslutet den 30 september 2017

Publicerad 6 september 2017 I Ekonominytt (Inför delårsbokslutet den 30 juni 2017) den 16 maj 2017 publicerades en lista med övergripande hålltider inför årets andra kvartalsbokslut. I detta Ekonominytt görs några fördjupningar och förtydliganden.Allmänt om kvartalsbokslutetKvartalsbokslutet utgör en viktig avstämningspunkt inför helårsbokslutet. Institutionen/motsv ska kontinuerligt vara i fas me - 2025-01-17

Höstens träffar och kurser för ekonomer

Publicerad 18 september 2017 Under hösten har du chansen att fördjupa dina kunskaper inom ekonomi på någon av våra träffar!Du hittar även händelserna i kalendariet på EkonomiwebbenÖppet hus: Nyheter, tips och trix i budgetverktyget EOSRiktar sig till dig som jobbar i EOS och inte deltagit i våra utbildningar sedan flera år tillbaka. Vi visar de nya funktionerna/förbättringarna.Tid: 2017-10-18, kl - 2025-01-17

Concussion incidence and recovery in Swedish elite soccer — Prolonged recovery in female players

Published 16 June 2020 Sport‐related concussions are an increasingly recognized health problem. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world although recent studies on concussion incidence are scarce. Here, a nationwide prospective study on concussion incidence, symptom severity, risk factors, gender differences, and return‐to‐play after concussion was performed in 51 Swedish elite soccer teams d - 2025-01-17

Association Between Neighborhood Deprivation and Heart Failure Among Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: A 10-Year Follow-Up Study in Sweden

Published 16 June 2020 The study population included adults (n = 434,542) aged 30 years or older with DM followed from 2005 to 2015 in Sweden for incident HF. The association between neighborhood deprivation and the outcome was explored using Cox regression analysis, with hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). All models were conducted in both men and women and adjusted for ag - 2025-01-17

10-year symposium of SIMSAM

Published 15 February 2018 Theme: "The future of Swedish register-based research" By the end of 2018 the Swedish Initiative for Research on Microdata in the Social And Medical Sciences (SIMSAM), funded by the Swedish Research Council, has been active for 10 years. This will be acknowledged by a free open national one-day symposium in Stockholm 16 May reflecting on how the achievements and experien - 2025-01-17

Changes in bone mineral density over 10 years in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

Published 17 June 2020 Consecutive patients with early RA (symptom duration <12 months) were followed according to a structured programme and examined with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at inclusion and after 2, 5 and 10 years. Mean Z-scores over the study period were estimated using mixed linear effect models. Changes in Z-scores between follow-up visits were analysed using paired T-test - 2025-01-17

Risk of Stroke in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Is Associated With Stroke in Siblings: A Nationwide Study

Published 17 June 2020 It remains unclear whether heritable factors can contribute to risk stratification for ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We examined whether having a sibling with ischemic stroke was associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke and mortality in patients with AF. New publication in JAHA - 2025-01-17

Whole-Exome Sequencing in 22 Young Ischemic Stroke Patients With Familial Clustering of Stroke

Published 18 June 2020 We performed whole-exome sequencing in 22 probands, under 56 years at their first ischemic stroke episode, from multi-incident stroke families. With the use of a comprehensive stroke-gene panel, we searched for variants in stroke-related genes. The probands’ clinical stroke subtype was related to clinical characteristics previously associated with pathogenic variants in thes - 2025-01-17

Risk of bacteremia in patients presenting with shaking chills and vomiting - a prospective cohort study

Published 18 June 2020 Chills and vomiting have traditionally been associated with severe bacterial infections and bacteremia. However, few modern studies have in a prospective way evaluated the association of these signs with bacteremia, which is the aim of this prospective, multicenter study. Patients presenting to the emergency department with at least one affected vital sign (increased respira - 2025-01-17

Participation weighting based on sociodemographic register data improved external validity in a population-based cohort study

Published 19 June 2020 Disease prevalence proportions were generally underestimated in the absence of IPPW but became markedly closer to population values after IPPW using sociodemographic variables. We found limited evidence of selective participation bias in association estimates, but IPPW improved external validity when bias was present. New publication in Journal of Clinical Epidemiology - 2025-01-17

An Increasing Trend in the Prevalence of Polypharmacy in Sweden: A Nationwide Register-Based Study

Published 19 June 2020 Polypharmacy and excessive polypharmacy were evaluated using data extracted from the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register between 2006 and 2014. Polypharmacy was defined as being exposed to five or more drugs and excessive polypharmacy was defined as being exposed to 10 or more drugs during 1 month respectively. Average annual percent change (AAPC) was calculated using Joinpoint - 2025-01-17