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A new low Reynolds stress transport model for heat transfer and fluid in engineering applications

A new Reynolds stress transport model (RSTM) aimed for engineering applications is proposed with consideration of near-wall turbulence. This model employs the Speziale, Sarkar and Gatski (SSG) pressure strain term, the omega equation, and the shear stress transport (SST) model for the shear stresses at the near-wall region (say, y(+) < 30). The models are selected based on the following merits: Th

Rotational Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy: Experimental and Theoretical Developments in Gas-phase Thermometry

Dual-broadband pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy was investigated in terms of thermometry and species concentration measurement for studies of combustion. The modelling of rotational CARS spectra under conditions of high pressure at room temperature was investigated. Resonant terms of the Stokes (CSRS) type were found to have a significant effect on the intensity of the anti

The expression of hormone-sensitive lipase in clonal beta-cells and rat islets is induced by long-term exposure to high glucose

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is expressed and enzymatically active in beta-cells and has been proposed to be involved in the generation of the lipid-derived signal that seems to be necessary for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In this study, we investigated whether the expression of HSL in INS-1 cells and in rat islets is affected by exposure to high glucose concentrations. Incubation of I

Physiological development of a mixed metabolic and respiratory umbilical cord blood acidemia with advancing gestational age.

Objective: To investigate respiratory and metabolic components of gestational age-dependent umbilical cord blood gas changes. Study design: Cord blood gases were determined in 1336 vigorous singletons with uncomplicated cephatic vaginal delivery at 37-43 weeks. Linear regression analysis and non-parametric statistics were used with a P < 0.05 being significant. Results: Gestational age correlated

Cholecystokinin-A and cholecystokinin-B/gastrin receptor mRNA expression in the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas of the rat and man. A polymerase chain reaction study

BACKGROUND: Gastrin and cholecystokinin (CCK) are thought to exert trophic effects on the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Two types of receptors have been cloned, CCK-A and CCK-B/ gastrin. We have examined the occurrence of CCK-A and CCK-B receptor mRNA in the brain, digestive tract, pancreas, and kidney of the rat and man by Northern blot and reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction (RT

Olfactory discrimination conditioning in the moth Spodoptera littoralis.

We used a proboscis extension reflex (PER) to study the olfactory discrimination capability in the moth Spodoptera littoralis. Already after a single experience, moths were capable to discriminate a rewarded from an unrewarded odor. In the first experiment, when rewarded and unrewarded odors were substituted for each other, moths were able to undergo reversal conditioning already after two experie

Hybrid model for derivation of synthetic unit hydrograph

Splitting the Nash single linear reservoir into two serially connected reservoirs of unequal storage coefficients (one hybrid unit) for a physically realistic response, a hybrid model is introduced for derivation of a synthetic unit hydrograph. Empirical relations are given for estimation of the two storage coefficients from known peak flow (qp) and time to peak (tp). The hybrid model with two ser

No hypoperfusion is produced in the epicardium during application of myocardial topical negative pressure in a porcine model.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Topical negative pressure (TNP), commonly used in wound therapy, has been shown to increase blood flow and stimulate angiogenesis in skeletal muscle. We have previously shown that a myocardial TNP of -50 mmHg significantly increases microvascular blood flow in the myocardium. When TPN is used in wound therapy (on skeletal and subcutaneous tissue) a zone of relative hypoperfus

Low-dose metoprolol CR/XL and fluvastatin slow progression of carotid intima-media thickness: Main results from the Beta-Blocker Cholesterol-Lowering Asymptomatic Plaque Study (BCAPS)

BACKGROUND: Statins reduce cardiovascular events and progression of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). beta-Blockers are also known to reduce cardiovascular events, but less is known about their effects on carotid IMT. METHODS AND RESULTS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-center trial to compare the effects of low-dose metoprolol CR/XL (25 mg once daily) and f

The Cromer blood group system: a review

The antigens of the Cromer blood group system reside on decay accelerating factor (DAF), a protein belonging to the regulators of complement activation family. The blood group system consists of eight high-incidence antigens and three low-incidence antigens. The molecular basis for the antigens is known and, with the exception of IFC, each antigen is the product of a single nucleotide polymorphism

Quality assurance of patient dosimetry in boron neutron capture therapy

The verification of the correctness of planned and executed treatments is imperative for safety in radiotherapy. The purpose of the present work is to describe and evaluate the quality assurance (QA) procedures for patient dosimetry implemented at the boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) facility at Studsvik, Sweden. The dosimetric complexity of the mixed neutron-photon field during BNCT suggests

Strategisk förändring, makt och kunskap : om disciplinering och motstånd i tidningsföretag

Popular Abstract in Swedish Studien beskriver och analyserar strategisk förändring i tre svenska tidningsföretag. I studien beskrivs hur företagen utvecklades från enaffärs-verksamheter till multiaffärs-verksamheter. Studien pekar på hur denna utveckling framförallt ska ses som resultat av etableringen och spridningen av en ny kunskapsformation. Ett centralt innehåll i den kunskapsformationen var The dissertation examines power and knowledge in strategic changes. It is a study of changes in three Swedish newspaper companies which developed from single-business to multi-business corporations. It is suggested that this transformation was based upon the establishment and reproduction of a new knowledge formation. This knowledge was the knowledge of strategy, particularly the classical perspec

Behaviour-focused pain coping: consistency and convergence to work capability of the swedish version of the chronic pain coping inventory.

The aim was to study the psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Chronic Pain Coping Inventory. The material consisted of a group of 100 subjects recruited from a large population study. Pain status and the absence of pain-related sick leave during the previous year conditioned inclusion. Another group comprised 160 patients on the long-term sick list and who had been referred to a m