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Hindunationalismens Uppgång och Fall
Increasing the Milling Accuracy for Industrial Robots Using a Piezo-Actuated High-Dynamic Micro Manipulator
The strong process forces arising during high-speed machining operations, combined with the limited stiffness of industrial robots, have hampered the usage of industrial robots in high-end milling tasks. However, since such manipulators may offer flexible and cost-effective machining solutions, a three-dimensional piezo-actuated compensation mechanism, which aims to compensate for the positioning
Identification of the current distribution on a radome from near-field measurements
Information about the equivalent current distribution on a radome can be used to improve radome design, detect manufacturing errors, and to verify numerical simulations. In this paper, the transformation from near-field data to the equivalent current distribution is analyzed. The transformation is based on a singular value decomposition of the surface integral equation that relates the equivalent
Functional Status and Patient-Reported Outcome 10 Years After Stroke – The Lund Stroke Register.
Assessment of coping with muscular dystophy: a methodological evaluation.
Pilot clothing system with a CBRN protective underwear. Part 2. The tests of pilot clothing system with a new, CBRN protective underwear
Energy Efficient Cellular Strategy: Virtual Cell Based Recoverable Sleeping Mode
Global warming has drawn more and more attention from ICT industries to reduce the energy consumption of mobile cellular network recently. Lots of techniques to make the energy efficiency network, e.g. making the cell with low load switch off, have been proposed but less research on how to offer the Quality of Service(QoS) guarantee to the users which were connected to the off cell. Due to this fa
Developing and investigating the reliability and validity of tests of collocations for intermediate and advanced learners of English
A Case Study of Simultaneous Generalisation
Arbetslös igår, sjukskriven idag; morgondagens förtidspensionär?
In Sweden there is a covariance between long-term illness and unemployment - when the unemployment is high usually the absence due to long-term illness is low, and vice versa. In the paper this covariance is analyzed, as well as unemployed long-term ill often is ending up with an early retirement pension.
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From community planning to partnership planning. Urban regeneration and shifting power relations on the South Bank, London
This paper seeks to explain the persistence of inner-city deprivation in spite of sustained regeneration efforts, through demonstrating how urban regeneration policies are embedded in peculiar political-institutional power dynamics that actually contribute to the further disempowerment of the already disempowered groups in inner cities. The reconstruction of the post-war planning history of one sp
Hypnotizability, alterations in consciousness, and other variables as predictors of performance in a ganzfeld psi task
Abstract in UndeterminedWe examined how hypnotizability, dissociation, alterations in consciousness, belief in success, and previous psi experiences related to performance in a ganzfeld psi task. High (n = 14) and low (n = 12) hypnotizables participated in 2 sessions. The first included measures of dissociation and alterations in consciousness during ganzfeld, whereas the second consisted of a tel