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Your search for "*" yielded 126003 hits

Always check the magasine carefully

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 7 October 2021 Aprile Clark says that the university libraries can help to find out if an OA magasine is genuine or not. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter The idea of publishing research findings in open access journals is in many ways an asset in the research community. Unfortunately, it has also entailed the emergence of many un - 2025-02-24

Dramatic increase in cyber attacks against universities

By jan [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 7 October 2021 Cyber attacks against universities have skyrocketed during the pandemic. The blackmailers often succeed. Photo: Shutterstock Cyberattacks against the University have sharply increased over the past two years. They mainly take the form of email attacks, known as phishing, which aim to penetrate and take over ent - 2025-02-24

Promising results for new gene therapy method

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 7 October 2021 Jan Astermark has done research in coagulation medicine since the beginning of the '90s. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter A lot has happened in coagulation medicine since Jan Astermark first started his research in the 1980s. The most recent progress is in gene therapy and the first patients with severe haemophilia - 2025-02-24

“I wore a hockey helmet until I was four years old”

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 7 October 2021 Niclas Nilsson does not need injections after being treated with gene therapy for haemophilia . Photo: Åsa Hansdotter If you look carefully at Niclas Nilsson’s hands and arms, you can still see the scars from all the injections he has received through the years for his haemophilia, although they have fad - 2025-02-24

Alligators are a key to the world of dinosaurs

By gisela [dot] lindberg [at] kansliht [dot] lu [dot] se (Gisela Lindberg) - published 7 October 2021 Stephan Reber with two of the alligators he works with. Photo: Kennet Ruona “Toke is shy but does the most exploring of all of them, while Siggi is relaxed and friendly. But you have to know them to be able to work with them”, says cognitive scientist Stephan Reber. He is not talking about his col - 2025-02-24

The main University building’s sphinxes are to be renovated

By maria [dot] blad [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Blad) - published 11 October 2021 In connection with the ongoing main University building renovation project, the National Property Board (SFV) discovered during an inspection that the building’s four sphinxes are in such poor condition that they must be taken down and recast. This is to prevent the risk of injury to passers-by from f - 2025-02-24

New information security blog

By backa_elias [dot] bondpa [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Backa Elias Bondpä) - published 3 October 2021 There is now a blog devoted to the work on “Introducing a management system for information security”, which will enable you to follow information security developments at the University. Among other things, you can read about the information security course recently taken by the Univer - 2025-02-24

Taking the train to the LERU meeting in Utrecht

Published 8 October 2021 I attended a LERU meeting to discuss issues relating to education strategies, lifelong learning, exchanges of experience for improvements in teaching, and the challenges of interdisciplinary programmes. On 7-8 October, there was a two-day meeting in Utrecht of the policy group Teaching and Learning in LERU (League of European Research Universities), which includes vice-cha - 2025-02-24

Choose the train in Europe

Published 10 October 2021 To achieve the University’s goal of reducing emissions that have an impact on the climate, we need to make changes throughout the organisation. One of these adjustments is to choose more sustainable travel options, now that opportunities to travel are opening up again. One way is to choose the train when travelling within Europe. The University’s travel agent is constantl - 2025-02-24

Results announced from the Swedish Higher Education Authority’s review of higher education institutions

Published 26 October 2021 During autumn 2020, a higher education institution review of Lund University was launched, focusing on the extent to which the University’s systematic quality assurance work functions satisfactorily in relation to the criteria set by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ). Now a decision and statement from the assessment group have been announced. UKÄ reviewed Lund - 2025-02-24

The Research Portal has a new design

By Hanna [dot] Voog [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Voog) - published 23 October 2021 LU’s updated Research Portal ( with a new design and many new functions was launched on 19 October. The aim of the Research Portal is to present a collective picture to external and internal visitors of the research being carried out at Lund University. Via the Research Portal, you can see - 2025-02-24

Karriärseminarier i vår

Publicerad 21 januari 2015 Check out student- and career related events from universities, organizations and companies on MyCareer. Get your career movingMyCareer is a global portal focusing on students' career possibilities and is a collaboration between Lund University and Graduateland. As a student you have the possibility to create a personal profile and thereby personalise the site with respe - 2025-02-24

Utbildningen hjälpte Daniel starta restaurang

Publicerad 26 januari 2015 Utbildningen var tongivande när krögaren och entreprenören Daniel Joannou beslöt att öppna sushirestaurangen Rå Epok. Det sa han under ett besök hos studenter som läser tredje året på Kandidatprogrammet service management hotel & restaurant. – De intryck jag fick från utbildningen var och är väldigt tongivande i det jag håller på med idag.Daniel Joannou som efter sina st - 2025-02-24

Bok tar upp nya utmaningar inom servicebranschen

Publicerad 4 februari 2015 Serviceorganisationer står ständigt inför föränderliga villkor. I skriften "Servicearbetets förvandlingar och förhandlingar" illustreras konkreta aspekter på utmaningar kring jämställdhet, frihet och flexibilitet i servicebranschen. Skriften "Servicearbetets förvandlingar och förhandlingar" är tvärvetenskaplig och har tagits fram av forskare och doktorander från flera in - 2025-02-24

Docent: "Det finns resurser för att införa en arbetstidsförkortning"

Publicerad 11 februari 2015 Det är inte självklart att kortare arbetstid betyder ökade kostnader för samhället. Det säger Birgitta Olsson, docent och tidigare verksam på Institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap till tidningen ETC. Under de senaste månaderna har sextimmarsdagar för cirka 70 kommunanställda i Göteborg uppmärksammats i flera nationella och internationella medier. BBC - 2025-02-24

Undersökning: 400 utländska lastbilar kör illegalt i Sverige

Publicerad 16 februari 2015 Henrik Stenberg Olaglig körning av lågavlönade utländska lastbilschaufförer är ett utbrett problem i Sverige. Det visar en stor kartläggning av bland annat logistikforskaren Henrik Sternberg postdoktor vid Institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap som uppmärksammats av SVT. – Folk blir chockade när de ser omfattningen av den här trafiken, säger Henrik St - 2025-02-24

Svårt för livsstilsföretagare att få ekonomin att gå ihop

Publicerad 20 mars 2015 I det senaste numret av tidskriften Gränsløs från Centrum för Öresundsstudier bidrar tre forskare på Institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap med nya perspektiv på kultur och regional utveckling. Universitetslektorerna Erika Andersson Cederholm och Carina Sjöholm skriver i tidskriften att ekonomin och drömmen sällan går ihop för små livsstilsföretagare. Det - 2025-02-24

Forskare: ”Sex gånger dyrare om du väljer bilen”

Publicerad 13 april 2015 Det blir sex gånger dyrare för dig och samhället om du tar bilen istället för cykeln. Det visar en studie av cykelstaden Köpenhamn som professor Stefan Gössling från Institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap analyserat. Därmed har man för första gången fått en prislapp på hur mycket bilen kostar jämfört med cykeln.  I den jämförande studien har professor St - 2025-02-24