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Studies on Molecular Genetics of B cell Development

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots att vår kropp är uppbygd av ett stort antal celler med så olika funktioner som att skapa ben och försvara oss mot infektioner, innehåller alla celler samma genetiska information. Denna information är lagrad i cellens chromosomer i form av DNA och cell specifica egenskaper uppstår då olika delar av kromosomernas information används i olika vävnader. Således, måste The development of immature progenitor cells into highly differentiated effector cells is a process central in modern medicine with applications in the fields of cell therapy as well as oncology. This thesis is focused on the molecular mechanisms that control the development of B lymphocytes. This is a complex and tightly regulated process involving several stages proceeding from stem cells to ant

6 x Saudek. Aspekter på ett konstnärskap

6 x Saudek. Aspects of an Artist’s Work is about the Czech photographer Jan Saudek (b. 1935) and his pictures. The thesis deals with Saudek’s photography from the 1960s up to and including the 1990s and comprises six relatively self-contained chapters. Each chap-ter takes up a specific range of problems: they deal with issues concerning connections between photography and theatre (chapter 1); issu

Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation in the Application to Biological Macromolecules

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling presenteras tillämpningar av separationsmetoden asymmetrisk flödes fältflödesfraktionering (AsFlFFF) på biologiska makromolekyler. Många svåra ord redan i den första meningen? Nedan följer en populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning, avsedd att ge ”hobby-vetenskapsmannen” en inblick i avhandlings-området. Här beskrivs kortfattat, den i avhandlingen utnyttjaAsymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) is especially useful in the application to biological macromolecules due to the absence of a stationary phase in the separation channel. As a result no upper exclusion limit occurs and low shear forces affect the sample components. In addition, native condition, most suitable for the samples analysed, can be used since no consideration has to be

Advancing Women Agency in Transitional Justice

This paper contributes to an on-going conversation among scholars engaged in the critical peacebuilding research regarding the issue of agency by highlighting the central yet often neglected role of women agency in transitional justice processes. It takes as its point of departure the critical questions repeatedly posed: whose peace, what justice and for whom? Thus, the aim is to critically examin

Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in Modern Day Automotive Production Lines – A Case Study

New and innovative production equipment can be developed by introducing lightweight materials in modern day automotive industry production lines. The properties of these new materials are expected to result in improved ergonomics, energy savings, increased flexibility and more robust equipment, which in the end will result in enhanced productivity. Carbon composite materials are one such alternati

Wave modeling and fault localization for underwater power cables

This paper describes some preliminary results regarding Time-Domain pulse Reflection (TDR) measurements and modeling performed on the Baltic Cable submarine HVDC link between southern Sweden and northern Germany. The measurements were conducted in collaboration between the Linnaeus University, Lund University, Baltic Cable AB and ABB High Voltage Cables AB, and is part of the research project: “Fu