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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Benefit of Treating Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence after Liver Transplantation and Analysis of Prognostic Factors for Survival in a Large Euro-American Series

To identify prognostic factors after hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence after liver transplantation (LT). We retrospectively reviewed the combined experience at Toronto General Hospital and Hospital Vall d'Hebron managing HCC recurrence after LT (n = 121) between 2000 and 2012. We analyzed prognostic factors by uni- and multi-variate analysis. Median follow-up from LT was 29.5 (range 2-129.

Influence of the permafrost boundary on dissolved organic matter characteristics in rivers within the Boreal and Taiga plains of western Canada

Catchment export of terrestrial dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its downstream degradation in aquatic ecosystems are important components of landscape scale carbon balances. In order to assess the influence of peatland permafrost on river DOM characteristics, we sampled 65 rivers along a 900 km transect crossing into the southern discontinuous permafrost zone on the Boreal and Tundra Plains of

Optical forces on interacting plasmonic nanoparticles in a focused Gaussian beam

We theoretically analyze optical forces on aggregates of metal nanoparticles in a focused Gaussian beam by extending the generalized Mie theory, which includes higher order multipoles and retardation effects. For two interacting metallic particles, an attractive gradient force, mainly caused by multipole plasmon excitation, exists at short interparticle distances, while induced dipolar fields domi

Hypoxia-Inducible Factors in Tumor Cell Differentiation and Tumor Vascularization

Mammalian cells, including tumor cells, adapt to hypoxia via stabilization of two transcription factors - Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha and HIF-2alpha. Among other consequences, hypoxia is a main driving force behind angiogenesis. The differentiation stage of tumor cells is recognized as an important clinical factor in several malignancies including neuroblastoma. Tumors with an immature

Impaired β-Amyloid Secretion in Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis.

A central question in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research is what role β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) plays in synaptic dysfunction. Synaptic activity increases Aβ secretion, potentially inhibiting synapses, but also decreases intraneuronal Aβ, protecting synapses. We now show that levels of secreted Aβ fall with time in culture in neurons of AD-transgenic mice, but not wild-type mice. Moreover, the ability

Do strategy and management matter in municipal organisations?

In Sweden, a large share of public services are organised, produced and delivered by municipalities, large and small, rich and poor. Contextual conditions (size and location) and economic conditions (efficiency and wealth) differ considerably among these service-providing organisations. The question raised in this paper is whether a municipality's economic situation is a direct consequence of the

Enacting knowledge exchange : a context dependent and ‘role-based’ typology for capturing utility from university research

One of the key research and policy problems in innovation studies is the development of tools for understanding and measuring the impact of academic research on society. The paper contributes to resolving this problem by providing a typology that helps us to understand and analyse the roles researchers take on in order to make academic knowledge useful. A key finding is that utility creation is co

Genetic Variants of Coagulation Factor XI Show Association with Ischemic Stroke Up to 70 Years of Age

Background and Purpose: Coagulation factor XI (FXI) has an important role in the propagation and stabilization of a thrombus upon vessel injury. High FXI levels have been implicated in thrombotic diseases including ischemic stroke. The aim of our study was to investigate whether FXI gene (F11) variants are associated with ischemic stroke. Methods: The discovery sample, the Sahlgrenska Academy Stud

Heavy-element fission barriers

We present calculations of fission properties for heavy elements. The calculations are based on the macroscopic-microscopic finite-range liquid-drop model with a 2002 parameter set. For each nucleus we have calculated the potential energy in three different shape parametrizations: (1) for 5 009 325 different shapes in a five-dimensional deformation space given by the three-quadratic-surface parame

Centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in root(NN)-N-S=5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of the centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in root(NN)-N-S = 5.02 TeV proton-lead (p + Pb) collisions and the jet cross-section in root s = 2.76 TeV proton-proton collisions are presented. These quantities are measured in datasets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.8 nb(-1) and 4.0 pb(-1), respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the La

Designing Rites to Re-enchant Secularized Society: New Varieties of Spiritualized Therapy in Contemporary Sweden

Detraditionalization in late modernity has both affected traditional religion and the domain of clinical therapy. Sweden, which is said to be one of the most secularized societies in the world, instead has allowed the public domain to be colonized by new, spiritualized practices. Sold as therapy, the services of new spiritual leaders offer anti-stress techniques to prevent burn-out, or leaders are

Shifting between self-governing and being governed: a qualitative study of older persons' self-determination

Background: Older persons' right to exercise self-determination in daily life is supported by several laws. Research shows that older persons' self-determination is not fully respected within the healthcare sector. In order to enable and enhance older persons' self-determination, extensive knowledge of older persons' self-determination is needed. The aim of this study was to explore experiences of

Intrahost evolution of HIV-1 phenotypes

HIV-1 evolves constantly within an infected individual, due to its mutation-prone viral enzyme, high viral turnover and pressure from the host immune system. Therefore, viruses isolated at different time points from the same individual are never exactly the same and, accordingly, rarely function the same way. However, if we can understand how HIV-1 phenotypically evolves in the newly infected host

Dietary switching of collembola in grassland soil food webs

Soil food webs are characterised by complex direct and indirect effects among the organisms. Consumption of microorganisms by soil animals is considered as an important factor that contributes to the stability of communities, though cascading effects within the food web can be difficult to detect. In a greenhouse experiment, an addition of a high number the fungal feeding collembola Folsomia quadr

Impact of branching on the viscoelasticity of wormlike reverse micelles

We present an investigation on the effect of inter-micellar connections (branches) on the rheology of wormlike micelles. The system chosen is made of lecithin, minute amounts of water and organic solvents. Lecithin and water self-assemble into wormlike reverse micelles that can be branched or unbranched depending on the oil composition (and on the water content). In this respect, cyclohexane favou