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Your search for "*" yielded 525528 hits

A Real-Time Gesture Recognition System with FPGA Accelerated ZynqNet Classification

This paper presents a real-time hand gesture recognition system by accelerating a convolutional neural network (CNN) using FPGA platform. More specifically, ZynqNet is adopted and modified to fulfill the classification task of recognizing the Swedish manual alphabet, which is used by sign language users for spelling purposes, also known as fingerspelling. Data augmentation and transfer learning te

Cellular alterations identified in pluripotent stem cell-derived midbrain spheroids generated from a female patient with progressive external ophthalmoplegia and parkinsonism who carries a novel variation (p.Q811R) in the POLG1 gene

Variations in the POLG1 gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma, have recently been associated with Parkinson's disease (PD), especially in patients diagnosed with progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO). However, the majority of the studies reporting this association mainly focused on the genetic identification of the variation in POLG1 in PD patient prima

Laboratory calibration and field validation of soil water content and salinity measurements using the 5TE sensor

Capacitance sensors are widely used in agriculture for irrigation and soil management purposes. However, their use under saline conditions is a major challenge, especially for sensors operating with low frequency. Their dielectric readings are often biased by high soil electrical conductivity. New calculation approaches for soil water content (θ) and pore water electrical conductivity (ECp), in wh

Assessing applicants for PhD-positions: How to pick the right one?

This study focuses on the assessment and selection of applicants for doctoral positions. The empirical data was gathered through a survey among faculty staff at Lund University, Sweden. The findings are also contrasted against the literature within the subject area, which is surprisingly scarce. One interesting finding of the survey is the frequent use of interviews and infrequent use of other ass

Delmål och kamratgranskning - erfarenheter från en grundkurs i programmering

För att få studenterna att arbeta kontinuerligt under kursens gång och reflektera över sitt eget lärande infördes delmålskontroller med kamraträttning i en grundkurs i programmering. Försöket slog väl ut. Studenterna arbetade kontinuerligt med kursen och deltog i stor utsträckning i delmålskontrollerna. Tentamensresultatet blev mycket bra. En positiv effekt av delmålskontrollerna var även att de g

Consultation prevalence among children, adolescents and young adults with pain conditions : A description of age- And gender differences

BACKGROUND: Pain is a common complaint presented in healthcare, but most epidemiological pain research has focused either on single pain conditions or on the adult population. The aim of this study was to investigate the 2017 consultation prevalence of a wide range of pain conditions in the general population of young people.METHODS: We used the Skåne Healthcare Register, covering prospectively co

Employers' beliefs, knowledge and strategies used in providing support to employees with mental health problems

BACKGROUND: Mental health problems are the main cause of sick leave in today's working age population. Employers are responsible for their employees' work environment and preventing work-related illnesses, but their knowledge regarding mental health problems is lacking. Employer beliefs and support strategies need further exploration. OBJECTIVE: To explore employers' beliefs, knowledge and strateg

Membrane filtration of alkali-depolymerised kraft lignin for biological conversion

In this study, we have investigated the possibility of membrane filtration as a means for obtaining a fraction containing mainly low-molecular-weight (LMW) compounds from depolymerised lignin (DL) for subsequent microbial conversion. A DL stream from continuous-mode alkali depolymerisation of a softwood kraft lignin produced at a temperature of 220 °C and a residence time of 2 min, using a NaOH/li

Temperature management after cardiac arrest, postanoxic injury and neurological recovery

In patients admitted alive to hospital after cardiac arrest the most common mode of death is withdrawal of life sustaining therapy due to brain injury. This decicion is preceeed by multimodal neuroprognostication, which includes clinical examination, neurophysiological tests, imagning and serum markers of braininjury. The search for methods to ameliorate the brain injury after cardiac arrest is onIn patients admitted alive to hospital after cardiac arrest the most common mode of death is withdrawal of life sustaining therapy due to brain injury. This decicion is preceeed by multimodal neuroprognostication, which includes clinical examination, neurophysiological tests, imagning and serum markers of braininjury. The search for methods to ameliorate the brain injury after cardiac arrest is on

Om den relationella urbangeografins gränser : Fältanteckningar: Norra Sorgenfri, Malmö, 2019.

Samhällsplaneringen har i någon månalltid varit intresserad av relationellaflöden. Det bilsamhälle som cementeradesunder efterkrigstidens rekordår var ihögsta grad en fråga om att styra rörelsermellan olika platser med industrins behovav arbetskraft som ledstjärna. Men, omvi ser närmare var det inte bara regionplanenstrafiksystem som var relationellt.Bostadsgården skulle skapa platser förolika anv

Public support for the euro

The euro as a common currency has recently been the subject of harsh criticism by economists from both sides of the Atlantic, including claims that citizens in some Eurozone countries are turning against it. This column argues that, in fact, the euro currently enjoys comfortable popular support in each of the 12 original member states of the Eurozone and that potential upcoming referenda in any of

Confronting the ecology of crisis : The interlinked roles of ecosystem-based adaptation and empowerment

Nature-based solutions (NBS) focus on the material functioning of ecosystems as part of a transformative response to societal challenges. NBS represent a growing response to climate change with a range of interventions emerging across the world to address the causes and effects of climate change. The adoption of NBS is claimed to address a range of Sustainable Development Goals, including empowerm

Prevalens av idrottsrelaterade skador och sjukdomar hos svenska paraidrottare

BAKGRUND: Intresset för parasport har vuxit det senaste årtiondet. Andelen paraidrottare som elitsatsar ökar ochmånga prestationer går att jämföra med idrottare utan funktionsnedsättning. Deltagande i idrott innebär dock en ökadrisk för att drabbas av en idrottsrelaterad skada eller sjukdom (IRSS). IRSS är ett bekymmer inom flertalet idrotter,vilket kan leda till förlorad träningstid samt negativa

Seeing different motifs in one picture : Identifying ambiguous figures in South Scandinavian Bronze Age rock art

Ambiguous figures, as described in visual perceptual psychology, are single pictures that contain several possible, mutually exclusive, motifs. Some specific cases of images in South Scandinavian Bronze Age rock art can be fruitfully analysed as ambiguous figures. Furthermore, we argue that these images represent some sort of narrativity, which needs to be understood in order to make a perceptual

Chloride in lead chloride-derived organo-metal halides for perovskite-absorber solar cells

Organo-metal halide perovskites are an intriguing class of materials that have recently been explored for their potential in solar energy conversion. Within a very short period of intensive research, highly efficient solar cell devices have been demonstrated. One of the heavily debated questions in this new field of research concerns the role of chlorine in solution-processed samples utilizing lea