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Purpose: To explore why brands lose control over their identity due to internal actions or lack of actions when needed. The paper examines the key elements brands should focus on internally to prevent brand identity erosion which can negatively impact brand performance. Methodology: This paper explains the relevance of brand identity by a literature review and further builds on fundamental causes

Montanismens härkomst och profetia: En textanalytisk studie av den tidiga kristna montanistiska rörelsen och dess förhållande till pagana kulter

This paper aims to study the second-century Christian movement of Montanism and whether it has adopted certain ritualistic aspects from the pagan cults of its native Phrygia, in Asia Minor. Delving into the testimonia of several second-, third- and, fourth-century authors of Christianity, this paper seeks to ascertain the ancient authors’ opinion of Montanism before attempting to ascertain possibl

The Role of Oncofetal Chondroitin Sulfate in the Tumor Microenvironment

Oncofetal Chondroitin Sulfate, leave me alone, please. Cancer, one of the most lethal diseases in the world, with a lack of efficient therapy for decades. Among the increasing research of potential therapeutic targets for cancers, oncofetal chondroitin sulfate (ofCS) came into our views. It is a special kind of chondroitin sulfate (CS), that is only expressed on the placenta and cancers and close

Evaluation of Instance Segmentation Methods in the Context of Construction Waste

Automatisk sopsortering med hjälp av artificiell intelligens På senare år så har värdet på återvunnet material ökat, vilket har lett till utvecklingen av robotar som automatiskt kan sortera sopor och avfall. Detta arbete utforskar möjligheterna att förbättra en sådan typ av robot. År 2018 så stod byggindustrin för 35% av Sveriges avfallsmängder, en siffra som har ökat kraftigt under det senaste åWith the progress made within the field of computer vision the last few years, it is starting to become possible to perform instance segmentation in real time with relatively cheap hardware. This paper's main purpose is to investigate different methods of instance segmentation in the specific case of segmenting construction waste with only a single class. The paper experiments with two models,

Method development for characterization and optimization of fiber treatment in novel wood plastic composite (WPC)

I västvärlden använder vi dagligen plastprodukter och det är svårt att föreställa sig en tillvaro utan plast, som idag är oumbärliga över ett brett spektrum av applikationer. Resulterande problem inkluderar nedskräpning, mikroplaster och global uppvärmning som ett direkt resultat av den fossila råvaran, som dessutom inte är en förnybar resurs. Nya typer av material som kan ersätta den fossila plasFossil-based resources for plastic production is growingly being challenged by renewable material in applications such as wood-plastic composites. One company dedicated to contribute to this transition is Bio Fiber Tech AB (BFT) who have patented a novel treatment of the wood component for improved compatibility with the polymer matrix. This thesis was in collaboration with BFT with the aim to cha

Topographic controls of drought impact on Swedish primary forests

Anthropogenic climate change has increased the frequency of extreme drought events and leads to “hotter” droughts. Topography controls plant available water and site-specific climatic conditions. Drought sensitivity may therefore vary over short distances between wet and dry locations of the landscape. However, topography is rarely included as a factor in research investigating vegetation dynamics

A design of a 100 MS/s, 8-bit Pipelined ADC in CMOS

The thesis focuses on designing and simulating an 8-bit high-speed fully differential pipelined Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) in the 65nm Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) technology by using the software Cadence Virtuoso. The aim is to increase the operation speed of the ADC for communication systems without reducing the performance, in the meantime, the low power consumption and

What led the apparel sector to become transparent? A deeper analysis of the determinants of Sustainability Reporting

This study has three major purposes: (1) to investigate the determinants of sustainability reporting in the apparel sector (2) to fill up the theoretical gap in the literature and (3) to analyze cross-country differences. The data from this study was gathered through online semi-structured interviews. The sample included sustainability reporting experts; sustainable fashion brands and textile indu

Barriers and Enablers for using E-commerce in a B2B Environment and their Implications for Strategy

As e-commerce continues to grow in the B2B industry many companies are tasked with implementing and updating their current working ways to fit the digital era. With an estimated market size value of 6.7 trillion USD in 2020 and a CAGR of 17.5% from 2020 to 2027 (Grand View Research, 2020) there is no denying that B2B e-commerce offers great opportunities to reap the benefits of the growth. However

Banana by-products in Thailand - Exploring its feasibility as bioplastics feedstock for food packaging

This study aims to determine the operational feasibility of utilizing banana cultivation by-products as an alternative raw material in bioplastic production, replacing bio-based feedstock that is otherwise used as food in Thailand. By following the exploratory qualitative research approach, a combination of secondary sources of information together with interviews with the identified stakeholders

Mot en kritisk filosofisociologi - En studie om uppdelningen mellan den analytiska och kontinentala filosofin som uttryck för varans dualitet

The aim of this thesis is twofold: First, the possibilities of constructing a theory of sociology of philosophy by considering Moishe Postones reinterpretation of Marx's critical theory is explored. This critical sociology of philosophy is constructed upon Postones notion that capitalist modernity is constituted by peculiar social relations grounded on the category of the commodity, more speci

A Home Among the Gumtrees - Reimagining suburban Sydney for a hotter future

This thesis started with a desire to delve into the impact that natural disasters have on small communities in an Australian context, how climate change exacerbates their effect, and the role that design can play in mitigating the impact on people and the natural environment. Initial research into bushfires, drought, floods, and heat landed this project in Western Sydney, in an area not far from w

Exploring the Drivers and Moderators of Business Model Innovation: A Case Study of the Dairy Industry

The competitive landscape of the dairy industry is changing. In the western markets, the consumption of some traditional dairy products is declining, while plant-based dairy alternatives are seeing double-digit growth. Several factors have contributed to this change, which act as both drivers and moderators of the business model innovation efforts of dairy incumbent firms. The purpose of this thes

Foreign Direct Investment and Welfare: Is Sub-Saharan Africa Different?

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is often considered to be favorable to long-run economic growth and has in recent years been promoted as a poverty-reducing tool. Although FDI to developing countries has increased rapidly in recent decades, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been unsuccessful in attracting large inflows of FDI. This study assesses the effect FDI has had on poverty and human development i

Varumärkesrelationer & Covid-19

Människor kan utveckla betydande och långvariga relationer till varumärken för att hantera känslomässig ensamhet. Dessa varumärkesrelationer kan liknas vid interpersonella relationer eftersom det uppstår liknande emotionella band mellan parterna. Människor kan även använda varumärken för självuttryck vilket i sin tur kan skapa en tillhörighet till andra människor. Till följd av de förändrade levna

För barnen och klimatet – En studie av barnkonventionen och klimatförändringen i svenska kommuner

Klimatförändringen och barns rättigheter i svenska kommuner Klimatrelaterade katastrofer drabbar främst barn i låginkomstländer men vad innebär klimatförändringen och relaterade utsläpp för barns rättigheter i Sverige? Den här studien ger en bild av vilka klimatrelaterade risker som barn i Sverige kan drabbas av och hur dessa kan relateras till barnets rättigheter enligt barnkonventionen till livChildren’s rights are affected by climate change in numerous ways but few research studies on the subject have been conducted in Swedish municipalities. The objectives of this study have therefore been to assess the impact on children’s rights due to climate change in Sweden and the influence of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on climate policies and measures in Swe

Converting Poultry Feather Waste into Bioplastics using Green Modifying Agents

Biologiskt avfall till bioplast - med gröna processer av Marc Jirström Fjädrar från slaktindustrin utgör ett mycket problematiskt avfall men kan omvand- las till bioplast med hjälp av billiga och gröna kemikalier. Under detta projekt har en helt ny bioplast utvecklats, baserad på mikrofiber från fjädrar i kombination med citronsyra och glycerol - två miljövänliga och billiga reagenser. Plasten ärHandling of problematic waste material, and the use of fossil-based and non-biodegradable plastics are two major sustainability challenges. By developing solutions that convert waste material to bioplastics, it is possible to address both these issues. Every year, large quantities of feathers from the poultry industry are either stored in landfills or disposed of by incineration. The company Bioex

Hardship and the application of CISG- Feasibility analysis of controversial issues

The absence of provisions on hardship under the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) and the general recognition of the principle of hardship in private international law lead to some problems to maintain the legislative purpose of the Convention as the “lingua franca” of international trade. In order to make the application of the Convention not only on the surfa

IFRS 15 - Full eller modifierad retroaktiv tillämpning? En studie om standardens effekter och faktorer bakom företags val av övergångsmetod

Sammanfattning Titel: IFRS 15 - Full eller modifierad retroaktiv tillämpning? En studie om standardens effekter och faktorer bakom företags val av övergångsmetod. Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2021 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Julia Baeza, Vendela Barth och Felicia Sonesson Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Nyckelord: IFRS 15, intäktsredovisningAbstract Title: IFRS 15 - Full or Modified Retrospective Application? A study of the standard’s effects and the factors behind companies’ choice of transition method. Seminar date: June 2nd, 2021 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 University Credits Points (ECTS) Authors: Julia Baeza, Vendela Barth and Felicia Sonesson Advisor: Kristina Artsberg Key wor