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Erkännnandets pedagogik
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Engineer Training in Sweden during the Postwar Period in the Context of Technical and Structural Change
Aerosol Measurements as Applied for Exposure Characterization
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är angeläget att motverka ohälsa. En del av detta kan uppnås genom att minska risker. Syftet med denna avhandling är att ge metoder för karaktärisering av exponering för inhalerbara substanser som kan ge negativa hälsoeffekter. Gaser och luftburna partiklar kan orsaka negativa hälsoeffekter. Andningsorganen är särskilt känsliga och lungorna är en viktig upptagsväg fIt is important to decrease the burden of disease. This is in part achieved by decreasing risks. The aim of this thesis is to provide a methodology for the characterization of aerosol exposure, which may lead to negative health effects. Gases and airborne particles may cause negative health effects and the respiratory system is exceptional sensitive. Isocyanate is one group of substances that are
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Infödda svenska män av ridderskapet och adeln : kring ett tema i Sveriges inre historia under 1500- och 1600-talen
Prevention of Adhesions by PL/PG after Adhesiolysis
Background: Previous studies of differently charged polypeptides, Poly-L-lysine (PL) and Poly-L-Glutamate (PG) have shown promising results, reducing postoperative adhesions. This study aimed to investigate the possible anti adhesion effect of those combined polypeptides, after adhesiolys. The concentration of tPA, PAI-1 and active TGFb1 in biopsies from adhesions, unharmed peritoneum before and a
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Three-Year Survival and Stroke Recurrence Rates in Patients With Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: There are few studies on the prognosis after primary intracerebral hemorrhages, and they reported big differences in mortality rates. Our aim was to evaluate mortality and stroke recurrence rates in relation to hemorrhage characteristics, demographic and clinical factors, in a large unselected patient cohort. METHODS: We analyzed consecutive cases of first-ever primary intr
Gene variance in the nicotinic receptor cluster (CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4) predicts death from cardiopulmonary disease and cancer in smokers.
Genetic variation in the cluster on chromosome 15, encoding the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits (CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4), has shown strong associations with tobacco consumption and an additional risk increase in smoking-related diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), peripheral artery disease and lung cancer.
Clinical spectral characterisation of colonic mucosal lesions using autofluorescence and delta aminolevulinic acid sensitisation
Background and aims-Laser induced fluorescence (LIF) from colonic mucosa was measured in vivo with and without delta aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in an attempt to differentiate between neoplasia and non-neoplasia in real time during colonoscopy. Methods-Spectra from 32 adenomas, 68 normal sites, and 14 hyperplastic polyps in 41 patients were obtained with a point monitoring system. Twenty one of the
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Isomeric Decay Studies in Neutron-rich N~126 Nuclei
Heavy neutron-rich nuclei were populated via relativistic energy fragmentation of a E/A= 1 GeV Pb-208 beam. The nuclei of interest were selected and identified by a fragment separator and then implanted in a passive plastic stopper. Delayed. rays following internal isomeric decays were detected by the RISING array. Experimental information was obtained on a number of nuclei with Z=73-80 (Ta-Hg), p
Språk och stil: tidskrift för svensk språkforskning: tema text
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Violent and nonviolent methods of suicide: different patterns may be found in men and women with severe depression.
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Arrendatorer och professorer : Lunds universitets jordegendomar under 325 år
Hoppar MAN av? : en studie av män som avbrutit socionomutbildningen i Lund
Commutativity and ideals in algebraic crossed products
Cost per case or total cost? The potential of prevention of hand injuries in young children - retrospective and prospective studies.
BACKGROUND: Health-care costs for hand and forearm injuries in young children are poorly documented. We examined costs in 533 children injured years 1996-2003. METHODS: Health-care costs and costs for lost productivity were retrospectively calculated in children from three catchment areas in Sweden. Seven case categories corresponding to alternative prevention strategies were constructed. RESULTS: